Fallout 3 screenshots galore

Briosafreak said:
And the "nerd rage" is a reference to the Fallout "community"?? It's not a reference to Brian Posehn?

Probably both. The "nerd rage" incident (also called "The SuperNerd Wars") was something that happened a few years ago because of a post on the Something Awful gaming forum, and involved SA and Penny Arcade trolls and Beth people against NMA. Nasty business, like mudcrabs.
Wait, what happened?

Anyway, these pic's don't look to bad. The dialogue could be better, but still, I lol'd at "I want your hat? What do you think about that?". I am so going to be a douche-bag to Simms. :D

EDIT: Also, the environments look....pretty good actually. I think they nailed that 50's look with the picket fences and ruined playgrounds. The textures could be higher-res, though.

EDIT2: To those complaining at the faces, this photo shows a fair bit of detail on the faces. I wouldn't worry.
That being said, they could be a hell of a lot better, though.
Characters look so clean and nice, like they brush their teeth everyday, and go to laundry every weekend...

...and the menus and graphic design (like in character creation for example) remind me of Bioshock...

[sarcasm]...I can't wait to buy this awesome game! I'll playing it the whole night!! WILL BE SOOO COOOLLL!!!! PLEAASSEE BETHESDA, RELEASE IT NOW, PLEAASSEEE!!!![/sarcasm]
BowserJesus said:
I thought he was 19, even then, at 17 you're not a child, tbh.
Yeah, right. Believe me when I say that you are in fact a kid until you're in your mid-twenties. It's not because the law states that you *pointless rant* ...

Not that concerned about dialogue anymore, to be honest. It looks like it might be okay.

Environments look okay, but that's forgetting one thing: the environment should - more realistically - already have been turned into a pretty flat landscape with not much more than rubble. The lifespan of abandonned, bombarded houses is definitely less than 200 years. I've seen houses in Ghent that look worse after a mere 50 years of being empty and being neglected.

And I agree with Wooz: where are the friggin' shadows?
alec said:
BowserJesus said:
I thought he was 19, even then, at 17 you're not a child, tbh.
Yeah, right. Believe me when I say that you are in fact a kid until you're in your mid-twenties. It's not because the law states that you *pointless rant* ...
or until you begin to earn for your own living

alec said:
And I agree with Wooz: where are the friggin' shadows?
ha, in FO1/2 :D
i tnink shadows arent next gen, by the look of it, previous games had lots more of these ...
Seymour the spore plant said:
Though most perks so far have been really inane +skill or %damage ones, I have to say I'm curious about those "child at heart" and "scoundrel" there.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that "Scoundrel" gives you more options when talking to criminals.

Is it just my imagination or is this guy's right hand ENORMOUS? Can the camera angle manipulate a picture that much?

Other than that, I have mixed feelings. The bloatfly looks pretty cool and so does the ghoul. Tenpenny and Burke look extremely out of place and the "African-American" guys have a very expressionless touch to them.
Judging from these screenshots only.

Big handed asian guy, the PC and Dad look a lot more natural than everybody else, though. Lacking consistency or just bad pictures?[/i]

Also: will there be any perks that bring along negative consequences?!
Bodybag said:
People were offended by M'aiq? Haha!

I'm pretty sure no one here has reacted as offended by M'aiq, we were just pointing out his existence is petty and childish. And so it is. I don't really care enough about Bethesda's grudge against their own fans to be offended, tho'.

At least, not as offended as I am by them calling African-American a "racial" selection. That's pretty offensive.

Stiched said:
Wait, what happened?

It must be the first game I've seen that had oficial screenshots and gameplay shown at interviews showing the game worse than some random screenshots taken from gameplay.

Looks like Fallout 3 will be a bit better game than I've expected but still not a good Fallout game.
I haven't read any of the replies yet, so forgive me if this was already posted, but Lucky Harith looks damn identical to some characters you see in Oblivion.
Southpaws said:
Yes, but traits are now perks, too... so my question still stands.
No, it doesn't.
If traits are now perks and I said that perks have no negative consequences, your question was already answered. :P

Nerd Rage! :aiee:
Looking awesome thanks for the link and screenshots. I reckon there ain't any shadows due to the graphical options set lower. And the pictures in the first post are from the xbox, the PC game would look better visually (I think).
Looks like you can start boosting your SPECIAL-attributes at level 2. Also, AP seems to be the new magicka.

Totally not Oblivion at all, obviously.
Public said:
[sarcasm]...I can't wait to buy this awesome game! I'll playing it the whole night!! WILL BE SOOO COOOLLL!!!! PLEAASSEE BETHESDA, RELEASE IT NOW, PLEAASSEEE!!!![/sarcasm]

k, bai.
Stop spamming, people. If you don't have anything to say, have a warm cup.