Fallout 76

If I recall correctly Fallout 4 still didn't even fully achieve that. I think you could kill a few faction members every now and again and, so long as you waited and they weren't named or important, it'd let you slide. What's horrible though is I don't know if the times that was a bug or not, but you'd think they'd get madder at my heavy weapons character when they blew the hell out of the kid I was babysitting. The only thing that makes me think it might not be is because Diamond city works the same way. You can gun down half the town and leave for a couple months and, on return, nobody's hostile.
You can gun down half the town and leave for a couple months and, on return, nobody's hostile.

Couple of months? It's 24 hours, or 48, or something. Basically, go outside, wait a little.
I turned Diamond City hostile due to a glitch, where they remain hostile upon busting me for stealing, despite me reloading an earlier save. All I had to do was hang back a bit.
It is deliberate, and made so in order to please everybody. I mean, the game gives you freedom, yes? So, as a player you'd probably want freedom to gun down a bunch of people, for then to go back and shop YAAAAAAY
Most Fallout 76 reviews I've been able to digest, not because of bile fascination, but because I am just amazed at how this thing was just dumped on us in short notice and Bethesda expected us to just take it in and enjoy it. I mean, we like Fallout, but we don't like the way Fallout has become. Hell, I bet a good portion of Fallout fans would like to dump Todd Howard in a FEV vat considering he's so adamant about prioritizing the 56,000 Skyrim re-releases before we get Elder Scrolls VI (Aka Skyrim 2: Electric Boogaloo).

Except for Hamlin351/UpIsNotJump. Holy SHIT this guy fucking sucks. STOP TALKING ABOUT FUCKING PICKLE RICK!!!
Couple of months? It's 24 hours, or 48, or something. Basically, go outside, wait a little.
I turned Diamond City hostile due to a glitch, where they remain hostile upon busting me for stealing, despite me reloading an earlier save. All I had to do was hang back a bit.
It is deliberate, and made so in order to please everybody. I mean, the game gives you freedom, yes? So, as a player you'd probably want freedom to gun down a bunch of people, for then to go back and shop YAAAAAAY
Ugh. I totally thought it was longer. But you're absolutely right as to why. Its because they turned every one of Bethesda's games into power-fantsy action explorers, and because they stick RPG on the box, now people who've never played another RPG prior think those things are how you define an RPG. Its absolutely absurd and its present in Table top rpgs now even. There's a reason they keep stripping every class requirement or hard limit on death out. (Some of it *was* because it can lead to some disappointed players but every decent DM worked with people to make them as happy as possible while retaining the setting and game's coherency and integrity. )
Oh wow. They have no right to be bragging about POS (Or Dark Alliance. Hated that game), really, but shot's freakin' fired.
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Who didn't expect this game to eventually hit Steam? I don't know if I've said it here or somewhere else but Bethesda has back up plans. All those "I WON'T BUY IT UNTIL..." people are going to make them very happy. There were people saying they won't buy it until they can mod it, until there's private servers, they add better content, until it's on Steam, or they fix the bugs. Well they expected that. They already planned these things and the only they haven't announced that they had planned was the Steam release one. But they knew after they could make more money off their app, they could release it on Steam later and get those customers who were waiting for that release. Spike up the sales again. Each of these things will help pump up the sales after the initial few weeks of the game.
I read about an "accidental reveal" of Fallout 76 recently on RPG codex but it should indeed not be surprising.
And yes I do think there will be people now who will buy the game including some Bethesda fans who feel that they must support Fallout 76 or Bethesda would think less of them. (I honestly wonder why some people would do this for a company which respect for them is just marketing and not genuine)

But do these people now expect that a flawed game that just happens to have a Fallout skin on it will now become better?
Have they not read reviews and commentaries on why Fallout 76 is so bad? Do they so strongly believe that the experience for them will be different?

And if it was about playing this type of gameplay there are so many better titles out there who offer the same and are much more affordable.

And Bethesda will probably handle this tactic if it works with Fallout 76, selling it first on their online service and then on Steam.
Most likely they will cut features or hold back downloadable content just to have Steam buyers get Bethesda's online service as yet.
Sounds like they're going to send the real bags now. Which, if I was more paranoid, would make me wonder if this wasn't a shifty dodge. Make everyone pissed more about the bags than the game, give them something, and low they forget how mad the game made them because now you've done a 'sorry' or some-such.
Sounds like they're going to send the real bags now. Which, if I was more paranoid, would make me wonder if this wasn't a shifty dodge. Make everyone pissed more about the bags than the game, give them something, and low they forget how mad the game made them because now you've done a 'sorry' or some-such.
I have no doubt many people will instantly forgive Bethesda now. They will go "it was just a blunder, but Bethesda delivered in the end. Now I want to buy more Bethesda stuff again!"
Sounds like they're going to send the real bags now. Which, if I was more paranoid, would make me wonder if this wasn't a shifty dodge. Make everyone pissed more about the bags than the game, give them something, and low they forget how mad the game made them because now you've done a 'sorry' or some-such.

There are already retards on Reddit slurping Bethesda cum over this. Somehow doing the bare minimum is praiseworthy to those idiots, enough so that they completely forgive the utter scam as a marketing misstep... There truly is no hope.
Apparently there's at least some sane people in the twitter thread reminding people 'hey, stop thanking them for doing their job right, *the third time around*'. Doubt they're convincing anyone though. Ah well, such is life. To play off of Sir Ghost's sig: We had to get bitter *somehow*. =P
He's funny with his style, I'll give him that, but calling 76 even vaguely an RPG, even a bad one, just seems so poignantly inaccurate after the claim *could* have been fairly made against F4, but hardly against 76 that has only a fraction more relation to the genre than does COD - in that it has slightly more enhanced leveling, crafting, and perk systems but that's little else than a Dungeon crawler would need. And as someone who's been at a table with a DM who insisted on running 'The World's Largest Dungeon' like it was solid combat and little to no RP - much like 76, I can tell you that the experience is so far divorced from anything fun, in such short order, that I would brand it an act of aggression. Not that I'm necessarily saying the guy was implying it was fun, just that it's no more an RPG than that on-rails, no-talking campaign was. It wasn't.
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I received the game as a Saint Nicolas's gift (some sort of a holiday in our country). When I opened the present and saw what it is I said: oh wow, this is a 60 Eur gift! She laughed and said that she got it for a third of a price. I wouldn't know how the heck she managed to pull that off. I then felt better about my 10 Eur porcelan windwhistler duck :roffle:
Anywho, I have installed it (not a pleasant experience, that launcher platform is wonky as hell, it borked my first download at 75%, had to download everything again :violent: we are talking 50 GB here!!!).
I played for a few hours and I can say that it is NOT a RPG! It is exploration (40%), survival (10%), FPS (50%) game. It is NOT a Fallout game, it is only a Fallout inspired game.
I have encountered only 1 minor bug so far. I enjoy reading notes and listen to holotapes but lack of NPCs is really hurting this game.