This ghoul has seen it all

CTT Phipps, you are just making shit up at this point.
If only the game would have actually tried to explain it more and better what your deranged father ACTUALLY wanted to do ...GECK - fixes a region of space.
Purifier - fixes entire Capital Wasteland.
At least that's what I think is going. James seemed to be a pretty smart guy and presumably is making it a much bigger deal.
What I especially didn't like, and probably my main criticism of 3, is that is really simplified, condensed, and boiled down all sides and previous factions into nothingness. The Enclave isn't a political holdout of the United States wanting to rebuild it, they're evil cartoon villains. The Brotherhood isn't a technocratic order of folks wanting to preserve and protect technology at the possible expense of others, they're white knights in power armor. The Super Mutants aren't a force of mutated humans who struggle to find their place in a wasteland that doesn't want them, they're Orcs who want to kill everything. The three major powers in D.C. are not just ripped straight from 1 and 2, but they're so heavily streamlined and simplified versions that make so little sense compared to their previous counterparts. I get that Bethesda wanted to play it safe, but there's a difference between playing things safe and cutting content apart because they think players will be too dumb to handle factional politics and think about differing ideologies. No. Instead, we're left with perfect and pristine Brotherhood, constantly evil and maniacal Enclave, and Super Mutant Orcs. The Brotherhood's end goal is to sacrifice all of its men and resources to help a wasteland out at no benefit to themselves. The Enclave's end goal is to sacrifice all of its men and resources to poison a wasteland at no benefit to themselves. They're not characters or factions in 3, they're caricatures of characters and factions, the most absolutely basic concept or summary of each prior faction in the mind of someone who's never played the prior games. They don't act like real people or real factions, they act like overblown and cartoonish caricatures of what real people and real factions are. If Bethesda aimed for satire or parody, that'd possibly be different, but the fact that we, as Fallout fans, are supposed to take everything so seriously, straight-faced, and at face-value is ridiculous.
Excpet they are also never be a part of the main quest, which make their existence both wasted opportunity and meaningless.The Brotherhood's White Knightness has to always be balanced by the fact the Outcasts exist.
"They just don't want to ally with you" is not a valid point in an argument about why they are cartoonish, they exists in fo3 mainly just for the sake of bethesda's laziness or/and lack of creative to make a new villain faction.Also, the Enclave isn't cartoonish, they just don't want to ally with you.
On top of what @a721402 said, the fact that they exist and just being..... there, doesn't mean anything at all. On the contrary, the one who should've been called 'The Outcasts' were Elder Lyons and his followers. The Outcasts as they existed in Fallout 3 by being 'in your face!' was extremely stupid and so cartoonish, it's a fucking joke.The Brotherhood's White Knightness has to always be balanced by the fact the Outcasts exist.
That's not even a valid argument to deny the cartoonish-ness of Fallout 3's Enclave.Also, the Enclave isn't cartoonish, they just don't want to ally with you.
To be fair, the Enclave was more or less just a cartoon-villain in F2 as well. What kinda made it better compared to F3 was simply the fact that F2 was the better role playing game. But when it comes ONLY to the Enclave ... they really didn't had that much more going in my opinion. Except Navarro, that was a cool location.Enclave didn't want to allie with you in fo2 and they had way more depth.
GECK - fixes a region of space.
Purifier - fixes entire Capital Wasteland.
At least that's what I think is going. James seemed to be a pretty smart guy and presumably is making it a much bigger deal.
To be fair, the Enclave was more or less just a cartoon-villain in F2 as well. What kinda made it better compared to F3 was simply the fact that F2 was the better role playing game. But when it comes ONLY to the Enclave ... they really didn't had that much more going in my opinion. Except Navarro, that was a cool location.
they really didn't had that much more going in my opinion
Then we can not say that the Enclave in F2 was so much better compared to F3.
Their introduction is cartoonish and over the top with Frank Horrigan, but there is much more to it,as you discover once you reach Navarro and the oil rig and get acquainted with the population, the officers, the politicians, the militaries, the scientists, the civilians etc....you aren't defeating a gang or an army of evil, but a secluded nation, whom leadership is misguided about the outside world at best.
Fo3 enclave has three characters with speaking lines, reached on very specific sequences, and two of them are nonsensical.
The fact that it was done 'better'
Uhm, you may want to reverse that. The former are Nazis who want to exterminate all but themselves
but the Fallout 3 ones just want to restore the United States
They aren't Nazis.
By exterminating all but themselves, Colonel Autumn being the exception.