Vault Dweller

Or they actually liked it.
Part of what I struggle with discourse wise is the assumption of, "Just because someone likes or dislikes something, this is objectively the right opinion." It's the thing I hate most about internet discourse and the most eye rolling thing about it these days. There's essentially no value to holding opinions that go against the majority and outright anger when you do.
At some point, we lost the value that some people can like something even if we don't and that's okay.
I can't help but think that's because of internet commentary and I worry about falling prey to it myself. The urge to just take it personally when my opinions are not shared.
Just because the masses like this show, that doesn't make it good. That's called "Argumentum ad Populum"/Appeal to Populism, a logical fallacy.
99.99% of them are ignorant of what Fallout is, its themes, the history of the series, or its influences. At best, they've played F4 and/or 76. Their opinions are not worth acknowledging, or leaning on.
Lord of the Rings on the other hand, people know who J.R.R.Tolkien is and was, and they know what he wrote. That's why Rings of Power was rightly called a shitshow from Day 1. Fallout skated around that label because it wasn't as well known, but when you get more eyes on the IP, like Fallout 4 did, then you get more critics who will eventually correct the record.