For the CTD on the world map, just rest for 10 minutes before leaving the mapPike said:Unfortunately neither LAADYTUM.SAV makes any difference (I also tried using them with multiple pre-Boneyard saves), when I go there everyone is still dead. Thanks for trying though.
I also found that one of my 0.9661 saves from outside the Brotherhood causes a CTD with Alpha 1 if I try to travel to the Boneyard. Strangely, it works fine if I click a different destination first and then immediately click the Boneyard

As far as I can tell this is the game not liking that something's changed since you loaded, but it's something minor enough to not make the game refuse to load the game.
So yeah, during playtesting I would just rest for ten minutes, then exit onto worldmap and good to go.
EDIT: Here's a hack/fix for disabling invasions in an already-running game. Useful for those playing v99961 or earlier and don't want to make a new character for Alpha 1

DOWNLOAD: [[megaupload download link/data lost, although this shouldn't be needed anymore because we're at version Alpha 4 now]]
INSTRUCTIONS: [spoiler:2ae1ce48f8]==INSTALLATION==
[[megaupload download link/data lost, although this shouldn't be needed anymore because we're at version Alpha 4 now]]
1) Based on what you want, copy one of the provided .int files into your Fallout/DATA/SCRIPTS folder:
* "RESET Default"'s will reset all invasion dates to their default values
This means Boneyard will be invaded 90 days after running this hack, and so on.
* "Turn OFF"'s will set all Days Left tickers to 64000, effectively disabling all invasions.
2) Once you've copied the version of you would like into the Fallout/DATA/SCRIPTS folder, run your game
3) Hold-click on the hero (yourself) and select the Binoculars
4) You will get a system message and floating message advising that the change has completed
5) Go into Pipboy and rest for 10 minutes
6) Save your game
7) have fun

This will NOT reset towns that have already been invaded. To do that, you will need to obtain a copy of the map from a save slot where it's uninvaded.
For example, getting LAADYTUM.SAV from a savegame where Adytum's residents are still living.
Then you would copy that into the game you're wanting to run this hack on, then run the hack.
So basically you are restoring the town and then disabling it from being invaded again.