Fallout 3: official teaser trailer announced

hope soo too.
It was partly the reason to open the forums I think - to test the waters.

Some guy on official forums wrote yesterday that there was similar situation with some Shivering Isles stuff:

Eldarion Ciareth said:
I point your attention now to the advertising for TES IV: The Shivering Isles, one thing that should be immediately apparent when viewing the advertising for SI is that it changed drammatically between it's conception and the final product. One example that has particular relevance to this conversation is the music that played during the demo video as well as in the trailer. Two different types of music for two different videos, both were analyzed and picked apart by fans much in the same manner you are doing now and ironically neither piece made it into the finished project.
Well, does anyone know what the music in the Shivering Isles trailers actually were? All music that is in the Shivering Isles expansion is the exact same music from Oblivion.

Perhaps the trailer music for Shivering Isles was just placeholder stuff and not original compositions?
Oh, yeah, BTW, having a countdown to a teaser trailer is amazingly retarded. But, y'know, always have to push that envelope of hype...
Grotesque said:
UFO : extraterrestrials is here and those 32 days until the teaser will go in no time!

Somebody should ask them If Jeremy Soule is the music director and if it is so, this is the best time to start a fucking petition.

there is more and more frustration building up when I see where all this is getting at and soon I will get banned from Beth$ forum.

Relax a bit, too soon to go balistic because of one tune, do you want the FO3 forum to loose the devoted fans of the series because of that? Again please relax a bit ok?
Hellion said:
Perhaps they're still just testing the waters, so to speak. Release the epic-y track, check out the reactions, and plan ahead accordingly.

That's unrealistic at best. Testing the waters and planning ahead according to public reactions has never been part of The Toddler's design philosophy. You're also presupposing that Bethsoft is somehow unsure that the FO community wants the soundtrack of Fallout 3 to resemble the soundtracks of Fallout 1 & 2, and while they are indeed stunningly inept, for that they would have to be literal coma patients.

Refusing to disclose the context of the phrase "title track" is fucking beyond farcical. If someone takes it to mean anything other than "the Fallout community would lynch us if they knew the answer", then I'm left shaking my head in bewilderment and wondering where they were when Le Chuck was pulling the exact same stunt for the exact same reason.
I still think this tune could really work on the title menu. A slow buildup, FALLOUT 3 appears. Wasteland in the background.
Then an intro with jazz music and the Vault Boy starts, you make your character and hop into isometric turn-based goodness with classic Fallout style ambient music.

.... what? I can dream, can't I?
sorry because of this stupid question but where does it say that Jeremy Soule is the guy who composed the music for the fallout.bethsoft.com page ?

because if that is true then i dont like the sound of that ,just take a look what games he has made music for :Harry Potter,Star Wars,Dungeon Siege ...etc.
Jeremy Soul sucks.
I'd suggest
- Pink Floyd"Atom Heart Mother"+Fats Domino
- Kraftwerk "Radioactivity"+Bill Haley&the Comets
- Birth Control "Gamma Ray"+Benny Goodman
- Eric Burdon & War "Sky Pilot"+Satchmo
- Manfred Man's Earth Band "Nightingales and Bombers"+Elvis
Vault 69er said:
I still think this tune could really work on the title menu. A slow buildup, FALLOUT 3 appears. Wasteland in the background.


agree. Its an anticipation and ominous buildup. That's what I hear in this tune, much like the intro to Starfox SNES was. If there was an OST of Van Buren then I'd have something to compare. This FO3 isn't VB and hasn't been billed as such anyways. Thanks for the link 13pm - you Hideous Freak of Nature you - ha...
Smoke Jaguar said:
Think before you say something about JA2 to a JA2 fan.
Eheheh. I am JA2 fan...

1. The pompous music would fit what setting?
The setting of being a war game. Well, pompous is maybe a little blunt word... Let's say epic?

2. How the fuck do you know for sure Fallout 3 won't be a war game?
I sure fucking fuck fuck hope that it won't be fuck one fuck.

You're being silly now.
Brother None said:
Dude, *we* are relaxed, those guys on the BGS forums are way more extremist than us.

*we*? be more specific please

we as everyone on this forum except me? or other extremists from Beth$ forum?

"Kxmode on the Bethesda forums has been working on his own version of the teaser page, now with multiple image and music options"

I fell in love with that alternate teaser page.