Fallout 4 gameplay videos leaked, Bethesda starts taking them down

Wow... actual consequences.

Of course, this wouldn't have happened if in the first place if the AI was worth a shit.

Still... nice touch. I hope it's a frequent thing.
Super Mutant Suicider? Seriously? Is this Gears of War now? So that dude's life is all about waiting for a vault dweller happening to come near him just so he can explode a nuke and kill himself? Like his Mutant friends didn't give him any weapons, just a mini nuke and he was okay with that....
It's not like that was his desperate action or tactic, his identity is being The Mutant Suicider. Maybe he is depressed? His Super Mutant friends should try talking to him.
Remember, they want the Borderlands, Call of Duty, Gears of War, Mass Effect and Minecraft audience. Jesus, this is a long list of pandering, its pathetic!
Maybe if there was some sort of Super Mutant cult leader and he was like a super fanatic, but no, he is just Bobby the random Mutant Suicider.

Man, that Travis dude sure got a taste for killing fast....
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I have watched the stream for a few seconds, (because of how choppy it is) and I have noticed they re-used the exact same flat rocks that are basically everywhere in Skyrim... yay for diversity.
It's not like that was his desperate action or tactic, his identity is being The Mutant Suicider. Maybe he is depressed? His Super Mutant friends should try talking to him.

I could see fanatical devotion to a ruler, a la Caesar's Legion, but something tells me we're in for the same old shit--leaderless and directionless Super Mutants peppered all over the wastes.
Vadim should've seen his kidnapping coming, I mean the guy he was dealing with is literary called Raider Scum.

Vadim: So, Mister Sam?
Raider: Scum, call me Raider Scum, please.
Vadim: Ok so Scum, me in needing of some fake thugs forrrr plan.
Raider: RAIDER SCUM, not just Scum.
Vadim: Sorrrrrry. So why you calling that?
Raider: My dad's name was Raider too and he was a combination of crass when naming people and a hater of aposthrophes.
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Fallout 3 had lots of walled off areas that forced you to ho through redundant tunnels to make you feel like the map was bigger than it actually was.
Oh man, I had a blast talking with the other chumps in the chat, probably more fun than watching the streamer, sorry if anyone was offended by me turning the chat into a riot on how shit the game is, seems like 90% of the people agree in there.