Oh boy! Let's play
"what's missing"!
Is it... Any sign whatsoever of Fallout's retro-50's setting?
Ding, ding, ding! You are correct, sir!
Mmm. Not to mention, I also see that Bethesda's crack<s>head</s> team of artists fail to see the importance of staying true to Fallout's basic visual style of wasteland as well. Which should come as no surprise, given Bethsoft world designer Grant Struther's
staggering over-qualifications for the job.
Grant! said:
Personally, I have only played a few hours of the first Fallout and very recently at that
Mmm-hmm. Peteyboy sure wasn't kidding around when he said they were all huge Fallout fans, and boy, they clearly don't get any bigger than Grant Struthers. Although, I will say this to their credit; that FO3 title theme would fit
beautifully into the Earthsiege 2 soundtrack. That's a real bang up job they dun thar, hyuk!!
You know, I wonder who Bethesda thought they were fooling when they included heavy Fallout iconography and 1950's influence in their early teasers. I give their bait-n-switch a gold star for effort, but an F for execution.
And by the way, both the music and the picture are indictive of the direction of Fallout 3 on the whole. Bethesda's update was intended as a tone-setter. For anyone who expects FO3 to have an appreciably stronger resemblence to Fallout than the teaser site currently does, then to put it mildly... The odds aren't in your favour.
To put more bluntly, you're going to be spending alot of time with the Van Buren tech demo while thinking unpleasant thoughts about Todd Howard and Peteyboy.