Fallout 3: official teaser trailer announced

Okay, I just checked the site and listened the music. I don't know... The concept art is okay-ish: it looks like the Wasteland but I really don't get those transparent tree-thingies...

And the music? I didn't like it at all. Like many people here have already stated, it's not Fallouty. It's too pompous and has somekind of medieval fantasy feel in it. I really love the soundtrack that Mark Morgan did for Fallouts.

In the two first Fallouts, the soundtrack was nostalgic (theme song) and built up the tension. Those ambient tracks created unique atmosphere in the desperate Wasteland, where our lone wanderer tried to save his/her people and suffered greatly.

Well, let us play the Fallout 3 title track, take our Super Sledge Hammer +3 and heroically slay a horde of super mutants.
13pm said:
Just realised what that track reminds me of!

Of tanker movie in FO2 when you start for the Enclave :)
Amen to that !
...but the song on the tanker movie was definitly darker.
in my opinion,the song on the website is a bit too "happy" for a fallout game.
dev said:
but im afraid that we will hear this kind of music EVERYTIME when we attack / will be attacked, like in tactics

or like KotOR where was Jeremy's music too.. his music really fits that kind of games - saviour-of-the-universe/heroically epic, where you you don't need to be scared or misguided or lost, where you always must feel your self a superhero.

But not FO. Only if Bethesda wouldn't put some lightsabers and get you on a mission to save earth from a falling asteroid. But they can. And that is what I am really afraid of.
Apparently, some of you folks never played Jagged Alliance.

The title track is great background music, and I remember very fondly my late night games hearing similar music on JA2.

I'd turn-base on it any-fuckin-day.
Yeah, but Jagged Alliance 2 is tactical squad-based war game, so the pompous music fits in that setting.

Really, I don't get the science-fiction, post-apocalyptic nuclear holocaust feeling from that piece of music.
all i got was a vague feeling of a madmaxish beyond thunder dome canyon. the background scenery is okay, the mountains and clouds look right, but the rest? just dosn't work for me, it looks like decoupage

the music, meh


Fan version of it.

Whilst the nuke in the background is OTT, the brighter colours definately feel more Fallout to me, and the music is a world apart. I think the brighter, sharper, warmer colours take it away from the fantasy setting and toward nuclear heat-death that Fallout was concerned with. Remember, nukes are pretty, as well as devastating - another contrast that Fallout could be said to play with.
Looks like shit.

It rapes the abandoned, dusty, desolate feel the original landscape has.

Music from the original Fallout is a good idea, although you could have used track # 13, "Wasteland/Desert".
Wooz said:
Looks like shit.

It rapes the abandoned, dusty, desolate feel the original landscape has.

Music from the original Fallout is a good idea, although you could have used track # 13, "Wasteland/Desert".

Take your point about the colours on second viewing.
Teaser eh, remember who did that last time in the fallout universe :D

Wonder whats behind this door, oh wait I know..
How i miss the original "scratchy vinyl sound" and its jazzy singer...

...THAT would set the ambiance straight away....the music here is just "too clean"....and - as other mentioned - too fantasy-like....

I'm afraid they did not catch what made Fallout so original and successful...
Re: O_O

Grotesque said:
Beth$ is doing what they know best, hence this grotesque "title track"
RaidSonnet said:
They do best at TES games. This soundtrack sounds like Oblivion with guns.

Jesus will you people ever stop repeating that?

MapMan said:
I really like it SpeaK!!! Good job!

[offtopic]Thanks for listening![/offtopic]
Hmmm does everyone think Bethesda will make Fallout 3 available in console and PC? That original dev from Fallout had it spot on "They create a game for a console, port it over to the PC, and completely ignore the expanded capabilities and assets that a PC has to offer. It cheapens the PC market. Why bother? If you can't do it right then don't do it. "
Angrim said:
Yeah, but Jagged Alliance 2 is tactical squad-based war game, so the pompous music fits in that setting.

Think before you say something about JA2 to a JA2 fan.

1. The pompous music would fit what setting? Yeah, the setting was veeeeeery pompous. Hiring mercs from the internet to kill a dictator in a 3rd world fictional country.

2. How the fuck do you know for sure Fallout 3 won't be a war game?

-Edit- No matter how many times I start Fallout 2 I have the urge to leave the intro, unlike any other game. So I think the optimistic jazz music, that's a obviously ironical, is a great implementation.

But, for this game, we should only expect Terminator style music and humor. So there you have it. I might as well be a space shooter too, it won't have jazz or jokes, as far as I'm concerned.
UFO : extraterrestrials is here and those 32 days until the teaser will go in no time!

Somebody should ask them If Jeremy Soule is the music director and if it is so, this is the best time to start a fucking petition.

there is more and more frustration building up when I see where all this is getting at and soon I will get banned from Beth$ forum.
For anyone interested, Gstaff said yesterday that he would try and find out exactly what "title track" meant. I sent him a PM earlier asking if he had gotten an answer, but he said he hadn't gotten word yet (I think he may have forgotten, heh).

Anyways, a bit later I got another PM from him, and he said that his boss had told him that Beth can't disclose what context it will be used in and blablabla. To bad.
Perhaps they're still just testing the waters, so to speak. Release the epic-y track, check out the reactions, and plan ahead accordingly.