I find the idea of "harshly criticize" the work of a single amateur pretty dumb. Specially when it's entirely free content, like Someguy2001 doesn't even have a patreon.
I mean, you downloaded a combat oriented mod and you are complainning about it being combat oriented, also New Vegas Bounties 2 actually gave you choices and the option of bringing bounties in alive.
Are you actually getting pissed because you are not getting professional level work from one dude doing all the work for free? Come the fuck on now.... Now THAT is entitlement.
Exactly. That is bullshit. Do you have any idea how much work goes into that shit FOR FREE!
Talk about a modders worst nightmare.
New Vegas Bounties and his other mods are very good for what they are. How many of you have even opened up the GECK?
I have used GECk to create a couple of mods and like I said, I find his dedication towards modding with that toolkit to be commendable. But the products he produced after the first Bounties are not good IMO. I mean, just because you work really hard for something does not mean that it has to be good just because you spent so much time and effort into making it. That's not how the world works. Anyway here, go try out one of my mods:
It is also a combat-oriented mod, meant to give the player more variety in the wasteland.
The point of the mod is that I disliked how no enemies in the main game uses DLC weapons but I didn't want to end up giving legionnaires gauss rifles and shit. So instead, I decided to simply add in some gangs that use DLC weapons and armor/clothing. I think the latest version may also include some DLC animals and creatures to the Mojave so uh... Yeah... Not exactly completely lore-friendly.
Anyway, the goal of the mod is to add gangs that use DLC weapons.
Did I succeed or not? Is it bad on what is presents itself to be or not?
Go ahead, download it and then criticize it if you want to.
I'll go ahead and criticize it myself. I simply re-used a raider ID so they're all practically just re-painted Fiends. They also move around a lot in the same position, not really sitting still much, which means they'll look... Weird... Never did figure out how to get them to stay put. They're also not the most balanced. I created the mod while playing a modded FNV so... Yeah.. Expect some of them to be a bit sponge-y.
Someguy worked on something and then allowed others to see what it was all about, if he didn't want any criticism then he could've just kept it to himself. But no, he chose to spend his time and effort to create these mods and then he chose to expose them to the rest of us and that means he will have to take criticism, just like anyone else who does the same. Just like you're free to criticize me. He doesn't get to be excused, no modder gets to be excused.
The only time I'd think it'd be mean to harshly criticize something is if a toddler drew a giraffe or something and wanted to show it to you. I mean, it's a fucking toddler.
Oh and to anyone who plays
Hotline Miami 2, they recently released the beta version of the level editor and I've made a couple of levels:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/d2q8ktd12s3u7jj/Hammer Hus.rar?dl=0
Feel free to criticize those to.
Cause you see, I 'want' criticism. I want to share my work and I want to improve my work. And if I missed something or messed something up then how am I supposed to improve if you don't point it out to me?
And what's that? Did... Did you wanna know if Someguy 'want' criticism? But... Why yes... Yes he does!

Would ya look at that? Even "hater" comments are allowed!
To be fair though, apparently he's changed a bit since Bounties I.
Here's his Feedback part for Bounties III:
Had I decided to post criticism at his comments section for Bounties III then I would be far more constructive and less harsh than I was here. The reason why I was harsh was because I wasn't posting criticism intended for him. I was posting criticism intended for those who rate his work way too highly IMO and I was hoping I could perhaps spark a bit of a debate about it, see if others share my criticism of the flaws in his work or not. To see if I'm the only one who these issues were apparent to. To see if maybe I missed something or maybe it actually is good but I approached it wrong.
So to summarize it a bit: No one is exempt from criticism. (also try out my mods kthnxbye!) And he does want criticism. But I'm not here to give him criticism, if I wanted to give him criticism I'd go over to his Nexus pages and comment on his stuff. I posted here because I wanted to talk with others who I usually share my views with and see if they feel the same way I do about the mod or if I'm missing something.
Looking back on my first post the only time I feel like I may have crossed the line is at this point: "It's clear he has some bias but jesus christ could he be more blatant and childish about it?" I didn't feel right typing that word, childish, back when I wrote it but I couldn't think of another way to describe it so I left it.
The rest I stand by. It is awful dreck. Bullet sponge enemies, voice acting that goes from professional to meh to godawful, too many damn enemies, convoluted story-lined, bad pacing, barely any choices (I don't care if it is a combat-oriented mod, it's called a quest mod and it was made for an RPG so I'm gonna expect some god damn RPGing), cartoonishly evil villains and equally cartoonish grey choices, quantity over quality. It's everything I loathe about Bethesda, but worse because this time it comes from a modder. And if I consider it awful dreck when Bethesda does it... Well. It's not really fair IMO to give him a pass just cause he did it for free and was only one guy.
But yeah, I could've been a bit less harsh. Sometimes I get really passionate when I rant and if the tone is to be negative/harsh/mean/aggressive then the whole rant will end up that way. It's a flaw of mine that I'm trying to work on. I still stand by most of what I said though.