Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Yesterday

Thank you it worked.

Another question:
Is this quest done? I can't seem to get out of the simulation once i'm done repairing vaults systems. There is no exit grid infront of the vault door and the door is not responding without terminal, which is on the other side of the door...
To exit the simulation, you need to interact with the jukebox on the second floor twice. That info is relayed just before you enter, but you must have missed it. I'll make sure to give those instructions again while inside too.
Hi everybody.
I paid attention to such moments:
  • Waking up in the cell, the character has all the inventory - which is not logical, because the character is a prisoner.
  • 3 palette files are located in the New Games folder.
  • Books.ini is not enabled in the settings.
  • There is no need to open f2_res.dat - the necessary files are still in patch001.
  • Splash screen - there is no point in removing unique screens, you can simply add them.
  • The problem with setting the resolution is that the default option makes the image blurry and cloudy, and it is not possible to change the resolution!
-patch for normal clear images in 720 and 1080 with the ability to change the resolution and sfall 4.4.1-
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Hi, thanks for the feedback!

  • Waking up in the cell, the character has all the inventory - which is not logical, because the character is a prisoner.

That bug has been reported and fixed in the dev build. The character shouldn't have some of the things in the inventory because he got them inside a "Scrapheap" hologram.

  • 3 palette files are located in the New Games folder.

Not sure what that is. Do you have a screenshot?

  • Books.ini is not enabled in the settings.

Custom books for other skills haven't been done yet so that's why it was disabled.

  • Splash screen - there is no point in removing unique screens, you can simply add them.

We removed Fallout 2's splash screens because they belong to Fallout 2's story.
Fallout 2 also removed Fallout 1's splash screens. We will add more of our own splash screens we want players to see so stay tuned!

  • The problem with setting the resolution is that the default option makes the image blurry and cloudy, and it is not possible to change the resolution!

The image might be blurry on some displays, but on 1920x1080 resolution we are getting pixel-perfect image using the default config.
This is my screenshot. But if your changes to the config files fix your problems, that's great.

Not sure what that is. Do you have a screenshot?
Open FY_v0.5\data\art\cuts...
We removed Fallout 2's splash screens because they belong to Fallout 2's story.
Fallout 2 also removed Fallout 1's splash screens. We will add more of our own splash screens we want players to see so stay tuned!
But in version 0.5, pictures from the original Fallout are present =) I'm talking about previous builds of FY.
I will add them to hires fix (out of 30 pieces) и готовый changelog со списком обновлений от 0.4.2 до 0.5.
Custom books for other skills haven't been done yet so that's why it was disabled.
The image might be blurry on some displays, but on 1920x1080 resolution we are getting pixel-perfect image using the default config.
This is my screenshot. But if your changes to the config files fix your problems, that's great.
You are not taking into account several points:
1. Not everyone has a Full HD monitor (there may be 1366*768 and 1440*900, which is normal).
2. Even with FullHD resolution, and with global shaders turned off, the picture may be soapy. Which is bad for eyesight.
3. Using the new sfall, it is impossible to change the resolution in the game menu, only manually in the configs, which is also inconvenient for an ordinary user.
4. Also, sfall is attached to the fix with optimization of some settings.
I think that even these moments are enough to slightly revise the settings. because the mod is made for people.
updated HiRes Fix for FY_v0.5 - added copying of the executable file
If I may, I will offer a ready-made slightly corrected version of FY_0.5, with a corrected file structure (in my opinion).
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Open FY_v0.5\data\art\cuts...

Ah those, yes, they are some testing leftovers. Will be moved. Thanks for reporting

I'm talking about previous builds of FY.
I will add them to hires fix (out of 30 pieces) и готовый changelog со списком обновлений от 0.4.2 до 0.5.

Yes, true, but we removed those taken from Fallout 1 / 2. Of course, you can bring them back to your mod.

Regarding the resolution, the dev build is using Mash HiRes again as the default one because people reported issues with sfall HiRes where the lower left message box stopped working. Like no text appeared at all. I never had that issue but some people did.

And we got LOTS of support requests to help players setup their resolution manually because they didn't know how to do it since there was no in-game UI for it. I wrote instructions in the readme but some people still struggled to make it work for their config.

All in all, the game must be played with a HiRes mod, sfall or Mash, otherwise maps will break.
We support both mods, so people can choose which one works the best for them.

If I may, I will offer a ready-made slightly corrected version of FY_0.5, with a corrected file structure (in my opinion).

Feel free to mod and experiment! :ok:
Yes, true, but we removed those taken from Fallout 1 / 2. Of course, you can bring them back to your mod.

Regarding the resolution, the dev build is using Mash HiRes again as the default one because people reported issues with sfall HiRes where the lower left message box stopped working. Like no text appeared at all. I never had that issue but some people did.

And we got LOTS of support requests to help players setup their resolution manually because they didn't know how to do it since there was no in-game UI for it. I wrote instructions in the readme but some people still struggled to make it work for their config.

All in all, the game must be played with a HiRes mod, sfall or Mash, otherwise maps will break.
We support both mods, so people can choose which one works the best for them.
sFall HiRes uses HRP by Mash elements. And in order for sfall-hires to work correctly, it just needs to be configured (actually, this simple fix is made for this); and FY_res_config.exe it is necessary, first of all, to select\change the resolution, and not switch to the old HRP. In general, just try this fix yourself.
art\cuts\credits.mve and pal are missing, I suggest replacing them with pacifiers
Splash screen - 0, 2, 4, 5 from the original Fallout. I took additional splash's that were in 0.4.2, but disappeared in 0.5 (there are no such pictures in the original Fallout).
Feel free to mod and experiment! :ok:
OK, here's my option (with installer), with a slightly modified file allocation structure.
Differences from the original:
1. Fixed the wrong folder for the palette.
2. The blur effect is disabled, which hits the eyes and requires additional shaders.
3. The file structure has been slightly changed. There is no need to open f2_res.dat - the necessary files are in patch000.
4. The ability to choose sfall 4.4.1. or extended (and even sFall2 by Crafty).
5. Splash - it makes no sense to delete unique screens, it's better to just add them.
6. The configs have been moved to the Config folder.
7. The ability to select the animation speed of the game.
8. Added a menu in high resolution (HD).
9. The ability to select "blue caves" and "standard interface dial".
10. The ability to adjust the screen resolution.
11. A list of changes has been added.
12. A stub has been added for credits.mve.
13. Installer with a selection of components.
14. Added a complete list of changes from 0.4.2 to 0.5.

Since I refined my technique of adding higher quality movies to classic Fallout games by means of sfall, I'm tempted at tackling on whatever is in Fo:Yesterday..

Please do not get discouredged by what I will say now, however the quality of the Fo:Yesterday's Video cuts, is... should i say lacking..

Would You mind providing the source material ( pre .mve conversion) for the videos? I might do some of my magic on them, so that they get upped to 720p restore some of the lost quality, de-interlace those that are interlaced, and ofcourse optionally remove some of the pixel artifacts, that arise during upscaling of low res vids.

All is going to be in a format readable by sfall, so that only 1 setting in sfall would get you go on a higher quality. as far as I'm aware Xvid codec is the one that needs to be present in the system in order to play the movies ingame, that means if you have any codec pack out there installed on your system you should be good to go. 720p quality is chosen as a middle ground as 1. it still looks not *that* bad on a FullHD monitor ( well at least tons better than any .mve) and 2. it's still possible to view 720p image on a subpar equipment so any 1440x900 or even 1280x800 should display the video without much trouble. also 720p should not require hardware acceleration, not to mention Xvid does not support any.
however FullHD image does require hardware accel/ or at least a decent drive and CPU with all cores unlocked in sfall...

All in all.. are You interesed in my little proposal? In the end, it will still be Your jugment if you want to implement my tinkering into Your mod..
So howit's going to be?

to anyone that's complaining I'm sepose tackle Fo2 first..
Yesterday's Videos are motion picture and or cartoons. Hardly an CGI image that requires far more sophisticated aproch than motion picture, and AI working on CGI is far more limited than the one for motion picture.

oh yeah one more thing
while doing stuff for the brotherhood, where to find the vent to clean on lvl1?
I fixed the forklift and all the stuff I'm sepose to on lvl2, but for the life of me i can't find the "vent" on lvl 1, also is there a chance to get the BoS PA too in v0.5? the CoS PA is already in my possesion (actually it's HPA now), so I'm asking only for BoS PA parts and is it possible to fix them in v0.5, and I've found APA plans in a special encounter, do they apply anywhere?
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There's a poll on Patreon for the next step of development:

And now I am setting my sights on the next milestone that we want to tackle and there are a couple of options, each equally interesting. So it's best if we settle that in a small poll!

So, one option would be to finish Mesa Verde, a very cool-looking, real-world location which will give you access to a useful companion and the best in-game crafting schematics for weapons and armor. Also, you will meet a very interesting community and see some new interesting creatures!

The other option would be for me to tackle some of the gameplay stuff that has been on my to-do list for too long now: more Perks and Traits, implement cars and other vehicles, more crafting, more items such as books, better companions control... For example, speaking of books, one idea that I wanted to do is to allow the player to write books. You know how at one point, I think around 100%, your skills are so high that learning from books becomes impossible. So, this is where you jump in and start writing books based on your superior knowledge. Of course, you can't learn from your own books but you can make money by trading them.

So, what shall it be?

Poll options:
  • Let's visit Mesa Verde!
  • Let's tackle that Gameplay To-Do list!
Since I refined my technique of adding higher quality movies to classic Fallout games by means of sfall, I'm tempted at tackling on whatever is in Fo:Yesterday..

Please do not get discouredged by what I will say now, however the quality of the Fo:Yesterday's Video cuts, is... should i say lacking..

Would You mind providing the source material ( pre .mve conversion) for the videos? I might do some of my magic on them, so that they get upped to 720p restore some of the lost quality, de-interlace those that are interlaced, and ofcourse optionally remove some of the pixel artifacts, that arise during upscaling of low res vids.

All is going to be in a format readable by sfall, so that only 1 setting in sfall would get you go on a higher quality. as far as I'm aware Xvid codec is the one that needs to be present in the system in order to play the movies ingame, that means if you have any codec pack out there installed on your system you should be good to go. 720p quality is chosen as a middle ground as 1. it still looks not *that* bad on a FullHD monitor ( well at least tons better than any .mve) and 2. it's still possible to view 720p image on a subpar equipment so any 1440x900 or even 1280x800 should display the video without much trouble. also 720p should not require hardware acceleration, not to mention Xvid does not support any.
however FullHD image does require hardware accel/ or at least a decent drive and CPU with all cores unlocked in sfall...

All in all.. are You interesed in my little proposal? In the end, it will still be Your jugment if you want to implement my tinkering into Your mod..
So howit's going to be?

to anyone that's complaining I'm sepose tackle Fo2 first..
Yesterday's Videos are motion picture and or cartoons. Hardly an CGI image that requires far more sophisticated aproch than motion picture, and AI working on CGI is far more limited than the one for motion picture.

Hi gustarballs1983, sorry for the late reply. I don't visit forums often as the game's development and real life suck out most of my time during a day. I remember us talking about this before but there were some technical issues. I would be happy to provide you with the source videos so you can prepare them for the game engine but I would still like to keep the old videos around as a graceful fallback in case people don't have the necessary codecs (This was the issue we had last time, I think). I'll let you know once I upload the source videos.

oh yeah one more thing
while doing stuff for the brotherhood, where to find the vent to clean on lvl1?
I fixed the forklift and all the stuff I'm sepose to on lvl2, but for the life of me i can't find the "vent" on lvl 1, also is there a chance to get the BoS PA too in v0.5? the CoS PA is already in my possesion (actually it's HPA now), so I'm asking only for BoS PA parts and is it possible to fix them in v0.5, and I've found APA plans in a special encounter, do they apply anywhere?

The Brotherhood broken vent is in the guard room on Level 1. It's that big one between the hospital and barracks.

the CoS PA is already in my possesion (actually it's HPA now), so I'm asking only for BoS PA parts and is it possible to fix them in v0.5, and I've found APA plans in a special encounter, do they apply anywhere?

To fix the BOS PA you need talk to Jerry after you find the poisoner. This starts the quest that will ultimately give you the ability to repair the BOS PA too. However, because that quest is tied to an unfinished location, Mesa Verde, you'll have to wait for a bit because in the "gameplay vs Mesa Verde" poll, gameplay won as a priority to work on. APA crafting wasn't implemented, just that special encounter, but it will be sorted out too these days.

One can use sfall hook script to change how books work. Here's a basic example (shameless plug):

Thank you NovaRain, you've saved the day once again!

I would have voted for Mesa Verde

It lost, with 2/3 favoring gameplay as a priority. But worry not, it will be ready soon!
Hi gustarballs1983, sorry for the late reply. I don't visit forums often as the game's development and real life suck out most of my time during a day. I remember us talking about this before but there were some technical issues. I would be happy to provide you with the source videos so you can prepare them for the game engine but I would still like to keep the old videos around as a graceful fallback in case people don't have the necessary codecs (This was the issue we had last time, I think). I'll let you know once I upload the source videos.

Not exactly... You made the videos in MPEG4- specification "10" also known as AVC or the h.264 codec, that, long time ago was only partially supported by sfall, and now it's support has been cut. (for a good reason though). until the end of year 2027 all applications or devices capable of decoding h.264 codec need to pay a royalty fee to some scummy organization, that regulates all video laws on the planet. anyways Sfall supports natively MPEG4 specification "2". MPEG4 specification 2 supports only 3 codecs: DiviX Xvid and 3viX, of which "sfall supports only the Xvid". Xvid due to beeing hacker codec requires no royalty fee for usage, like DiviX or 3viX do. hence wy this was chosen.
Also h.264 is generally a hardware acellerated codec, so if someone does *not* have a gpu that supports AVC hardware acceleration (as was the case back ~2016 when you released the initial verson of the mod) they would be screwed, despite having the codecs installed in their systems, the wideo would not play.
Xvid on the other hand works from the get go, you just need the codecs, and does not support hardware acceleration, which limits the possible resolution of the video, depending on the cpu power. hence why I lean towards 720p.

And yes... the .MVE files are not to be ommiten!! they are actually mandatory to be present, and generally should be of the same length as the upscaled video, or no video would play at all!!


Please tell me which application did you use to convert to .MVE? as i intend to work on both upscaling and fixing the quality ( deinterlacing, reverting compression artifacts, recovering details and antialiasing if nessecary) on both the 720p upscale *and* a new input for the .MVE conversion. Just please tell me what tools did you use to convert to .MVE and if it was ABel's tool please say how did you prepare the input video? wich program, wich color scheme, etc.
I have little experience in .MVE conversion, as the only way i could convert by ABel's tool, was when setting the color scheme to RGB.5.5.5. in VirtualDub, other color schemes in that tool just did not work. Abel tool then passes a color downgrade, after which the quality of the video goes drastically down the drain. So i need to know a better way of converting to .MVE *if* the .MVE videos are to be fixed-up.

however the videos that are in the game now, don't look shiny either, one big pixelated and interlaced mess. I'm willing to work on that, and at least for the 720p version improove the quality, as for .MVE I'll fix the avi's/mp4's ( whatever you prefer) in 640x480, so that you could convert them to .mve yourself, and hopefully there'll be a noticable improovement.

as for passing me the files, PM me when you are ready, I'll give you a temporary up to 24 hrs write access to my ftp server, You'll be provided with a temporary username and password, which you'll use to upload your files. Don't forget to 7zip those files with a password too, i don't want other people with read only permissions to sneakpeak at those. Please don't mess with other files there, and don't upload other files than the ones I requested. thank you in advance. the server has a limited storage space but there's still around 400GB left free, so i think you'll manage to upload your stuff.

The Brotherhood broken vent is in the guard room on Level 1. It's that big one between the hospital and barracks.

There might be a problem, since in the last public version of mod the wall graphics is changed in hospital and guards post to some zerg from starcraft layout, there are no vents there..

To fix the BOS PA you need talk to Jerry after you find the poisoner. This starts the quest that will ultimately give you the ability to repair the BOS PA too. However, because that quest is tied to an unfinished location, Mesa Verde, you'll have to wait for a bit because in the "gameplay vs Mesa Verde" poll, gameplay won as a priority to work on. APA crafting wasn't implemented, just that special encounter, but it will be sorted out too these days.

Ok I'll wait till it's done, was just asking.

Ok got to go now.. miss "Kali Briggs" steped down on the keyboard and demands attention.. , the main suppressor of all of my projects progress.. ;)

EDIT: as for books don't waste your time on that it's been already handled by our forum member DeKRuS..

DeKRuS's Fo2MechanicsReworkMiniMod, or something like that it's called...
anyways his stuff is on github, so google it and adapt.
Among other features it's got books mechanics mod, not only does it allow to change the amout of skills you get by reading, you can set the maximum allowed books to be used, and/or books skillpoint cap, also super cool feature, party npcs can learn from books as well..
divided between options 1 book per reader, 1 book per squad learning, optionally you can set dumbasses such as robots and anilmals to get the bonus too ( or not ).
Plus tons of other optional changes
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There might be a problem, since in the last public version of mod the wall graphics is changed in hospital and guards post to some zerg from starcraft layout, there are no vents there..

Oh yeah, sorry about that. There was a technical fuckup in the vanilla v0.5. Some invisible items were there, their art changed and the new art appeared where it shouldn't have. I hotfixed that and you can get the hotfixed version here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/hohoho-95273165

Please tell me which application did you use to convert to .MVE?

I used Interplay's own tool to generate a palette file from a PCX screenshot and I used Abel's tool with HQ compression option to generate the movies from AVIs. However, some movies are in wrong resolution which means, we're unable to show their subtitles. This needs to be reworked so that subtitles can be displayed.

There is another MVE generator out there, the original one from Interplay, which is capable of creating a MVE file from TGA images. However, I've never tried it out but it does come with detailed instructions so with some luck it should work.

Ok got to go now.. miss "Kali Briggs" steped down on the keyboard and demands attention.. , the main suppressor of all of my projects progress.. ;)

LOL, I have such "helpers" too

EDIT: as for books don't waste your time on that it's been already handled by our forum member DeKRuS..

DeKRuS's Fo2MechanicsReworkMiniMod, or something like that it's called...
anyways his stuff is on github, so google it and adapt.

Thanks, I'll check it out!

Anyways, I'll PM you about the video sources!
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Oh yeah, sorry about that. There was a technical fuckup in the vanilla v0.5. Some invisible items were there, their art changed and the new art appeared where it shouldn't have. I hotfixed that and you can get the hotfixed version here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/hohoho-95273165

thanks but i'll pass since there's no chance of getting that BoS PA yet, I'll wait till it's possible to get it

I used Interplay's own tool to generate a palette file from a PCX screenshot and I used Abel's tool with HQ compression option to generate the movies from AVIs. However, some movies are in wrong resolution which means, we're unable to show their subtitles. This needs to be reworked so that subtitles can be displayed.

yeah but most importantly what did you generate the .avi with in order to pass it through Abel's tool, i mean the only way that Abel tool accepted my .avi's was when i set the color scheme to 5bits per each "r", "g" and "b", it refused to convert on 8bit per color scheme.. anyways, I'll fix the .mp4 and leave the job to convert to proper .avi and later to .MVE to You

There is another MVE generator out there, the original one from Interplay, which is capable of creating a MVE file from TGA images. However, I've never tried it out but it does come with detailed instructions so with some luck it should work.

Yeah i actually stumbled somewhere upon this tool it was called something like "klingon academy video maker" or something like that. The documentation was all in russian and i wouldn't call it even *complete* besides some basic instruction how to run this crap. oh yeah the app itself is 16-bit, meaning you need a 32 bit system to run it max, and win 98 was seposedly your best choice, plus it requires a specific "M$ Visual Basic Studio" and good luck getting that. ( i actually managed to find one pirated on internet archive but the klingon stuff did not work either as it was limited by 16 bit system, so the program couldn't map enaugh memory for a big video, and the app would crash)

Anyways, I'll PM you about the video sources!

good I'm on it..

EDIT# 10.04.2024 (the fourteenth anniversary: We remember what you did Vlad)

As to the upload access it's on from ~2:00AM CEST on 10.04.2024
details in PM
good luck
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Yeah i actually stumbled somewhere upon this tool it was called something like "klingon academy video maker" or something like that. The documentation was all in russian and i wouldn't call it even *complete* besides some basic instruction how to run this crap. oh yeah the app itself is 16-bit, meaning you need a 32 bit system to run it max, and win 98 was seposedly your best choice, plus it requires a specific "M$ Visual Basic Studio" and good luck getting that. ( i actually managed to find one pirated on internet archive but the klingon stuff did not work either as it was limited by 16 bit system, so the program couldn't map enaugh memory for a big video, and the app would crash)

Oh boy, that sounds like loads of fun :wtf: But wait until you hear how I'm generating Pip-Boy sounds that you can hear in the game... I'm using the original 90s Mac OS voice emulator which was used in Fallout 1 Mac version. Not many people know that Pip-Boy "spoke" there too. Just a few lines but I expanded on that idea so now the device's much chattier in Yesterday.
I noticed PipBoy speaks, but i never thought it uses some Apple's tts..

as for the videos
Ok man Since You've said You don't have problems converting the vidoes to MVE as i do, could the task of converting the remaining stuff be on your hands?
HoovaDamned video is quite a thing to convert to MVEs especially I'd have to cut it to like 30 x ~1:51 minute parts, in order to convert all of them to MVE.

as of now, the base 640x480 videos are done in terms of processing, the remaining task would be to convert hoovadam and timemachine-trailer videos to MVE..
all requested tasks were done, and in addition i made a couple of other tweaks...

VaultTec video was re-rendered in 640x480 from 320x240 footage,and removed the spoken words in first fewe seconds of the audio ( replaced it whith the pure ambient static noise from other few seconds. sounds indistinguishable). already uploaded and in .mve, although may require second conversion with -old parameter for better video quailty.

Timemachine trailer was turned to grayscale as requested, still not mve-converted nor uploaded, waiting on Your decision..

A is for atom: as requested the video had a logo of some repository in front, so i took it away as requested, also the video got deinterlaced (a.k.a scanlines are gone) and at the same time the quailty went up a bit ( and so did the file size:p ), so i left it at that. uploaded and converted to .MVE. May require re conversion to MVE witth -old parameter for better video quailty.

HoovaDamned: got de-interlaced ( usually not visible to the naked eye, as native gpu acceleration, does away with this, however i do have an video player that i specifically turned off the hardware acceleration on, and I'm able to see the flaws which would be seen anyways in Fo2 engine, regardless of if it's .MVE or Xvid .avi as neither support hardware acceleration) in addition to de-interlacing, the video was simultaneously re-rendered into required 640x480 from 720x480, so it's ready for conversion. Not upoladed nor not converted. waitng for your decision..

also uploaded CATHEXP ( as a part of classic footage that's in Yesterday.) the video is converted after My upscale ( Ryan's wasn't as top quailty Topaz Video AI improoved a lot since he initially made his stuff). CATHEXP has several proposals of conversion to mve uploaded, plus they are all also converted to .exe file for easy preview (each version has both an .mve and an .exe). there are generally 3 types of conversions there "lq" is the -old parameter (lq as in low quality compression 1/ low quality image [ yes invert relation] ) -mq (as in medium quality) is the no compression parameter specified -hq is the high quality compression parameter specified (lowest visual quality video) - dither is when Floyd-Steinberg dithering is applied, except -lq as it has dithering natively and is always on when using -old parameter for compression. CATHEXP was chosen as it is relatively short video ~300 frames so it's quicker to make a testbench of it than a 30minute video. CATHEXP was re-rendered in 640x480 for this purpose with revert compression, sharpening and antialiasing all at full using Proteus-v3 AI.
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:clap: Well done, gustarballs1983! The fans will love the higher quality videos that you’ve made!

I’ve sent you a PM although I have no clue if you’ll be able to reply since there are some secure certificate issues with the website at the moment.
don't worry, i've noticed those errors as well.. I'm gonna make a post about this in the general subforum..

anyways, back to the thread..

have you checked those videos i uploaded?

As far as i remember one had like 16 GB so it'll take some time to download that shit, anyways, I hope you'll like it, the read access to download is as for everybody.. in PM one of my last posts had the access ceredentials, those are exactly the same you'll find in first post of my hd upscales thread.

Remember it's ftp, so browsers like firefox and chrome won't help you much, they cut the support for ftp long time ago, Brave is a google chrome port, so it's out of the question too.. Your only choice for browsers is probably pale moon. Either that or a dedicated ftp client like FileZilla. They both work fine. Above all else sometimes my router hangs and requires a reboot in order to access the ftp server, if you input the ceredentials and it doesn't work just give me a bell in my hd upscales thread, it'll be one of two things, my domain name needs manual refreshing ( once per month), or my router needs a reboot (random). anyways hope you'll manage, oh yeah try not to clog my internet access, please don't download multiple files simultaneously my upload is only ~750 Mbps, so it's not that hard at all to DDoS me, so plese don't, Anyways if my ISP is going to notice a DDoS attack they are going to begin countermeasures, they are itchy people, and the countermeasures are not limited to pinpint the attacker and denounce to authorities, I don't know what they do however DDoS attacks on their networks usually end pretty quickly, so i guess my ISP ppl have to be very *persuasive*.

Oh one more thing, for the Timemachine and hooverDam videos..
do you want me to convert them to a format Readable by Abel's MVE tool? or should i just leave them be as they are, and you'll be fine?

I'm asking since Time machine is the same only treated by ffmpeg, that converted it to grayscale, and HooverDam is in .mp4 AVC (a.k.a h.264), so both need to be converted to uncompressed .avi with XRGB1555 color scheme a.k.a 5bits per color +1 bit per color for alpha channel) a total of 18 bit video which prooves my point that MVE is based on VGA display 6 bits per color, 256 color depth (8bit color depth). hard to get this color scheme since most programs provide only 8 bit per color options ( modern standard ) and the older 6 bit per color is not present at all in most modern software. for avi conversion for purpose of MVE i use VirtualDub2, an oldie form Fo1 times that holts up true to it's name up to present day.
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