Fallout 3 screenshots galore

Noticed a few more things from those screenshots. Apparently, regular jet is in, just as BB gun ammo and so possibly the Red Ryder. Intense Training seems to have 10 ranks, which seems absurdly excessive, even more so when coupled to the bobbleheads. Tag! makes a comeback, though the wording is a bit off and might suggest tag skills working differently now. There's a Robotics Expert perk as well, and it looks like Luck influences all skills.

Bodybag said:
People were offended by M'aiq? Haha!

If I were a TES fan, you bet I would be deeply offended in being called an idiot by a bunch of shit developers who can't take criticism, however valid, and choose to mock instead of learning anything from it. As it stands, it just amazes me they still have any fans whatsoever.
Jim Cojones said:
This picture's title (Tesla, inventor of the glowing pearl) is an unnecessary irony. The "glowing pearl" is actually supposed to be a ball lightning. It is a reference to one of thousands rumours about the famous scientist. It has it that at a party in Tesla's house he not only showed to all guests a ball lightning but also took it in hands and cut it in half.

I fail at Tesla lore! Thanks for pointing it out. I just swapped out the pics for perspective- and colour-corrected versions, and gave the Tesla pic a different title in the process.

Seymour the spore plant said:
Noticed a few more things from those screenshots. Apparently, regular jet is in, just as BB gun ammo and so possibly the Red Ryder. Intense Training seems to have 10 ranks, which seems absurdly excessive, even more so when coupled to the bobbleheads. Tag! makes a comeback, though the wording is off and suggests tag skills might work differently and render it just another +skill perk.

We knew Jet is in from the OFLC reports. We knew BB ammo is in because you get a BB Gun while still in the Vault. Intense Training is like Gain X without restrictions where to put it - you can raise any stat to whatever, but it will cost you a corresponding number of perks. (Of course, you get more perks, so this is basically three times as powerful as before, unlike the skill perks which have been adjusted. Not that most Gain X perks were really useful originally.) And finally the Tag description doesn't really suggest the skill won't start functioning as a normal tag skill. The base bonus is different from before, but they might just have rescaled the whole thing in order to balance it within the level limit or something.
The new screenshots show a bit more promise to this game, even though I think the dialog is pretty threadbare, I still hope they get a few of the remaining key elements right. I'm still not hopeful in the least and I certainly wouldn't be so daft as to say that I don't think this is just a reskinning and reworking of Oblivion. It very obviously shares a lot in common with Oblivion and I wouldn't be surprised if they used old character animations, textures, sounds, etc. from it.

Seymour the spore plant said:
Bodybag said:
People were offended by M'aiq? Haha!

If I were a TES fan, you bet I would be deeply offended in being called an idiot by a bunch of shit developers who can't take criticism, however valid, and choose to mock instead of learning anything from it. As it stands, it just amazes me they still have any fans whatsoever.

It seems like something Todd Howard would approve of though. In my opinion, he always comes off as a bit arrogant in interviews and it always seems as if his justification for making the majority of his bone-headed design decisions is usually something to the effect of "I'm in charge, it was my decision, and you wouldn't understand why we did it anyway".

That fan interview (#2, I believe) was so indicative of Todd's philosophy on game design and his personality.

Hell, I was a fan of Morrowind even though it was a bit dumbed-down compared to Daggerfall, but Oblivion was just a pathetic RPG and a mediocre game at best. It was an insult that it was called an Elder Scroll sequel.
generalissimofurioso said:
B-b-b-b-but an actor can play a building right?

I was the mansion in my middle school production of Annie so I know that it's possible!

Southpaws said:
Is it just my imagination or is this guy's right hand ENORMOUS? Can the camera angle manipulate a picture that much?

That caught my eye, as well... Mutation caused by radiation, perhaps?

Seymour the spore plant said:
Intense Training seems to have 10 ranks, which seems absurdly excessive, even more so when coupled to the bobbleheads.

Might be balanced, but it still looks ridiculously high :?

All in all, much better screenshots than the official ones (ironically), but not enough to give me much hope :(
Still, some half-decent dialogue :)
Looks like we are going to need another huge 2gig texture mod to make this game look decent. I just hope Bethesda puts a detailed 1024x1024 texture pack, instead of making us wait many months for an enthused modder to do the job for them.
According to some journalists, the PC version looks better so we might not need that texture mod ( even though I wouldn't hold my breath ). However, I don't know how much better it could look when I see that balcony scene. The landscape down there looks just as fuxxxored as Oblivion's low res textures did...Three years and they still didn't learn.
alec said:
Southpaws said:
Yes, but traits are now perks, too... so my question still stands.
No, it doesn't.
If traits are now perks and I said that perks have no negative consequences, your question was already answered. :P

Nerd Rage! :aiee:

I hate that they did this. It doesn't make any sense to me.

One of my favorite F1/F2 traits was "bruiser." Will the bruiser trait now be available as a perk? If so, how does it make sense for someone to "become" a bruiser? Seems more like something you should be "born" with.

Even though many consider it cheating, I also enjoyed using the "gifted" trait now and then. Will this be available as a perk? If so, it seems to me that you have the same problem. How does one "become" gifted?

Unless I'm wrong here (and let me know if I am) aren't there further problems, in that the selection of those traits/perks (if they are in the game) will now be removed from the allocation of your SPECIAL points? When I want to play a game of F1/F2 as a "gifted bruiser," I plan the allocation of my SPECIAL points around the impact of those traits. If those things are in F3, I won't be able to do that, because their selection will come long after my SPECIAL numbers are set.

I don't like this. AT ALL. I want my TRAITS back.
Dougly said:
One of my favorite F1/F2 traits was "bruiser." Will the bruiser trait now be available as a perk? If so, how does it make sense for someone to "become" a bruiser? Seems more like something you should be "born" with.

Yeah. It has been discussed before. It does not make any sense but Todd simply said in the fan interview that in the end, the Bethsoft team agreed that "it was not "phunnier" if you could choose some of the perks ( i.e : traits ) during the creation of your character". Therefore, traits are now perks because it's phunnier that way. Oh, and dumber also :roll:

I have a hard decision to make about whether or not to buy this.

Parts of this game look like they could be fun for me. Really, they do.

Every time I see something that looks fun, though, I think about shit like the hacking mini-games, the real time with pause combat, and now, the god awful decision to kill off traits.

The sad thing is: Were this game not F3, I'd probably be planning on buying it for sure. Maybe even looking forward to its release.

It is F3, though. And I have very specific things in mind that I like/want in a Fallout game. And Bethesda seems to have made the decision to ditch some of the things I like the most.
To Dougly,

If bruiser and gifted make their way into F3, two things will probably happen to them.

1. They will be renamed (atleast gifted will be) to titles that make sense as a 'perk.'
2. Any negative side effects will be stripped.
Well I like most the screenies. I hope some of the dialog is a little better then some of this stuff.
ookami said:
He was in Morrowind as well, and both appearances are basically used as a dismissal of the previous fanbase.

So odds are we'll see a Liar Mike standing somewhere in Fo3 going, "Some people think you should be able to see the world from above. Mike thinks they are morans! Mike wants to be down in the streets for real."
Anani Masu said:
I think making any sort of fine detail judgements based off a poorly angled cellphone camera's(or whatever small concealable camera was used) shots of a projection screen would be a bit hasty.

Totally agree there mate, i think the game all in all looks quite like a expected it to. Nothing ground breaking but nothing nasty or that would "make me wanna puke" like another guy said. (which is probably a tad too far, infact very very far. Quite silly really)

Considering how Oblivion looked and how morrowind looked i dont mind this, its better than both of them. However, i dont care much for pretty graphics for me they are a bonus.

I can still play xenogears or FFVII through to X so i dont mind bad or decent graphics.
The dialog is not that bad to be honest... The screens look more promising than the E3 captures.

But what happened to the HUD? Why is it blue now? And besides, it doesn't look very... professional.
Per said:
ookami said:
He was in Morrowind as well, and both appearances are basically used as a dismissal of the previous fanbase.

So odds are we'll see a Liar Mike standing somewhere in Fo3 going, "Some people think you should be able to see the world from above. Mike thinks they are morans! Mike wants to be down in the streets for real."

I would actually think that is really funny. In many ways they are poking fun at themselves when they made those characters. So some people will be sensitive and "hurt" by them, well the worlds a tough place and the last thing you should be worked up about is a "game". I know I know.. look where I am posting this, but seriously it's a joke. Not even an particularly mean one. It's a character that pokes fun at features or design decisions they either choose not to impliment or didn't have time to impliment.
HummaKavula said:
The dialog is not that bad to be honest... The screens look more promising than the E3 captures.

But what happened to the HUD? Why is it blue now? And besides, it doesn't look very... professional.

you can choose color on the HUD yourself.
MrBumble said:
Dougly said:
One of my favorite F1/F2 traits was "bruiser." Will the bruiser trait now be available as a perk? If so, how does it make sense for someone to "become" a bruiser? Seems more like something you should be "born" with.

Yeah. It has been discussed before. It does not make any sense but Todd simply said in the fan interview that in the end, the Bethsoft team agreed that "it was not "phunnier" if you could choose some of the perks ( i.e : traits ) during the creation of your character". Therefore, traits are now perks because it's phunnier that way. Oh, and dumber also :roll:
Actually what Todd said was that they wanted to allow players to get traits later in the game because it didn't make sense to them that the player couldn't. Todd also said that they were so similar that when they had the "design a perk" contest they had a lot of traits, so I guess they figured that since the people who submitted entries to the contest didn't know and they, as developers, didn't know, it wouldn't matter. Here's the Toddster's quote:
17) How much can you tell us about the stats, skills, traits and perks featured in the game? And what skills/perks were carried over and which were dropped from previous Fallout games? And why choose the ones you did carry over and why did you not choose the ones that were dropped?

Big question, and I can't discuss all the specific stats yet. I do know the skill list is coming out in a few weeks, perhaps by the time you read this. Perks will not be until much later, as we're still doing some final tweaks on them. I think when you see the skill list, the choices will be obvious, and they're the ones most of you would agree with.

Ok, time for some, perhaps, bad news. Traits have been rolled into Perks. That was a hard decision for us, and one that took, literally, years. We kept coming back to it, and re-discussing it, and once we were playing the game, found that the difference between the two systems was so similar that even half the entries in the community "design a perk" contest were actually traits. Take "Bloody Mess" for example, probably the most famous trait. Is the game really more fun if that can only be taken at the very start? Why can't you pick it at level 6? What's so important about having it only at the start? The perk choice is probably one of the most fun parts of the game, and to relegate certain ones to only be chosen when you first start, before you've even played the game and know how any of it feels, just didn't prove as fun to us. How do you know you want Bloody Mess if you haven't seen how bloody the current mess is? (did I just type that?) Anyway, trust me when I say this one was a debate, a long one, and a decision we're not naive enough to think will be understood or applauded by everyone.

Anyway, many traits from Fallout return, but as perks. And many perks return, as perks. Another change over the last year is that you now pick a perk every time you level, and the perks have been balanced accordingly. Like I said before, we found the level-up-pick-a-perk experience to be so enjoyable, it was actually confusing people why they couldn't do it every level. Perks also still have prerequisites for certain stats, including your level. New perks open up at even levels, so while you still get to pick a perk at the odd levels, you won't see any new ones based on your level, but may see a new one based on say, your Science skill.

The good news is that there are a ton of perks, around 100 if you include the multiple ranks. And with a level cap of 20, you still have only 19 times you get to pick one, so you need at least 5 playthroughs of the game to use them all. It was important to us with all of this, that the choices were hard for the player, no matter what the skills/traits/perks were, and that you couldn't see it all the first time through.
Todd Howard said:
once we were playing the game, found that the difference between the two systems was so similar that even half the entries in the community "design a perk" contest were actually traits.

Note how this sentence does not actually make any sense, whatsoever.

But yes, fun triumphs over sensible design once again.
Todd Awkward said:
The good news is that there are a ton of perks, around 100 if you include the multiple ranks. And with a level cap of 20, you still have only 19 times you get to pick one, so you need at least 5 playthroughs of the game to use them all.

Seeing that Intense Training alone already has 10 ranks, this could theoretically mean there are only 10 "real" perks with each 10 ranks in the game, yes?
I'm not saying this is the case, but it's confusing me. For instance, I never really regarded the "More Criticals" perk to consist of three seperate perks, you know (or whatever the amount of ranks was in FO2)? In a way they are, but in another way they aren't, IMO.

I would just like things to be a little more ... clear whenever Todd opens his mouth.