Fallout 4 gameplay videos leaked, Bethesda starts taking them down

So, that Narration implies we only get 2 endings this time, they promised 8, maybe if you count playing as a female character another ending that would give us 4..... I GEDIT CUZ FALLOUT 4 So Four endings!

8 endings was a metaphor.
Maybe there will be bad ending where you say fuck everybody including your son.
Has any of the leakers attemptedto shoot down the Minutement in the quest instead of following the Quest marker?
Maybe there will be bad ending where you say fuck everybody including your son.
Bonus: All essentials are turned off so you can begin a campaign of genocide.

Well, can't dissapoint the main target audience now, can they?

So, that Narration implies we only get 2 endings this time, they promised 8, maybe if you count playing as a female character another ending that would give us 4..... I GEDIT CUZ FALLOUT 4 So Four endings!

Holy shit!
The Memento part in the beginning is just pure genius :D
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Whoever answers Battlecross make sure you do it in spoiler tag cuz I haven't finished the game yet. Thanks. :P
Or else you end up a mess of plot holes and nonsense like Bioshlock Infinite.

What plot holes specially in Bioshock Infinite?
The arbitrary way interdimensional travel works, with it combining people with the version of that universe when it's convinient to dump exposition, but then the Lettuces and Comstock Booker being able to coexist simultaneously.

How did they build the "Syphon" to keep Elizabeth's powers in check exactly? What does it do exactly and how did they know they could build it?

How did Comstock build the Ghost Sub Woofers? What do they do exactly?

Why did Old Elizabeth take Booker from the past instead of just taking her younger self?

Why didn't Booker just cover his hand after seeing that he had the mark of the false prophet?

Why where there vigors in the city at all if nobody used them, they would run contrary to the whole puritan thing Columbia had going on and the source of the Plasmids is so rare and at the bottom of the Ocean?

What was even the point of songbird? It's never even explained what it is, you don't fight it as a boss and he gets killed off in a very off handedly fashion.

Why did they even go to Rapture?
How did the Batisphere work for Booker if those are Gene locked?

How does Columbia even work? People should need breathing equipment to survive so high up, it should logically be extremely cold so no green pastures should be possible at all....

What was even the whole point of the "retrieve the weapons" section? After the first dimension hop they have literally made it redundant and on the third one they are just convoluting things to escalate the situation without having to actually show it happeneing naturaly through the plot.

Why is Elizabeth so socially adapted if she supposedly spent her whole life in a tower being experimented on?

The ending wouldn't work at all for what Elizabeth is supposedly trying to accomplish (erasing Comstock from all realities or something) and in fact is actually pretty shitty an ending because it sidesteps what the story has been escalating just to undo it with time travel, Which is also pretty unrewarding because the player has no idea how the world outside of Columbia even is like.

Burial at sea then implies that the whole plot was a set up for the plot of the first game, but it requires such a huge amount of retcons and convoluted situations to accomplish something that could've just been Atlas stealing a piece of paper of screen....

More on that here:
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I also really don't believe there are only 2 endings, but I'm not watching that video.
What's not to believe? They pulled the multiple endings actually less endings before.

Because I refuse to believe they would do only two this time around.
Fair enough, for what it's worth I wish I still trusted Bethesda the way you do. But after the constant let downs I doubt they won't pull the same shit again.
I agree about cats. I'm totally okay with them still existing.

Cats being extinct never really made sense anyway. Nobody in one part of the world is going to know much of anything about what's going on elsewhere in the world, and the places the games have taken place in so far were generally pretty heavily targeted in the nuclear exchange anyway. But in like "random forests and former farmland in the middle of nowhere" (the sorts of places nobody would bother to nuke) cats are going to do great, since they're effective and efficient hunters, can survive in a wide range of temperatures, need very little water, and are bothered less by hunger than most mammals.

Most likely the "cats are extinct" references were just an explanation for why the game didn't have any cats.
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I also really don't believe there are only 2 endings, but I'm not watching that video.
What's not to believe? They pulled the multiple endings actually less endings before.

Because I refuse to believe they would do only two this time around.

Yeah, it's really unlikely that they'd really try something like that.
But maybe the additional six endings are part of future DLCs... But that would be retarded even by Bethesda's standards.
Guys, Bethesda already sold the ending for 10 dollars before, do you think they wouldn't do it again?