First details on Dead Money, New Vegas' first DLC

Nice bear-trap-punching-glove thingy in the screenshot. Cool concept.

Pretty useless for the player in a (still) primarely guns shooter game.
I don't know. I'm not really bothered by the premise, but it seems a bit of a stretch to assume that the arid climate would be able to preserve things to a point where an air conditioning system was still working. I'm not ideologically opposed to retcons though, so if ultimately the setting and gameplay of the DLC will be interesting I'm okay with that. Not that I'll get it as soon as it comes out since I have the PC version of the game. :)
simdude said:
Nice bear-trap-punching-glove thingy in the screenshot. Cool concept.

Pretty useless for the player in a (still) primarely guns shooter game.
What's wrong with playing Unarmed characters?

The legion enforce that idea greatly. Unarmed + Caesar's Legion is a good combo, they can teach you the Praetorian Punch or whatever it's called.
Faceless_Stranger said:
Well, the Glow was left untouched because people knew to avoid it. Same concept here.

The Glow was left untouched, because people died by radiation when coming too close. :p
I am doing an "abandonend city blabla with toxic gas and gas masked guys" already since a few weeks and now I see THIS. :/ Now it will look as if I ripped this idea off this DLC...
Not if you release it before the DLC. :>

My Fallout 2 mod get's hit much harder. I've took inspiration from a lot Van Buren stuff here and there and now that New Vegas is out and takes a lot here and there as well, it looks like my Fallout 2 mod is ripping off NV, even though I am working on it over a year already.
the screenshot looks lika a bizzare combination between Metro 2033, STALKER, The Pitt and that Doctor Who episode about The Empty Child...
The background story sounds interesting, wouldl we encounter mutants\ghouls that once were guests in the Marde's premier?
Whyso soon? Newvegas is offering like 150 hours of peoplee not have their jobs?
Faceless_Stranger said:
People die from toxic gas and lobotomite-things here :)
Radiation makes more sense then "toxic gas" to me. Depending on the radiation some of it can stay for quite some time.
Whyso soon? Newvegas is offering like 150 hours of peoplee not have their jobs?

It is only 150 if you completely restart the game when going for 3 different endings.

I was happy with a solid 50 hour play through, but a little surprised it was that short. My first play through of Fallout 3 had me at 70 hours with many locations left to explore and several quest lines yet to be discovered.
Very true Goweigus. At least this DLC seems to want to point to a wrap up of Elijah's story...I knew he'd have to make an appearance, to many people talked about him
I'm getting some definite Pathologic vibes off of the screenshot. Which is good, because Pathologic owns.

Crni Vuk said:
Faceless_Stranger said:
People die from toxic gas and lobotomite-things here :)
Radiation makes more sense then "toxic gas" to me. Depending on the radiation some of it can stay for quite some time.
I'm assuming that the gas is some kind of pre-war weapon or the exhaust of some pre-war super weapon. After all, Father Elijah came to town looking for weapons that could wipe out the entire NCR. As for why it's still running... eh. The Vaults are still running and pristine, the pre-war generators are still running, the buildings are still standing... it's not really a stretch to assume that INCREDIBLE PRE-WAR CRAFTSMANSHIP will keep this shit together too.
Goweigus said:
Whyso soon? Newvegas is offering like 150 hours of peoplee not have their jobs?

It is only 150 if you completely restart the game when going for 3 different endings.

I was happy with a solid 50 hour play through, but a little surprised it was that short. My first play through of Fallout 3 had me at 70 hours with many locations left to explore and several quest lines yet to be discovered.

It's amazing how different experiences are. Fallout 3 left me at around 45 hours playtime (without DLC) and I felt like as if I did all the quests in the game (except Main Story) after 20.
DemonNick said:
I'm getting some definite Pathologic vibes off of the screenshot. Which is good, because Pathologic owns.

Yes it does, but I'm not getting any Pathologic vibes.
CxBxW said:
Whyso soon? Newvegas is offering like 150 hours of peoplee not have their jobs?

No everybody wants to partake in these new locations at the end of their experience. Presumably, either in loot or the uniqueness of the mobs, it could offer a rewarding experience at various levels of New Vegas progression.

sea said:
It's... looking better, I'll admit. At this point I basically have to assume that people in Fallout's world are just really, really slow to do anything, though, because it's getting increasingly hard to believe that so many things are left more or less untouched after so long a time.

Well, time to play the waiting game.

The speed at which human cultures do anything is HIGHLY accelerated in todays world. Looking further back in history, it really did take people ages to do anything. Technological progression moved at a snails pace, as did trade and exploration. Hell, anatomically modern humans have been traced back to around 200,000 years ago and history goes back only, what, 8,000 years at most! That's saying that all the progress we've experienced as a people has occurred in only 4% of the total time we've been around (Granted, my "8,000" estimate is hazy -- you could argue less or perhaps slightly more). Even within that 4% a great deal of the time was stagnant.

WorstUsernameEver said:
I don't know. I'm not really bothered by the premise, but it seems a bit of a stretch to assume that the arid climate would be able to preserve things to a point where an air conditioning system was still working.
I'm not so sure it's hard to believe. For one, it's built around "future" technology so our building standards need not apply. Secondly, I got the impression there was a centralized AI which coordinated these things (I don't mean to imply an advanced AI just some central computer which controls the gas and defense systems). This very same AI could control maintenance droids, or whatever.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: New Vegas! could have had a better screenie huh? Nice glove though ;)
I don't like the story of this DLC much, at least on a first impression, it might actually be good gameplay but the whole "radio signal" thing... I dunno, but it's getting kind of old. In FO3 the only DLC that wasn't activated this way was Broken Steel. In my opinion, it would be way cooler to have a quest involved here, like the replicated man from FO3, where you'd learn about this casino from campfire stories, shady, ragged characters traumatized by their experience visiting this location, drowning their sorrows in booze and slots, and such, a more RPGish approach, on my opinion, would make the experience more rewarding.