TheSHEEEP said:
Okay, lets just say I agree with you on all points... but...
BG NOT A GOOD RPG?... sry, but.. what?!
No, it isn't. I explained that to you.
TheSHEEEP said:
(talking bout BG2 now, since it's the better game)
Then say BG2, not BG. Also, BG2 was slightly better (though not much better).
TheSHEEEP said:
Haven't heard that one in 7 years now...
What's next? Will you say that D&D is not a P&P platform?
No, it's a ruleset.
TheSHEEEP said:
Creating a character out of millions of choices,
Explained how that is rather irrelevant.
TheSHEEEP said:
having a group of 6 characters, which are interacting with each other,
One of the few places Baldur's Gate *2* actually dares show some consequences, although some of the romance stuff was horribly written. It's like they pulled in George Lucas.
TheSHEEEP said:
spells and mystic weapon stuff without end,
Setting, has nothing to do with being an RPG or not.
TheSHEEEP said:
interacting with loads of people,
The amount of interaction matters not, since there are (again) barely any consequences and, very important, very few character-defining choices.
Seriously, you can be a completely lawful paladin but still *join the thieves guild*. What the hell?
TheSHEEEP said:
dialogues over dialogues over dialogues... I could go on with this for ours.
Actually, the amount of dialogue wasn't that impressive when compared to, say, Planescape: Torment and, again, there were no real choices.
TheSHEEEP said:
Of course, there is much fighting.... but thats the funniest part of it, isnt it?...
You mean the suckiest? Real-time with pause, psch.
TheSHEEEP said:
I get the slight impressions that some define RPGs just over the amount of "opportunities to define you character" and "meaningful consequences".... those are onl PARTS of a RPG... not EVERYTHING o.O
Then do explain what the other parts are? Stats certainly aren't (remember, they were only a facility to help define a character, it was still about character definition).
No one can deny that BG has some parts of an RPG in it, but it certainly isn't a full-on RPG.
TheSHEEEP said:
Also... what are you talking about when you say "meaningful consequences".... are you even aware that the small guy you are playing in some games shouldn't even be able to achieve any "meaningful" changes in his world?...
Not the point, and that depends on the setting.
Meaningful consequences are consequences that aren't just 'Hey, your light side meter just went up!'
For instance, noticing that your killing someone means something more to people than 'hey he's gone'. For instance, he could've been the mark of a bunch of thieves, or the leader to a not-so-evil group of 'thugs'. In a good RPG you'll notice that one action often has consequences, some you may not have foreseen, but consequences that actually mean something in the game.