Mikael Grizzly said:
patriot_41 said:
I watched it being played for some time, watched my share of videos and I can safely say that I will not play it. Ever.
You haven't seen how the art direction looks like then. Watching videos =/= playing the game.
I said I watched it being played. I don't have the skills/experience/whatever to operate efficiently in this perspective, as it confuses me, because it limits my scope of view. I can play fps onli IRL. And art direction is clearly evident - color palette, overall design direction etc. Lots of fine, intricate detail, which suggest technology much more advanced than the fifties and more reminiscent of design decisions ala Battlestar Galactica and the Matrix. The vault, to me, looked like the inside of a ship in top notch condition. Maybe I sould've said it otherwise: art direction is not horriblе as a whole, it just totally misses the point. And the retarded animation doesn't help me much.
It's ugly and uninspired and I don't like fps or tps.
Mikael Grizzly said:
Uh, perspective doesn't factor into art style?
I can hardly call it uninspired, Bethesda picked a 1950s theme and followed through with it. Sure, the end product is fairly mediocre, but the art direction, environments, armor, are all quite Fallouty.
Fallout, Fallout 2 and Fallout 3 all use banans, but while the first two are shakes, the last one is banana boiled in tar.
That doesn't mean the original banana is any less tasty.
I have yet to encounter a banana in Fallout. And no, the only element which I can call 50-ish is the Pip Boy. The weapons concepts confused me the most - some were in perfect condition, others looked like they'd fall apart every minute and there seemed to be no logical visual flow between the two extremities - like they were form separate games. That I find stupid.
And if you really need me to elaborate more, I will tell you what's wrong with the art direction - not only was it not Fallout, but it had no idea where Fallout was coming from.
Mikael Grizzly said:
Fallout is retrofuturistic, based on 1950s.
Fallout 3 is retrofuturustic, based on 1950s.
It says it is, yet it is generic sci-fi with a wasteland and some 50's thrown in. None of the three directions matched the other - like a world wholly built out of different patches of land, which shouldn't/couldn't exist together. I really don't intend to buy and play this, just to prove my point. I could browse for screenshots, but I don't think it's worth the effort.
And I downloaded and watched Big Trouble in Little China, Mad Max 2, Logan's Run, Blade Runner. Alien and a Boy and His Dog remain to be seen. There is a certain solidity of the design in all those movies, some ruggedness, which contradicts the art direction of Fallout 3. The slave pens for example are almost 1:1 in Big Trouble.
Mikael Grizzly said:
A 1986 action flick with Kurt Russell, featuring an undead Chinese warlock is oh, so very Fallout.
It was a valid quest in a FO2 location. It wasn't even an easter egg. So it's no less an influence than the Blade Runner movie.
Mikael Grizzly said:
Different interpretations of the same concept. Your point...?
My point, as stated above is, that one is a piece of stretchable material (probably spandex), reminsicent of Star Trek or Logan's uniform (in Logan's Run) - a slick, simple design, quite popular around the time. The other is a mixture between a light padded protection clothing and work overalls. It's no t a different interpretation, it's a different kind of clothing from a different world/era/civillisation. It doesn't match the original era, the original influences and is a type of clothing which is more logical to be encountered in today's movies.
And why is it a stupid design decision? The Vault suit is one of the most important elements in the game and, according to it, it's standard Vault equipment.
And since I am a self-proclaimed artist, I do care and no, I don't care who the fuck makes it, if they make it wrong. I'm showing you the vault dweller's suit, because I couldn't find a concept for the original Fallout robes.
Mikael Grizzly said:
Yep, you're right, Fallout has no place for variety, no sir, all the games with the name should mindlessly copy Fo1, swapping only the plot (which must include supermutants) and changing critter names.
WTF does that even mean? Where did I even say it? Or suggested it? I was unhappy that I couldn't find and show you, that the robes in the originals were a garment made of cloth, and not a combination of padding, bionics, fantasy elements and other kool stuff. Because it's hard (impossible) to find the technology to create something of
that complexity in the barren nuke-desolated wasteland. And if you theoretically could, it wopuld be stupid to waste on aesthetics of a simple piece of clothing. And that's valid for most of the game decisions. I'm not saying it's ugly or without merits, it's just wrong.
You tell me how the fuck is that fallout and not some generic Warhammer Technomancer ripoff.
Mikael Grizzly said:
I can also pick and choose screenshots and concept art, ripping off context, to support my argument, but that isn't really a valid method for any kind of discourse.
Show me one instance of a piece of garment worn in the 50's that remotely resembles the robes in Fallout 3. There isn't. It's just underthought - it's kool, but pointless. Like the whole game.
Then again the game wasn't intended for me, so there's no point in trying to prove me wrong. It's a different game, deprived of everything I loved in the originals and targeted to someone with different skills/tastes/mindset than mine.