Fallout 4 has now gone gold

I am debating buying it now, not because I am excited for it but because it seems like a good way to kickstart my Youtube channel.

Of course you will buy it. Shocker, I called that months ago about you.

In fact everyone on NMA will still buy it, or at least pirate it, even if they are pretending they wont in a pathetic attempt to look "super kewl" to their "bros" while "brofisting" each other up the ass.

BTW, you are probably the worst offender of all. Multiple posts in the same thread over and over again whining about the same shit for months now, before you've even played it no less, and you finally admit you will buy it.

Let the pessimistic people on NMA hate all they want.

In the end this game will be the best of the year next to Witcher 3 and Bloodborne.
It will sell crazy (10 million in 3 weeks is my prediction), it will be beloved, people will call in sick just to play this game and people will Mod the shit out of this game.

(Because of the succes Bethesda will probably (they would hate money not to) let Obisidian make a sequel again and even the NMA people will be happy:) )
I am debating buying it now, not because I am excited for it but because it seems like a good way to kickstart my Youtube channel.

Of course you will buy it. Shocker, I called that months ago about you.

In fact everyone on NMA will still buy it, or at least pirate it, even if they are pretending they wont in a pathetic attempt to look "super kewl" to their "bros" while "brofisting" each other up the ass.

BTW, you are probably the worst offender of all. Multiple posts in the same thread over and over again whining about the same shit for months now, before you've even played it no less, and you finally admit you will buy it.


Woah, where did this anger come from? Lurking much? And who said the entire NMA community refuses to buy Fallout 4? Brofisting, wha? Pretty sure people are allowed to critique a game and buy it as well, unless you mean he stated he'll avoid the game like the plague.
In fact everyone on NMA will still buy it, or at least pirate it, even if they are pretending they wont in a pathetic attempt to look "super kewl" to their "bros" while "brofisting" each other up the ass.
Stop making assumptions that I'm some criminal, please. Fun fact: Witcher 2 is still rotting on my GOG account, because I've realized that this game is almost 10 gigabytes after buying it and now I'm too lazy to download and install this huge shit. Downloading bethesdean game? Not even if you'll pay me for such useless wasting of my time. :razz:
Woah, where did this anger come from? Lurking much? And who said the entire NMA community refuses to buy Fallout 4? Brofisting, wha? Pretty sure people are allowed to critique a game and buy it as well, unless you mean he stated he'll avoid the game like the plague.

Proudly lurking and reading every article since 2006...

Anyhoo, there is no real critiquing going on here. What is actually happening here is brofisting geeks are using an internet forum to one up each other, in order to feel rage about something they in reality they have never played. Whoever can make the biggest negative comment can then feel temporarily good about themselves that they are now "popular", allow them to think they are special in some way, while actually just agreeing with everyone else and hence not taking any risk at all.

Of course this is what NMA has always been about and it is certainly quite entertaining to read (hence the lurking since 2006).

Unless you've actually played the game (which no one here has), all people are doing are assuming, reading into things, and speculating based on the very little info Bethesda has given out.

Honest, unbiased, critiquing implies that you go into something with a neutral opinion, actually read/view/play it, and only then present a view based on your experience.

This post should probably stir up the pot a bit, which is the most entertaining part of NMA, so now I'll pop my head back in my lurking hole and watch the fireworks.....
For me personally

- world exploration
- immersion
- RPG mechanics
- sidequests

It's certainly not the FPS part. I assume that the FPS part of Fallout isn't the selling point to the millions of other gamers while they would choose a Halo or Battlefield instead.

What about the first person perspective part?

Unless you've actually played the game (which no one here has), all people are doing are assuming, reading into things, and speculating based on the very little info Bethesda has given out.

Honest, unbiased, critiquing implies that you go into something with a neutral opinion, actually read/view/play it, and only then present a view based on your experience.

Isolating this. Equally applies to both pro and negative outlooks on Fallout 4. Also took your early paragraph and flipped the script for what is happening in the pro locations:

Anyhoo, there is no real critiquing going on here. What is actually happening here is brofisting geeks are using an internet forum to one up each other, in order to feel euphoria about something they in reality they have never played. Whoever can make the biggest positive comment can then feel temporarily good about themselves that they are now "popular", allow them to think they are special in some way, while actually just agreeing with everyone else and hence not taking any risk at all.
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Proudly lurking and reading every article since 2006...

Anyhoo, there is no real critiquing going on here. What is actually happening here is brofisting geeks are using an internet forum to one up each other, in order to feel rage about something they in reality they have never played. Whoever can make the biggest negative comment can then feel temporarily good about themselves that they are now "popular", allow them to think they are special in some way, while actually just agreeing with everyone else and hence not taking any risk at all.

Of course this is what NMA has always been about and it is certainly quite entertaining to read (hence the lurking since 2006).

Unless you've actually played the game (which no one here has), all people are doing are assuming, reading into things, and speculating based on the very little info Bethesda has given out.

Honest, unbiased, critiquing implies that you go into something with a neutral opinion, actually read/view/play it, and only then present a view based on your experience.

This post should probably stir up the pot a bit, which is the most entertaining part of NMA, so now I'll pop my head back in my lurking hole and watch the fireworks.....

I don't have to have played it to know that I don't like the character system. Maybe it is balanced, but I don't like its designed. I have a feeling the dialogue will fall short (e.g., HATE NEWSPAPERS), but I won't know for sure until the game releases or we get word from reviewers. So I dislike the character system very much based on its design, but I will wait to see how everything else turns out.
I like how his "facts" are things that he just made up and called facts.

I didn't buy or play Fallout 3 and I won't be buying or playing Fallout 4.
I'd bet plenty of people here will do the same, and it won't be due to esprit de corps, it will be a result of most of us being older people who have learned to be discerning customers over the years.

It's not about being cool and being "bros", it's about not buying or playing games that look like they suck, regardless of the label slapped on them by the developer. If all signs point to the game being something I will not enjoy, I'm not going to give them my hard earned money or waste my time to prove that to myself.

Being a fan of Fallout does not mean you have to buy every thing with Fallout written on it.
But then you're missing out on the exclusive Limited Edition Survival Guide that comes with stickers, a bottle opener and seven exclusive lithographs!

Or the Collector's Edition Art Book which comes with a special dust jacket and somehow costs around $40 more than the standard edition!

Or the one of 1500 Vault-Tec Single Rotation Vacuum-Sealed Waterproof Watch that's guaranteed to last forever, ONLY $150!
Proudly lurking and reading every article since 2006...

Anyhoo, there is no real critiquing going on here. What is actually happening here is brofisting geeks are using an internet forum to one up each other, in order to feel rage about something they in reality they have never played. Whoever can make the biggest negative comment can then feel temporarily good about themselves that they are now "popular", allow them to think they are special in some way, while actually just agreeing with everyone else and hence not taking any risk at all.

Of course this is what NMA has always been about and it is certainly quite entertaining to read (hence the lurking since 2006).

Unless you've actually played the game (which no one here has), all people are doing are assuming, reading into things, and speculating based on the very little info Bethesda has given out.

Honest, unbiased, critiquing implies that you go into something with a neutral opinion, actually read/view/play it, and only then present a view based on your experience.

This post should probably stir up the pot a bit, which is the most entertaining part of NMA, so now I'll pop my head back in my lurking hole and watch the fireworks.....

I don't have to have played it to know that I don't like the character system. Maybe it is balanced, but I don't like its designed. I have a feeling the dialogue will fall short (e.g., HATE NEWSPAPERS), but I won't know for sure until the game releases or we get word from reviewers. So I dislike the character system very much based on its design, but I will wait to see how everything else turns out.

As far as Fallout 4 goes, you don't have to really play the game to get a somewhat rough image about what kind of game it will be. We have 3 past games and we have seen some of the trailers. And I think the fact that they have shown almost zero dialog and story so far speaks for it self really.

Just as how sometimes the outline of an object is enought to know what it might be, even if you can't really see all the details.


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I didn't buy or play Fallout 3 and I won't be buying or playing Fallout 4.

I bet you did, because you had no idea F3 was "bad" before it came out and you are a fallout fan. Just sayin.

I'd bet plenty of people here will do the same, and it won't be due to esprit de corps, it will be a result of most of us being older people who have learned to be discerning customers over the years.

We should make a bet then. I bet that almost every single ACTIVE user of NMA will either buy or steal F4. They wont admit necessarily all admit it, but almost every one will do it.

Just as how sometimes the outline of an object is enought to know what it might be, even if you can't really see all the details.

That's not a review. Its merely speculation or theory or just plain guessing until its actually proven. You can only look "kewl" on NMA if you hate every last detail of everything you see, and in a way that is a greater hatred than the last guy who just posted. Walpknut gets his personal validation from posting as many repeating faux angry posts as possible.

Crap, I just hit 50 posts in the last 9 years, that's way too many.
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Just as how sometimes the outline of an object is enought to know what it might be, even if you can't really see all the details.
Great example, Crni! I'm not the brightest man but I can see the symbolism clearly: small human figure stands for Bethesda, or at least one certain manchild amongst the bethesdean employees, and he's clearly going to suck donkey balls. :mrgreen:
Not everyone is a thief, and insinuating that everyone must be says a great deal about you.
You can "just say" all you want, but that doesn't make what you are saying true.

I wouldn't take a free copy of Fallout 3, nor would I want one of Fallout 4. They would just take up space on my computer not being played while instead I played games that I might actually enjoy.

I did in fact know that Fallout 3 would be garbage before it came out, because I didn't have my head in my ass and I spent a lot of time looking at every bit of information they released or that others released even down to scanned magazine images in foreign pc rags.
It became very obvious that nothing in the game would appeal to me beyond the occasional fallouty looking artwork, and even most of that was not hitting the mark in terms of the setting and style that the first games had.

I bought Fallout New Vegas and I play that regularly. It is effectively Fallout 3 for me and these titles can just go be played by console people and they can like them all they want.

Some people don't require everyone in the world to be who they are and like what they like. We call them adults.
Even if I end up hating Fallout 4 after its release, I will buy it eventually because I want to play the mods, not all of which can be guaranteed to work on a cracked version.
Hey @ExplodesLikeABloodSausage! I will not lie to you. Because you have actually a point. Certain opinions here are more popular than others. And if you are a huge fan of Bethesda games you will have a hard time standing your ground here. I will not argue with that. But you know what? I do not really care if that hurts yours or anyones feelings. And I know a lot of other posters don't care either. Because you have to realize that anyone who loves Bethesda is out of his element here. See, when I go to the Bethesda board with a huge negative opinion about Bethesda and their games doing nothing but to criticize their games and developers do you think I will have an easy time there? Be honest.

But you know what? That is completely alright! It is their forum. It is full of people that enjoy Bethesda games. That is completely fine! I respect that. But that also means I have to simply acknowledge the fact that I have to reckon with a lot of resistance if I would decide to post critique against Bethesda and their games, on their forum. And I would have no real basis to complain about it since I decided to join their forum, to register there and lecture them.

And if I would start to insult everyone who's posting there and defending his point of view simply as Beth drone and Bethesda fanatic I would most probably get kicked for trolling, and rightfully so!

So, why do you think someone would get a free pass here throwing all NMAers together like we would be some kind of hivemind who does nothing else but hating on Bethesda like zealots.

That's not a review. Its merely speculation or theory or just plain guessing until its actually proven.

By the way I think Kilus explained you nicely that there is no more reason to assume that the game will be positive. I guess it is simply hard to understand, but the same informations that give you a positive opinion are the reason why it gives some of us a negative one. We have seen so far 3 Bethesda games. We have seen developer quotes. We have seen Fallout 4 trailers. If it is enough to form a positive opinion, why isn't it enough to get a negative one?

Particularly when most of us actually love this:


But like I said, so far Bethesda has delivered only this:


*The original donkey idea belongs to Gizmo ;)
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I really would rather buy the disc version for my Xbutt 360, but that requires going far to a store or waiting on it to be shipped. Chances are I'll get it digitally and download it while at work when it releases.