Fallout on IGN's Top 100 Games List for 2007

Or 1. Or 2. Or even 4.

Neverhood. Still Life. Monkey Island. Full Throttle. Descent. Frontier/Elite. Blade Runner. Homeworld. X-Wing. Wasteland. Prisoner of Ice. Space Hulk. Bioforge. Baldur's Gate. Black Dahlia. Wing Commander. Blood.

Ah, i could mention games like that till the next week.

Looks like, from the 30 people who put that list together, 28 were console players, and the 2 PC guys were drugged. Or forced to contribute at gun point.
Yeah, I just figured that if any of the HoMMs were to be on the list, it would be 3 - does anyone disagree about it being the best in the series?
I, personally, would have a hard time deciding whether 2 or 3 is the best. I love both of them.

2's graphics appeal more to me, and i think it had just a tad bit more atmosphere around it, while 3 is a great follow-up, building up on the mechanics from the previous two parts, adding more content, and keeping true to the series.

4 is not bad, but the combat system is shit, and i haven't played 5 yet.

To be perfectly honest, i wouldn't cry if one would be picked over the other. As long as one of them would be there...
Yes, I guess you could argue over the style and atmosphere of 2 and 3, but 3 is the best one in terms of gameplay (although they're still pretty similar in that regard). 5 is better than 4, but still not as good as 3 and 2, while 1 has aged too much.
Wow, in general I am rather impressed.

I expected titles from 2006 or 2007 to crawl into the list, from '10 to 1' but the makers of this list didn't do it.
Well 'Resident Evil 4' is perhaps a bit of an odd addition but I can overlook that.

I really expected stuff like the Xbox360 games and Playstation games to be on the top.
Kind of glad that I have been proven wrong.
Madbringer said:
Iand i haven't played 5 yet.

Don't, it's not as good as the others, although it is pretty.
3 is easily the best, but 4 had its moments, although it seemed a bit odd at points.
Jenx said:
Actually 5 isn't all that bad. It's pretty much 3 but with prettier graphics.

The graphics are 3D, but I wouldn't necessarily call them prettier. I prefer the interface in 3. And hexes, not squares.
Ausir said:
Yeah, I just figured that if any of the HoMMs were to be on the list, it would be 3 - does anyone disagree about it being the best in the series?
I certainly don't. I liked 3 the most because of the atmosphere, gameplay and story. 2 was good too and 4 was okay. 5 is shit. I'm surprised none of them ranked though.

I really disagree about 5 having prettier graphics. To me they looked like Warcraft 3 :(. Also, I don't understand why they chose squares over hexes.

Also, where the hell is Duke Nukem 3D?
diablo 1 isnt on there....the game was groundbreaking for christ sake, it deserves a spot in the top 20

diablo 2 no where to be seen either, i didnt enjoy diablo 2 as much but it should at least get a spot in the 50's...
Meh D2 wasn't anything special, but D1, I think everyone knows the quote 'Stay a while and listen' after playing that game for more than 15 minutes

There is no cow level... :D
Mord_Sith said:
Meh D2 wasn't anything special, but D1, I think everyone knows the quote 'Stay a while and listen' after playing that game for more than 15 minutes

It's "Gillian is a FINE woman" that stuck to me for some reason

The tone he says that in just screams "sexual prevert!"
i always had a thing for the "Halls of the Blind" poem from D1. it is the only poetry that i know by heart & believe me, at school they tried to teach me quite a few. :p
I only remember two things off the top of my head. One is the often repeated "Stay awhile and listen." the other is "Sittin' here behind the barn drinkin' PISS!".

Strange Diablo hasn't been mentioned...

The Vault Dweller


ALERT! The top ten are up...I'd tell you, but I strongly suggest you see for yourself...especially #1 and #2. You'll be deeply surprised not only by what is there, but more importantly what isn't there. I'll give one hint...no Oblivion. That alone gives this list alot of credit. In fact the high amount of old games and the fact they didn't use Oblivion makes this list one of the best I've seen.
The Vault Dweller said:
The top ten are up...I'd tell you, but I strongly suggest you see for yourself...especially #1 and #2. You'll be deeply surprised not only by what is there, but more importantly what isn't there. I'll give one hint...no Oblivion.

oh rly? :roll:
well...now that i think of it ,why should someone give a rats ass for an IGN top 100 ?!!
their reviews are often stupid .