It's not about political correctness, it's about changing curricula because some students might be "triggered" or otherwise incapable of handling it. It's about "safe spaces" with videos of kittens, Play-Doh and calming music for grown up people who are incapable of handling critical thoughts.
None of these things are happening, though. Curricula are not being changed to accommodate traumatized students -- hell, trigger warnings are pretty damn rare right now, let alone actual adjustments. And trigger warnings are not there to eliminate material from the curriculum (then we'd call them ban orders, not warnings), but to allow students who are dealing with trauma
to continue to participate by preparing them for the material and allowing them to make informed decisions about their mental health. None of this means you change the curriculum, or change the demands placed on students for passing a course -- it just means showing a minimum of awareness for the presence of trauma.
Similarly, the presence of a safe space somewhere is not insulating people from the real world. Everyone has to live in the real world day in and day out. For some that's more traumatizing than others, and offering people a temporary option in a specific place to help them process trauma can help them. Note the "temporary option" and "specific place" -- not "permanent environment" and "everywhere."
Most notably, none of this says anything about their ability to "handle critical thoughts." How does giving people prior warning about content prevent them from engaging in discussions? How does giving people a safe space prevent them from engaging in critical thought? It doesn't, because no one is asked or given the opportunity to live their lives or even a significant portion of their time like that.
This is paranoia. A moral panic over some symbolic gestures, rather than a reaction to material changes.
Akratus: You're conflating a bunch of things now. I was talking about paranoid reactions to political correctness. Some of what you're presenting falls under that -- like the complaints over "bans" on Blurred Lines, which amounts to little more than "we won't play this because it's shite." The notion that the university is just a source of uncritical, accommodating thought is completely divorced from the reality of campus life and university classrooms.
I would agree with you that campus free speech zones are a problem. However,
these have nothing to do with political correctness. They're a Vietnam War era policies -- a way for universities to stifle protesters -- and not in any way a result of the political correctness or paranoia over it that I was talking about.
Akratus said:
In certain campuses, students are not allowed to make a non-leftist news outlet. They are not allowed to distribute their own completely harmless opinions lest pre-approved by the leftist administration.
Please give me an example of this happening.