@ Sduibek,
Before I say anything else I have to admit I don't have much experience with Fallout 1 modding. I just assume most of the inner workings are the same as with Fallout 2. Also, it's been a long time since I last played it (before I did any Fallout 2 modding).
1. If you look at the first link you gave me, you'll find that Silencer mentions a problem with explosives.

Anyway, it goes like this:
Plant some explosives on/near someone, then hang around on the map until it goes "boom". If someone dies from the explosion, the game will crash. - I have verified that this happens in Fallout 1.
Plant some explosives on/near someone, then leave the map to set it off. The game will not crash but instead corrupt the map you were on. Going back to that map will crash the game. - This seems to only concern Fallout 2 or at least I couldn't recreate it in Fallout 1. If this is true, explosives obviously can't corrupt saves in F1.
Note that the explosives bug only happens on maps you haven't loaded from a save or been in combat mode on.
Going into combat mode before or after you have planted a bomb (but before it goes off) will prevent the bug.
2. Well, it seem to happen in Fallout 2 sometimes anyway. The combat section in save.dat can get corrupted and cause a crash (you can clear all the data in there with vad's save editor to make it work again). On someone else's save I had a look at I had to remove every enemy critter from the map (including dead ones) to get it working.
I'm not sure if saving in combat by itself is bad, it may just be that bad things can happen while you fight, and if you save that state your save is ruined instead of just getting a crash.
3. The items bug is only relevant to items with scripts attached. The problem comes from how they are stored and removed (blocks of 16) in the map saves. You need to have 1 plus a block of 16 items with scripts to get the bug. A quick look in the Mapper shows 14 items with scripts for F1, ie not enough to cause a problem. If however scripts get attached to items in-game then it's a different matter.
For example, unknowingly killap added mass-spawning brahmin poo in San Fransisco (each poo had a script) which caused a lot of crashes.
Anyway, the problems you linked to are not identical, really.

I remember the symptoms as being only a frozen spinning globe and nothing else, no error messages or anything.
Out of curiosity, don't you have a fix for the Glow and the cathedral? What was it you fixed? Also, wasn't there a version specific Cathedral crash or something?