Fallout 4 announced with official trailer

I'm not saying that the Capital Wasteland couldn't have been more filled, but I just hate deserts in general, you can't do anything imaginative with them, they are just boring deserts that go on forever with nothing in sight until you (in the case of FO:NV) reach a settlement or a landmark, the Capital Wasteland felt more genuinely post-apocalyptic and had an overall creepier and better athmosphere with the ruins of DC and the surrounding Virginian and Maryland countryside providing backdrop to the dense urban environment of DC; you can do more with that then endless desert.

...what? Fallout isn't about post-apocalypse, it's more of a post-post apocalypse. The entire war is gone and over, it's been over 200 years of complete silence and rebuilding, things are coming back to normal, but it'll never really be the same ever again. That's what Fallout is :L none of this "Omegerd collapsed buildinz hurr hurr muh immershun".

Also, lol @ the desert comment. You can make a lot of interesting things with a desert environment, it's just Bethesda gets a knee-jerk reaction whenever 'imagination' comes into the field and tighten Obsidian's leash. Nightstalkers? How about giant, burrowing sand-worms, or giant, fast mutant road runners that'll knock you off your feet and peck your skull apart in seconds. An Oasis that's actually a deathtrap, holding some powerful beast out in the wastes. In terms of creatures, you can go a far bit into the creativity. It's just a shame we didn't get giant rattlesnakes in dens, ambushing the player or NPCs and gobbling them up.

side note: I love how when I spot an obvious troll on Bethesda's forums and call them out, I get a warning. GG Beth.
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Has any else noticed the poster of a list (blurry) of perks in the background of the garage behind the power armor to the right ?
The F3 world was often a theme-park confection of distinctive and separate archetypical locations, interspersed with generic resource caches. The most distinctive places often had little good reason to exist, a poor connection to their immediate surroundings, and no real means of supporting their existence. That is a problem in an open world, and if you're not being carried along by the writing or at least by some satisfying interaction with the landscape as you travel, it can become very noticeable. Skyrim gets away with a lot, simply because the world is fairly lush and it feels as though that vibrancy could support life. The Capital Wasteland is a dead place, and there aren't even enough unbelievably fresh apples to support a small fraction of the sparse population.<br /><br />The problems were much more apparent to me as I revisited places - I take a slow, completist approach to games, and something that perhaps just seemed unsubtle on first visit, quickly became jarringly annoying on second or third visit.
I agree with your sentiment. I take the same approach to games, the highlighted part is of the main reason I couldn't get invested\immersed in FO3 and I found FO:NV quest structure (and more familiar setting) far more enjoyable. <br /><br />However, open world games aren't intended to, nor should try to realistically portray real life, they should provides appropriate context for the player experience and interactions with the game world to maintain a suspense of disbelief. Its when you loose that sense that the illusion of a wider world dissipates and people start nitpicking about unrealistic infrastructure nonsense.(been there done that)<br /><br />Personally, it has been a while since I enjoyed any open-world game (I don't know if its lack of time or the ever growing sense of been there done that ), but it is important to understand that our preference isn't a fact... Like it or not, FO3 was generally better received, with many stating that its world provided a better sense of exploration...
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Fallout 4? Geez, can't wait to play it!



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New here, not to fallout but to nma. I for one am excited. Even a sub-par fallout installment is so much better than most everything on the market. It's cool reading all passionate comments. Cheers guys.
I have to agree. 3 May be one of the worst Fallout games, but as an open world FPS, that even has a few stupid little binary choices thrown in? It really shines. I'm hoping for a genuine RPG, but if we get another exploration FPS with cool set pieces, bad writing (except for the stories we find in ruins), a large world and fun binary choices, then OK. Here's hoping they let someone do a spinoff game if that's the case.
That doesn't mean the bombs recently went off. Do you see any of the damage left behind from The Civil War? You don't, because in the time that's passed, people have rebuilt.
Fallout Experts/Fans

SL1CEND1CE360 8 hours ago
ATTENTION: If you don't know anything about Fallout and haven't played the previous games then 1.) You're missing out. And 2.) I would recommend at least playing Fallout 3 or learn what Fallout is about.

BLU Engineer 21 hours ago
If that Tree guy isn't in this I'm locking this in an oven and turning it on it's highest

Zach McCray 1 day ago
Who else started a new character on fallout 3 after watching this?!? Lol i fucking love these games I'm still playing and finding new things on Skyrim! I hope they never stop pumping out Fallout and Elder Scroll games

2sportshooter 1 day ago
Do you have to know the full storyline to play and understand the game?

Well, It would help to play three, its story is why all the water is purified and why the brotherhood of steel are in vertebrae. So yes and no.

MMA Fenatic 18 hours ago
Holymotheroffuckingfuckohmyfuckinggodinmyfuckingdick fallout 4

Unless Bethesda suddenly does something stupid you have nothing to worry about. At worst all we'll see is the hilarious glitches Bethesda games are known for

EL Loco 10 hours ago
Is their going to be super mutants in fallout 4 unlike New vegas

Elias Adams 32 minutes ago
This game looks so tits! I cant wait to steal dead peoples clothes and blow off their body parts!

Callum Hoy 27 minutes ago
Hoping there's a huge plot twist and you actually play as the dog

MrLars061 41 minutes ago
So I am a dog in this game

ACupOfKerba 6 hours ago
i just came... i just creamed myself... fallout 3 one of my favorite games... it was the first game i lost life to... i am pre-ordering this and i am going to quiver on its arrival...

Trey Terrell 4 hours ago
I've watched this trailer about 30 times in a week. I believe this will be the best Fallout yet. SO FUCKING PUMPED!!!

silverdy357 6 hours ago
I hope theres some horse armor DLC for that dog

Jordan Cole 8 hours ago
I swear to god if that dog dies I'm not buying the game!
I love how everyone's already like "this isn't anything like Fallout!" and "this sucks!" and you haven't even seen any gameplay or anything outside the trailer. But let's be honest though, you probably wouldn't have considered any of that information anyway. Haters gonna hate. I think it looks awesome. The world seems much more varied and alive than 3.
Haha, not sure what you were expecting, Korin. It's "Fallout 3 again!" For fans of Fallout 3, that's awesome, but you're on No Mutants Allowed.

All you've got is a trailer though. Everything else is just speculation. You don't have anything to base it on being "Fallout 3 again", other than it's... first-person? You start in a vault and get a dog? Maybe wait to see what the actual gameplay and quests/dialogue are like and then we'll really know whether they took a lesson from Obsidian. I think people forget how cartoon-y F1/F2 were sometimes. Rose-coloured glasses and all that.

So then what was all that about the world being more alive? WHAT ARE YOU BASING YOUR OPINIONS ON MISTER
The fact that we could clearly see vibrant towns and advanced civilization?

That says nothing of how ALIVE the world will feel. Skyrim has plenty of castles and cities and they still feel populated by quest dispensing robots.
News flash: post post apocalyptic is post apocalyptic

No it's not, there's a huge difference and it makes me shocked that you think Post-post apocalyptic means...Post...wut? Post-Apocalypse means you're in the time period where shit hits the fan and just surviving in the deadly world, I'd say the moment the nukes went off to 20-30 years is considered Post Apocalypse, 30 years stretching it. However, in NV and FO3, you're taking place OVER 200 years into the future. The scars are healing and frankly, the dangers of radiation have subsided, and people have rebuilt enough to create new nations and are thriving in the new setting. This is post-post apocalypse.
To be fair, in F1 you could walk up to a random guy in Hub and say "You smell like a brahmin but I don't think you're as smart"
Fallout Experts/Fans

SL1CEND1CE360 8 hours ago
ATTENTION: If you don't know anything about Fallout and haven't played the previous games then 1.) You're missing out. And 2.) I would recommend at least playing Fallout 3 or learn what Fallout is about.

BLU Engineer 21 hours ago
If that Tree guy isn't in this I'm locking this in an oven and turning it on it's highest

Zach McCray 1 day ago
Who else started a new character on fallout 3 after watching this?!? Lol i fucking love these games I'm still playing and finding new things on Skyrim! I hope they never stop pumping out Fallout and Elder Scroll games

2sportshooter 1 day ago
Do you have to know the full storyline to play and understand the game?

Well, It would help to play three, its story is why all the water is purified and why the brotherhood of steel are in vertebrae. So yes and no.

MMA Fenatic 18 hours ago
Holymotheroffuckingfuckohmyfuckinggodinmyfuckingdick fallout 4

Unless Bethesda suddenly does something stupid you have nothing to worry about. At worst all we'll see is the hilarious glitches Bethesda games are known for

EL Loco 10 hours ago
Is their going to be super mutants in fallout 4 unlike New vegas

Elias Adams 32 minutes ago
This game looks so tits! I cant wait to steal dead peoples clothes and blow off their body parts!

Callum Hoy 27 minutes ago
Hoping there's a huge plot twist and you actually play as the dog

MrLars061 41 minutes ago
So I am a dog in this game

ACupOfKerba 6 hours ago
i just came... i just creamed myself... fallout 3 one of my favorite games... it was the first game i lost life to... i am pre-ordering this and i am going to quiver on its arrival...

Trey Terrell 4 hours ago
I've watched this trailer about 30 times in a week. I believe this will be the best Fallout yet. SO FUCKING PUMPED!!!

silverdy357 6 hours ago
I hope theres some horse armor DLC for that dog

Jordan Cole 8 hours ago
I swear to god if that dog dies I'm not buying the game!

this made me so sad

To be fair, in F1 you could walk up to a random guy in Hub and say "You smell like a brahmin but I don't think you're as smart"

This is a pretty big negative for the first two games for me. There were a lot of dialogue options that would just result in combat -- which would then result in the entire town turning on you. Kind of pointless.
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News flash: post post apocalyptic is post apocalyptic

No it's not, there's a huge difference and it makes me shocked that you think Post-post apocalyptic means...Post...wut? Post-Apocalypse means you're in the time period where shit hits the fan and just surviving in the deadly world, I'd say the moment the nukes went off to 20-30 years is considered Post Apocalypse, 30 years stretching it. However, in NV and FO3, you're taking place OVER 200 years into the future. The scars are healing and frankly, the dangers of radiation have subsided, and people have rebuilt enough to create new nations and are thriving in the new setting. This is post-post apocalypse.

This is just shit you're pulling out of your ass that has no basis in fiction precedent, and no relevance to anything anywhere.
To be fair, in F1 you could walk up to a random guy in Hub and say "You smell like a brahmin but I don't think you're as smart"

Random? Wasn't it Dan the Brahmin Man? I remember that conversation was pretty funny. :p