I'm going to have to agree with most of the opinions posted here, they are taking it too much in the direction of an FPS, while having a combat system that lacks the depth of the original two games.
Personally I enjoyed F3 but for what it was, which wasn't a true Fallout game, if that makes sense.
I just hate how Bethesda supports their games, how they charge for every single add-on they release. I remember for Oblivion to add
armor on the horses you have to pay $1.99 for it.
Brother None I think said it the best all Bethesda has tried to do with either Oblivion and F3 is attempt to add a cool factor so it can appeal to more wide audience while losing a lot of the substance that makes a good RPG. People and developers seem to have forgotten that RPGs weren't about Graphical flair, or having cars that explode into Mushroom clouds (even though it makes little to no sense for to happen in such a small scale) just because it is cool to have. Meanwhile they sacrifice immersion making uninteresting side quests, NPCs that sound dull, hiring big name actors who end up doing an awful voice-overs, and completely missing the point of what makes a Fallout game so good.
As I said before I enjoyed the game, but to do so I had to make myself think I wasn't playing an actual Fallout game, since if I did not do that I would be judging everything I found wrong about the game that is supposed to be a Fallout game. I more or less had to see it as a re-skinned Oblivion with guns, which had Fallout cameos. And seeing this new add-on making no attempt to make it into an actual Fallout game, and the fact that you have to pay for it, has made me lose all faith into hoping that Bethesda will actually make a proper RPG.
I am hoping with the release of the G.E.C.K. editor the community will be able to provide a proper Fallout experience.