First time out of the vault

Internet's incredible, isn't it? Two people can post at the exact same time. Take ours, for example, "Today, 08:49 PM." Incredible.I mentioned why in the post above this one.
Regardless, I get that. Hell, I was like you, had the same opinion.
Introduced to Fallout by 3. New Vegas interested me a lot less, namely for the "desert, desert, desert" thing.
But where we differ is my going through and playing 1 and 2. 1 and 2 is similar to Mojave, large streams of nothing and then coming up to settlements. That's the West Coast for you. Aside from certain areas like Boneyard and San Fransisco, that's the way it is.
You're right, DC does feel more post-apocalyptic, but it's also 200 years AFTER the bombs went off, it should be fixed up by now. Especially when everyone, not including Lone Wanderer, seems to be a scientist. If this was like twenty years i'd be more lenient.
Also, Mojave vs DC, you know what's different about the two? Mojave is sand and nothing to do, and DC is smashed up buildings with nothing to do.