Fallout 3: Operation Anchorage Unveiled

Wow...It looks just like Fallout ! :)

What the hell is wrong with these guys ?

BloodyPuppy said:
I'm just saying that it's going to be hard to argue the unfalloutish nature of these expansions considering when they take place. I mean sure if they make them Oblivion gates it'll be easy, but otherwise...

The fact that it takes place before the war doesn't excuse the generic futurist design. It looks like Starsiege : Tribes. Nothing retro-futuristic in these screens. The technology seems to be 10 times more advanced than it has ever been in any fallout game...Let alone the atmosphere...


So this will be, like, an in-game game? This takes roleplaying to a whole new level. Imagine letting your WoW character play DnD ingame. You'd have to play the DnD character the way your WoW character would do it.
Yeah it's RPG² !!!!!! For insanely hardcore people !!! Not everybody can handle its awesomeness !!

Seriously, how could they come with...that...and label it as part of the Fallout series ?
It's a bit like the Sims, only better. Instead of watching your Sim play a game on his computer, you can actually play the game.
"Gardiner: Operation: Anchorage focuses mainly on a combat/stealth path".
Are we talking about an RPG or a CoD clone here.

"Gardiner: It's about four or five hours, depending on play style. Plus, it will give you new weaponry and other tools that the player can use through the main game."

How on earth, you can carry things from a simulator into game reality, unless it is a portal,and portals don’t exist in the fallout universe, but only as easter eggs (solar scorcher). Apparently their mindset is still stuck in Oblivion.

"Gardiner: Based on a lot of feedback, we're going to allow the player to continue on after the main quest ends in the Broken Steel DLC. While a lot of details still have to be sorted, this will allow the player to continue on and play in the Wasteland enjoying the side and freeform quests, along with any new downloadable content we have planned in the future".

There goes the sacrifice aspect at the end of the game, the one so fond of Emil was, sacrificed on the profit altar.

And the rape continues….
How on earth, you can carry things from a simulator into game reality, unless it is a portal,and portals don’t exist in the fallout universe, but only as easter eggs (solar scorcher). Apparently their mindset is still stuck in Oblivion.

They'll probably simply put the actual weapons in the same pre-war military base as the simulator.
Buxbaum666 said:
So this will be, like, an in-game game? This takes roleplaying to a whole new level. Imagine letting your WoW character play DnD ingame. You'd have to play the DnD character the way your WoW character would do it.
Buxbaum666 said:
It's a bit like the Sims, only better. Instead of watching your Sim play a game on his computer, you can actually play the game.
Bethesda is a bit to late with this ideas though. Blizzards World of World of Wacraft:
Can it get more immersive?
Yes guys, this is only a joke ...

Ausir said:
How on earth, you can carry things from a simulator into game reality, unless it is a portal,and portals don’t exist in the fallout universe, but only as easter eggs (solar scorcher). Apparently their mindset is still stuck in Oblivion.
They'll probably simply put the actual weapons in the same pre-war military base as the simulator.
And I bet we will still not see any "Fallout 1/2" weapons around this time like the known Fallout 1/2 plasma/lazer/pulse rifles... I think the Tb-51 power armor was probably the only accommodation Bethesda ever did to the Fallout fans.

Here! It has Tb-51 Power armor! How DARE! YOU NOT to call it a TRUE FALLOUT game. You have all that makes Fallout and even much much more
And I bet we will still not see any "Fallout 1/2" weapons around this time like the known Fallout 1/2 plasma/lazer/pulse rifles... I think the Tb-51 power armor was probably the only accommodation Bethesda ever did to the Fallout fans.

Operation: Anchorage has the Gauss Rifle.
And in being Bethesda, they will have no sense of scale, or the mental fortitude to fit the scenario to the limitations of their engine.
Case in point : Anyone else remember in Oblivion (those few that lasted that long pre-mods), when you traveled the entire continent, gathering the armies of an entire empire, just to find out when you arrived at the battlefield that, apparently, the gathered armies of the entire continent, amounted to 9 guys, the Emperor, and you. God that pissed me off to no end. Know how to scale you dimwits! If your engine cant pull off a convincing epic battle between armies of good and evil, DO SOMETHING ELSE. But no, lets shoehorn it in anyway, and hope the players are good at playing pretend.

So look forward to 6 guys in power armor vs 12 Chinese in the thrilling battle for anchorage. Or perhaps several waves of 12 Chinese.

Of all the things they coulda made for the DLC, they make something tardtastic as this. It just blows my mind...
Ausir said:
And I bet we will still not see any "Fallout 1/2" weapons around this time like the known Fallout 1/2 plasma/lazer/pulse rifles... I think the Tb-51 power armor was probably the only accommodation Bethesda ever did to the Fallout fans.

Operation: Anchorage has the Gauss Rifle.
By the way will you again translate here as well in to polish like you did with Fallout 3?
Well, I'm looking forward to it, and at $15, it's cheaper than I thought it'd be too. It's just supposed to be a in-game simulaton within the game anyway.
Eh, 15 dollars for five hours, for a mediocre DLC.

I mean, they spent how many years on the main game, and look at that mediocrity (IMO), so what value is it really going to add?
I have no clue, we'll just have to wait and see to find out. A shame you had to pay for it though, it'd be even nicer if this was free instead...
TamaNeko said:
at $15, it's cheaper than I thought it'd be too.


a) it's not 15 USD, it's 10 USD

b) that's not very cheap. I mean, it's not expensive either, but I'm not impressed

PS: oh yeah, to comment on the DLC: looks stupid, and it's so f'ing typical of Bethesda to once again just do "what's cool" because someone had this retarded idea to do a VR recreation of Anchorage. Seriously, for canon security, Fallout could hardly be in worse hands.
Fallout 3 - jumping the shark. If it weren't already so far removed from being a good RPG I'd care.

No, this game isn't a FPS. :roll: