Ausir said:xulm said:While the music was not that bad at all, but the Power Armor sucks for me. In motion it sure looks better, but... It's a huge dissapointment for me, after seeing all that beautiful stuff and hearing the Ink Spots and Ron Perlman. I'm pretty sure that it'll be explained somehow - the differences are in commonly well known and remembered places like shoulder pads and the visor, there aint no possibility that they didnt knew how it looked like.
But it may be the van buren one, though.
Yeah, it might be the T-45d version instead of the better known T-51b:
My thoughts exactly. It certainly looks like it's a pre T-51b model. The shoulder pads, the box on the chest, ... it all spells 'less mobility' to me. It's certainly not as streamlined as the T-51b armour.