Except everything that could be even mildly immersion breaking is throw under the "Wild Wasteland" trait in New Vegas.
Besides things like the Kings, or the Boomers, lets not forget OWB's roboscorpions, the seemingly immortal Lobotomite 1 still being alive after a century, or, best of all, the hazard suits that are puppeting skeletons to shoot at you despite the fact the suit doesn't cover thier hands, and the skeletons have no muscles, making them being able to fire the gun impossible.
Source? The interviews given with retrospect clearly highlight POP culture easter eggs too among those things they considered to be mistakes. They knew it was bad and have regretted it since.
Still, because it was Broken Hills, it's best you simply ignore everything that happened there except for the racism angle and quests, the caravans and Chad, the references to the Unity, and Marcus. There are no talking plants, no old ghoul's home, no treasure hunter, no ghoul getting run over, no scorpion intelligence experiments, etc, etc. Same with some aspects of the Sierra Army Depot (the news holodisk, Skynet's "name," etc, etc) . At some point I'll put together a list of things that are going to be dropped from continuity because they are so painful they make sitting on the can squeezing out a load of superheated plasma seem pleasurable by comparison.
CA: Even so, when inheriting a franchise, sometimes I, too, take exception to previous decisions as well (talking deathclaws in F2, talking animals, ghosts, Wannamingoes that look like HR Giger knock-off monsters, etc, etc.)
Next you'll be telling me that 200 years is not a long time and that the East Coast people are not stupid for not having organized to form a nation

(before going after House and Vegas again because you can't support an argument without putting down another game in the series).
Its no more stupid then the people of the four states area(Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico) achieving nothing in 200 years time besides being spear wielding tribals who had no farms, no roads, no mines, no concept of things like calendars.
While the people of the west coast had developed actual cities, and established nations.
And while the people of the east coast, while in a far worse off state then California, still achieved building places like Megaton and Diamond City 100+ years ago, organized militia groups, like the Minutemen, to combat hostile forces, and at least made an attempt to found a nation or two with things like the Commonwealth Provisional Government, and had established trade going all the way up and down the coast from The Commonwealth to the Broken Banks, somewhere south of Washington D.C.
Now that I think about it.... how did the people of the four states commonwealth not achieve even east coast level of development in 200 years time, despite not being hit anywhere near as had?
Even the Midwest was more devloped before the MwBoS came in Tactics.