This ghoul has seen it all

Definetly trying too hard.
Why do I even bother?There was a whole book that contained tips, strategies and even whole tutorials how to play pac-man well. Look it up.
Also, again - don't compare pac-man and RPG games in the terms of having a tutorial, because it's ridiculous.
NO! Arcades did NOT have game instruction manuals and tutorial shit.
I think djmani is trying waaay too hard now....
Trying way too hard?
Oh right!! I think you are that guy who STILL doesn't know that Josh Sawyer Dumbed down SPECIAL since Van Buren.
but tries to argue..
You're that guy who likes to argue for months on youtube right about Fallout??(same picture)
Why do I even bother?
Since you're slow and late to the develop mental reasoning... I'll break it down for you!!
Games back in the 1980's did NOT have tutorials, Quest markers and b.s.
Zelda did NOT have a tutorial.... we had to figure out shit by trial and error.. like setting shit on fire to find stuff.
Pac-Man did NOT have tutorial -> LOL
Mario Brothers on NES did NOT have tutorial..
Quake did NOT have any kind of quest markers, tutorials or lazy shit......just right into action.
but you had to be quick.
Most of the games on NES forced you to actually think either by puzzles or figure out what to do.
There was No tutorial for Mortal Kombat...
You fucking went to Arcades and actually played games with real life people and figured out new moves.
Same with Street Fighter and the Neo-Geo games.
Also Games like Baldurs Gate has 100x more immersion than Bethesda games all combined.
You could walk in to a tavern and it felt alive.
Tomb Raider did NOT have a tutorial. And you had to spend time figuring out puzzles.
but now the New Tomb Raider is bullshit..
Operation Flashpoint/Armed Assault/Arma on PC does NOT have hand holding and enemy blinking bullshit.
Games were made that did NOT insult a persons intelligence.
That's obvious, that's why I said "books". But I just wanted to counter his crying how back in the days players didn't have shit and had to figure everything out all by themselves, which is not true, there were manuals and stuff like this.To be fair most of those are supplemental books that didn't come with the games themselves
Drop ego N00b. there was No "Double-Posts"
You've done the internet equivalent of walking into someone's house and shitting all over the floor and getting mad when you get told to fuck off. Your quotes are fucked up so I can't properly respond to it without editing your fucked up typing.
Damn good article! Thanks for the link!![]()
once I got over the hype of the idea of building towns there was one big thing that stood out to me: where are you going to build them?Well, there obviously needs to be multiple large areas with little to nothing there. You have to have the spaces there for people to build the towns, and, unlike set strongholds, the player gets to build these multiple regions.
So yes, we’re getting hyped at the confirmation that Fallout 4 will include patented Bethesda large empty areas with nothing in them! It looks like it will be another shallow but wide world from Bethesda.