Fallout 3 Trailer

Ausir said:
xulm said:
While the music was not that bad at all, but the Power Armor sucks for me. In motion it sure looks better, but... It's a huge dissapointment for me, after seeing all that beautiful stuff and hearing the Ink Spots and Ron Perlman. I'm pretty sure that it'll be explained somehow - the differences are in commonly well known and remembered places like shoulder pads and the visor, there aint no possibility that they didnt knew how it looked like.

But it may be the van buren one, though.

Yeah, it might be the T-45d version instead of the better known T-51b:


My thoughts exactly. It certainly looks like it's a pre T-51b model. The shoulder pads, the box on the chest, ... it all spells 'less mobility' to me. It's certainly not as streamlined as the T-51b armour.
It was alright...

As long as there is a 3rd person option and the SPECIAL system is intact I think I will be happy with the game.
THAT was Fallouty. Still no info on the actual game, but that at least got the atmosphere right.
Finally got to see it, then dig through this entire post... Phew :p

Opinions seem divided, to say the least. I am happy to see some new Fallout material after some 10y of silence - maybe that's optimistic, but waiting for something completely new beats waiting for a (good, big) mod for F1/2, right?

This vid wil undergo some intensive studying tonight :)

I'd just say: Clear your mind. Perhaps the reactions you're now having is what Beth had in mind.
The story could have gone everywhere. For all we know, this could be the T51b armour that's fixed up by the doc at the Hubologists - that featured some extra armour plating too, if I recall it right?

Following this line of thinking, we could be looking at ourselves: the Chosen One, ridding the word of evil. Remember, F2 starts with a video sequence of the Vault Dweller - to continue the canon.

He may be dwelling remnants of some city, unable to live with his (simple and unexperienced) rescued brethren...
I liked it...a lot! The overall feel was suitable and the power armor was cool. I cant understand why some people must find something wrong with it. So the PA wasnt a duplicate from F1/2...big deal. It was still Power Armor 8)

Perhaps some elements were not necessary...like the vault boy in the coach, but still it was ok.

Could have been much worse. Cant believe I`m actually looking forward to this!
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pnutz said:
The most important being




"The Developers Behind Oblivion Reinvent The Role-Playing Classic"

Nice. Whatever hope the trailer might have brought to some, these two things should get them back to reality.

And the order on which the platforms are printed on the cover. PS3, XBOX360, PC.
Not that it would necessarily say something, just putting it out there...
LooZ^ said:
To all the people talking about the graphics, Fall 2008 release means that the graphics are far from polished right now, they will get a lot better and this will not be isometric, no way.

Polished? Yes.
Changed? No.

It's too far in production to make thinks like this. Look on Oblivion. It's have a "better" models.

Well it doesn't look so bad that the graphics need to be changed, the buildings and the rubble look pretty good. The graphics are the last thing to be done and they have the whole year to polish them.

This video does not hold up well to repeated viewings.

I kinda agree. Although I'm not sure why you have a problem with a skateboard and I don't see Nuka cola in the bottle (it could be sand), I do like it less after the excitement wore off. I still think it's a solid trailer but it's just too safe and simple. It's something that I see and think "that's what I'd probably make, given more time I could do better" kinda thing. I noticed it with Bethesda stuff. Even the good parts of Oblivion and Shivering Isles gave me that feeling. I think they might be inspired and ambitious people who mean well but not nearly as talanted or capable as some others like Black Isle of course. BI stuff would surprise you and go into directions you are not expecting, not Beth. The trailer has that Bethesda vibe about it.

That BOS guy looks dumb now too, although I do like his armor cause it looks raw and homemade his pose and slow turn is just so cheesy. I do realise that the purpose was to tease and if you're excited about seeing a BOS guy then yeah you might think it's cool but I think it's cheesy. The trailer is good though, overall I liked it.
Still, it could be a lot worse
Mr. Teatime said:
The good: they're going for the 50s theme. That's one step above FOBOS, and a good sign. Looks 50s post apocalyptic. I like.

Bad? Well, its hard to say, but I'm not too keen on the evil looking BOS guy and the epic music. The BOS were a secretive, small organisation, and misunderstood by poor FO games where they were turned into paladin uber armourz. I hope - hope - the game's not marketed on big badass warriors like the brotherhood.

But overall - pretty good. It's looking much better than FOBOS, and that's a fine start. If they can get the dialogue and multiple paths - which will be completely new ground for Bethsoft - I'll be very pleased.

My soiled underwear looks better than FOPOS.

Started off good and Fallouty, but soon as the camera pulled out of the bus and started with the Oblivion music it lost me, even with the power-armor guy. In fact, the power armor looked like shit, imo, almost an anime influence with the shoulders. I hope it’s not indicative of the rest of the game. Overall, meh.
I really liked the first part. The guy in armor just looked odd, like he was wearing a Metal Gorilla suit. Please tell me I'm not the only one who saw the Gorilla in that.
Puuk said:
Started off good and Fallouty, but soon as the camera pulled out of the bus and started with the Oblivion music it lost me, even with the power-armor guy. In fact, the power armor looked like shit, imo, almost an anime influence with the shoulders. I hope it’s not indicative of the rest of the game. Overall, meh.

I definitely disagree here. I don't see any anime influence in the shoulder pads. Kind of the opposite, really, considering that most anime is a lot more sleek than that and, if anything, they've taken some sleekness out of the Power.

But, I actually thought the pull back was great. You see buildings close up, like we hadn't seen before in the bethsoft concept art and it even shows the remnants of Art Deco buildings, with statues and lots of good stuff.

It doesn't say anything about how the game will play and I can understand if it doesn't calm people's skepticism about that, but the trailer itself is every bit as good as anything that would be in the original Fallouts.
finally saw it .. it was ok ... would have liked to see more irony and useless optimism :) like in the fallout2 intro ... but i realise its just a trailer .. so i guess its ok .. graphics seem ok but suggest firstperson so far :( ...

i like the armour .. its klunky and menacing .. has weight ... like a tank :)

THE 1 thing i did not like was the end the writing and sound .. again overbearing over drama - would have better worked with oblivion written instead of fallout ... imho it would have been far better and more subtle for a lighter note .. like a cheesy happy sound :P ... i dunno thats j ust me i guess
Actually I like the look of the PowerArmour.

Hmm I don't know if I like the switching from brown to blue.

I get the impression that they switch from "Italo Western" to "Film Noir"
I liked most of the vid! Only problems the date and still having no clear answer about FPS or not.

I really like to have BoS in the game. Maybe its the "new" BoS from Tactics that reached the east coast.

Kudos for all the guys that managed to spot the details that I initialy missed like the BoS sign...should have got the HD :P
Ok after viewing it 10 times or so (:P) and having changed my mind about as many times, I have come to a final conclusion.

IF this is the final graph engine, it won't be FP. The textures in the bus are very simple for a FP, especially comparing with Oblivion. I know I'm thinking too far but I believe it's a fair argument.

Oh and by the way may I add that IF a RPG is NOT FP and is going to be on consoles as well, it is easier for it to be TB than anything else? I mean with a pad you can take your time to do stuff between turns, whereas in a real-time with pauses engine you're gonna make a mess with a pad. Again I'm speculating very far away, but hell I like doing that :P

*I've got to refresh my English, sorry people :(
That's not a skateboard. It's barely larger than the liquor bottle. It's an old rollerskate.