This ghoul has seen it all

It's a matter of presentation.... Also forum rules.
What if I want my Courier to hate NCR? Why would they work for them?
I'm thinking they will use more of a kotor/dragon age leveling system that focuses on bumping up your individual stats past 10 and having the player pick a feat or in this case a perk and those perks will be more varied than before while being set up in a perk chart UI and you'll probably get to chose multiple perks in one level up. I'm okay with this the more I think about it, I was very against it when I first heard about it but relating it to bioware games makes me feel better about this as long as they do it right. Changing up the leveling system from the past 4 games isn't a bad thing imo. As long as it doesn't lose complexity in the process, I'm fine with this. Though I wish they just showed the leveling system during the presentation so we didn't have to speculate about it, instead they showed us base defense stuff.
Was anyone here expecting Bethesda to dun goof this hard? For some reason I didn't. Now I really wish they did what I was expecting and make Fallout 4 identical to Fallout 3.
Was anyone here expecting Bethesda to dun goof this hard? For some reason I didn't. Now I really wish they did what I was expecting and make Fallout 4 identical to Fallout 3.
What, like in terms of story? I still think it will be:
You find that your wife is ghoulified and is working with the androids to restore a power plant to give them all free, clean energy. You join the resistance and help her restore the powerplant, unfortunately the Enclave/Institute show up and she blows up the control room. You escape and seek help from the Brotherhood of Steel who tell you that the component needed to restore the Plant is located in a vault and give you a Flare to summon their Vertibird. When you get there it turns out that VaultTec was working on androids before the war and used this vault to test the effects of F.E.V. on them. Here you find records that (gasp) you yourself are an android. You then free a Synth Mutant named...Fookes and he helps you retrieve the component. On your way back, the Enclavetute capture you with an EMP pulse and take you to their secret base. You get to meet the president of the Enclavetute who (dundundun) turns out to be an android too. He wants you to restore the Power Plant but add a virus that will transfer control of the androids to the Enclavetute. When you reach the Power Plant, it turns out that the main control terminal is destroyed and you have to connect yourself into the terminal, unfortunately the process will fry your brain so you have to make a valiant sacrifice for the good of all the other androids...
Is this really what you wanted?
And it probably could win the Best Writing in 2015 or 2016.What, like in terms of story? I still think it will be:
Hahaha, man I just love Codsworth. I find him to be a far more fascinating character than Dogmeat. I'm so glad Bethesda confirmed that hes an optional companion.
What, like in terms of story? I still think it will be:
You find that your wife is ghoulified and is working with the androids to restore a power plant to give them all free, clean energy. [...]
Hawesome news ! Where do you saw that he can be an optional companion ?