They "engaged" but it only proved how ignorant they are.
I wouldn't even say it was them being ignorant, it was being annoyed about a topic they don't care about. That's what that twitter spat showed, that they don't care about internal consistency and lore, but rather what's a cool and fun side quest?
Yes, the same who apparently "provoked the war", spitting in the face of the very interesting, highly detailed lore of pre-war America.
This is why I had a problem with Mothership Zeta. Not only were aliens previously just Easter eggs, but they took away every bit of the darkness of humankind from the Great War and the events leading to it. It was our humanity, people killing people over resources and technology.
It was about humanity hitting the reset button because of tensions throughout the world. It wasn't about a man getting mind controlled by aliens to nuke everyone just because. That makes it all the alien's fault. We didn't do it according to Mothership Zeta, they did.
Apparently a couple of months without drinking and eating is the same as 200 years without doing either.
See, I can
almost accept that they'd have an argument but there's definitely a thing about ghouls having basic human needs. So a few months would imply they can go much longer or can do some sort of weird hibernation thing? I'm not sure. But also, Billy should have had problems being stuck in a fridge and growing. Ghouls still grow up or at least that's how I remember the conversation going. Maybe Typhon and Set were already both adults when they ghoulified but I'd have to go look at the dialogue again.
It raises so many questions that it was annoying to even think about when you find Billy.
What I'm saying with this is, that the older games have had consistency issues or questionable consistency too. I don't think they are nearly as bad about it though and in turn makes it much more tolerable when something doesn't line up. And when you ask people involved with the project they don't just shut you down about it. Let me find that one question and answer with MCA in the bible.