Stanislao Moulinsky
Vault Fossil

FearMonkey said:Obsidian really didn't think a lot of this through did they?![]()
I don't think that designing quests for a "no-deaths whatsoever" archetype was going through their minds when they made NV.
FearMonkey said:Obsidian really didn't think a lot of this through did they?![]()
Why do you keep coming back to this thought? I usually hate hearing people complimenting Bethesda for making New Vegas when all they did was Produce it, instead of giving Obsidian proper credit. But this is an instance where you're blaming Obsidian for something they didn't do wrong. What holds the game back is its engine, and Obsidian didn't make the Oblivion engine. Everything else which Obsidian did have control over was purely intentional, as pointed out below.FearMonkey said:Obsidian really didn't think a lot of this through did they?![]()
Courier said:Protip: Many pacifists in the real world don't have a problem with self-defense if it's necessary. I'd suspect that pacifists in a post-apocalyptic wasteland would be even more lenient about things like that.
Stanislao Moulinsky said:I don't think that designing quests for a "no-deaths whatsoever" archetype was going through their minds when they made NV.
Lexx said:It is a post apocalyptic game. I don't know why everyone thinks there should be a 100% no-violence-for-anyone path in the game.
This cannot be overstated. I play very obsessive-compulsively to complete "everything" I can, and it's never possible. It's not that I can't complete the end-game quests for every faction. It's that MANY quests become unavailable- or impossible to complete -based on how I handled other, totally unrelated quests. One quest involves me killing someone who had their own quests with the party who wanted them dead. I couldn't do both, obviously. Several faction quests will cause potential companions to turn against or abandon you, and then you can't complete their quests.Courier said:Also remember, not every quest can be completed by every character. It's literally impossible to complete every quest in the game in one playthrough.
FearMonkey said:Also, it was Obsidian themselves who were stressing that the game could be finished by killing nothing and also by killing everything. So, they very definitely had that goal in mind when they designed the game.
Stanislao Moulinsky said:Yes, but (and I'm sure it was already said somewhere) "killing nothing" isn't the same as "noone dies".
Stanislao Moulinsky said:Similarly "finishing the game" isn't the same as "being able to do all the quests" in FO. You use the example of I fought the law but that isn't part of the main quest. Primm is probvably the place where they should have designed things a little better, but still technically you can move forward the main quest without killing anyone.
That! Essence of Fallout peacefully walkthrough.I think the matter isn't so much that you were confusing the ending of FO2 for being more or less pacifistic, but rather you're confusing what the original "non-violent playthroughs" were meant to be. The original games had a combat MODE; when you entered combat, everything else STOPPED. Fighting or not fighting was very distinct and separate, so players would beat the game by not getting into COMBAT.
I get positive Karma for luring the person who "killed" Boone's wife into a trap so that Boone can shoot their head off?
She was just sold into slavery
Also, there's no proof the wife is dead yet
Now I have to sneak into a rocket facility without dying from feral ghouls. LOL. I love this. Stealth Boy to the rescue again I guess. :p
SnapSlav said:(As a side note, compare this level of flexibility and player power in the matter of multiple endings to Bethesda's Fallout 3, where you got one and only one ending. There's a small level of deviation depending on your actions, but all they really amount to are the ending specifying "Group A triumphed over Group B, and there was much rejoicing" versus "Group A triumphed over Group B, and there was moderate rejoicing"...)
SnapSlav said:What did you use the 2 Stealth Boys for?
SnapSlav said:Can't imagine what you'd want with the place, though. There's literally NOTHING of use there... save maybe some crafting items.