Fallout: Equestria becomes a game.

Hey, Bernie is getting my vote. If I lived in America. He knows what he's doing and he has some good policies. Or what, is free healthcare and education bad nowadays?
Hey, Bernie is getting my vote. If I lived in America. He knows what he's doing and he has some good policies. Or what, is free healthcare and education bad nowadays?
Because all of his stuff cost money, money we don't have or well require a lot of new taxes. If there is one thing that my fellow Americans hate its more taxes.
Because all of his stuff cost money, money we don't have or well require a lot of new taxes. If there is one thing that my fellow Americans hate its more taxes.
Bah, taxes... everyone hates them until they're on their deathbed due to disease and can't pay the doctor. I'd rather live in medium conditions but have fantastic police, hospitals and welfare. AKA, I'm going to Scandinavia!
Bah, taxes... everyone hates them until they're on their deathbed due to disease and can't pay the doctor. I'd rather live in medium conditions but have fantastic police, hospitals and welfare. AKA, I'm going to Scandinavia!
Well not the people here. They want the chance to live in high and glorious conditions even if the chances are slim. They want to work hard for something and call it their own and not share it with a lazy good for nothing or some government cretin. To me its kinda like how the Mojave resident despise the NCR. It kinda for the same reasons too now that I think about it.
Well not the people here. They want the chance to live in high and glorious conditions even if the chances are slim. They want to work hard for something and call it their own and not share it with a lazy good for nothing or some government cretin. To me its kinda like how the Mojave resident despise the NCR. It kinda for the same reasons too now that I think about it.

Lazy good for nothing? Government cretin? I knew that common opinion was that Americans are selfish but really?

Socialist communists with great living conditions actually.

I don't 'hate' my country, it's just that well for one I prefer cold climates and two I don't want to worry about healthcare.
They're all crooks at the end of the day. Bernie is nogilistic of the USSR, Shillery is just Shillery, Repubs can't agree on jack shit while they loose their voting base.

The future looks so bright! Almost like the house is on fire.
They're all crooks at the end of the day. Bernie is nogilistic of the USSR, Shillery is just Shillery, Repubs can't agree on jack shit while they loose their voting base.

The future looks so bright! Almost like the house is on fire.
Bernie isn't full on USSR. He just wants Libertarian and socialist 'features' like free hospitals and schools.
They're all crooks at the end of the day. Bernie is nogilistic of the USSR, Shillery is just Shillery, Repubs can't agree on jack shit while they loose their voting base.

The future looks so bright! Almost like the house is on fire.
Took the words out of my mouth Scipio.
Socialist communists with great living conditions actually.

I don't 'hate' my country, it's just that well for one I prefer cold climates and two I don't want to worry about healthcare.
Not sustainable in the long run, their naiveté will be their downfall. Only good thing to come out of it is the social justice and feminism.
And if you want colder climates then there's always Alaska.
Because all of his stuff cost money, money we don't have or well require a lot of new taxes. If there is one thing that my fellow Americans hate its more taxes.
Didin't kill the European nations with high taxes. You could start with taxing certain kinds of income higher. Mainly those made purely by capital investment.
Also, the US is currently throwing out more money to their military than all European nations, China and Russia combined. I am pretty sure they could do a bit less without those - and before someone says but they need it! Well, trim the fat, not the muscle. Seriously, the amount of corruption that is going on here, is staggering.
Cuting down on that military budged so that it's not always about invading, sorry liberating some nation, would sure help as well. Cynism aside. If you have to throw out money, why not throwing it at something like this. We have thrown money at banks, military projects and who knows what other stuff. Billions of dollars. Literaly over night. But once you just want SOME of it for education, health care or something like that, buuuhuuuhuuu! The budged! The budged!
If you ask me, it's all just a question of distribution. Nothing more. We are talking about money here, not resources - yet! Money issues, could be solved tomorrow, literaly with the push of a button. If someone has 10 trillion dollars debt, someone else has 10 trillion dollar capital. It's just numbers on some computer screen. But you can't make gold for example, or squeze out water from a desert. Unless you believe in magic.
Productivty was never as good like today, we never had so much food and products and industrial capacities available like today. And yet, more and more people earn less, even though they have to work more. And this is true for the US as it is for the rest of the world.

But seriously, I never understood the US as society in that part anyway. Look at the media, their education, and what parents see as good/honorable traits for children. How would you see a mother or father who's teaching their children to be someone who has always to compete, never to share anything he owns and never helping anyone in need? Crazy right! But suddenly when we talk about our society, things change. And it's communism.

Not sustainable in the long run, their naiveté will be their downfall. Only good thing to come out of it is the social justice and feminism.
And if you want colder climates then there's always Alaska.
Are you kidding? They're doing better then America! Who mind you is in debt. Oh and fantastic welfare, free healthcare, brilliant education...

There is no way I'm LIVING in America.
How the hell did a thread about a mlp crossover became a discussion about american politics?

Anyway, I´m not american but I´ll give my two cents: Bernie Sanders seems a league above the rest. Hope he wins.
How the hell did a thread about a mlp crossover became a discussion about american politics?

Anyway, I´m not american but I´ll give my two cents: Bernie Sanders seems a league above the rest. Hope he wins.
Yeah, see the light of truth! No idea.
Seriously though, I live in Sweden and I think it's pretty darn neat and I'm a cuck Bernie-supporter.