First Impression of Fallout 4

Leveling is super fast, he is already level 18 with 23 hours of gameplay.

23 hours of playing a game is not that fast for level 18. Its like 2 days of playing while not doing much else (assuming he at least slept).

Let's compare Fallout 1/2!

Takes a week of playing two hours a day get's me to level 7.

I got to level 4 playing for couple of hours this Sunday evening. Did Klamath's quests went straight for Den and hit level 4 after doing that quest chain where you have to kill church guarding gang. I think that might vary from person to person, depending how fast they do things in game. Still 23 hours is a lot - that's 2 weeks worth of your gaming time.
I'm reading about all kinds of complaints like crashing, unlocking frame rate causes everything to speed up and effect physics, long loading times, shitty mouse controls, no FOV slider(ewww), losing companions, pressing play but nothing happening, losing saves, getting stuck in the vault, invincible enemies, and more! Beth fanboys say "nothing wrong here" or "it's your computer"! I'm sooooo glad I didn't preorder this turd, i'll wait for the Christmas sale. :rofl:

Played 10 hours. Didn't have one single issue.
This game is so frustrating. You get thrown into the story. Fine I can live with that even tho' it's underwhelming. Then you get to the first plot point. Welp, a couple of raiders. Easy enough, what's that a Deathclaw??!

Thank god I can hide in this building and wait for the NPC to snipe it down. Hue hue.

So you guys live in my town now? That's cool. "Any idea what I should do?" Oh help those settlers? Okay let's do it. Just a couple of flies and molerats on the way. No problem.

"Hey need any help? What raiders attacking you? I'll deal with them."....TONS of Feral Ghouls and a fucking raider FORTRESS.

I mean seriously? This is the 2nd quest in the game. How about some pacing? The main quest right now is beyond that place. Who knows what kind of enemies are roaming there.

This is so stupid. This is basically a Find Adhesive Simulator. Utter garbage.
Sounds like a lot of people already don't like it. I can see why. But I'mma wait till Christmas to get it for a newer and better pc
Sounds like a lot of people already don't like it. I can see why. But I'mma wait till Christmas to get it for a newer and better pc

Fallout 4 has a lot of problems, but so far it seems like a fun game and after a few patches and shitload of mods it might even be great. Granted if you go in expecting to find something like Fallout 2 or New Vegas you will be disappointed.
I haven't heard much about it, other than gushing reviewers saying they don't have to read anymore, so I was wondering: Opinions on the voiced protagonist? And not just the voice actors but the writing as well?
My First Impressions after 6 hours:

Ok so to report. The game is indeed just full of Kill quests, basicaly every quest before arriving to Diamond city is just entering a dungeon and killing a bunch of Raiders/Ghouls/Synths. They don't offer any alternate paths to completion, even tho some have Named NPCs they mostly serve as Bosses. Every Conversation so far has had a "Persuasion" check, usually to get paid more, I have yet to see any charisma check that actually results on alternate Paths. Current Build is 6 Charisma. Only Charisma perk I have picked by level 10 is Lone Wanderer. Leveling up is indeed pretty fast, I already got 2 of the Level up achievements on a single play session.
The BOS qustline so far seems lifted from New Vegas but without alternate non violent routes, my current mission is even to recover the reports from dead Patrols.

Diamond city does have a small orchard in the middle. It's not quite big enough in representation but I guess is a step up from FO3's Single cow settlements.

There seem to be some named Raider Gangs but I have yet to find them, all the Raiders are called Raider so far.

Playing on hard, Stimpaks are scarce early on, but I am dealing lots of damage with my moded Knuckles, the Laser Musket is also pretty OP, the game isn't really that challenging. Definetly not "Unapologetically hardcore" as that laughable Polygon article claimed. You also get the Minigun pretty early on and unlike previous Fallouts, even FO3, getting a highlevel weapon at lower levels has no penalties, you shoot just as accurate, doesn't seem to be much penalties for not specing on a type of weapon. For example I haven't taken a single Sneak or Energy Weapon related perk and the Laser Musket still kills everything in a single shot in VATS.

A video of me Fist fighting the first Deathclaw. A test video before the actual recording starts. Cooling fan is going crazy, I am changing it today actually. Recorded on medium settings as I didn't want to suffer any stutter.

One thing I gotta give it, as you can see in the video, I found a tunnel to another part of the map after accidentally falling into the Hole the Deathclaw came from so the map seems to be nice and interconnected with secret zones to discover... Now if only Concor had anything going for it storywise....

One thing that is seriously annoying me is that blocking, gunbashing and Grenade throwing are all mapped to the same button. That's just fucking stupid.... Project nevada handled it in a more elegant manner and it was running on the New Vegas version of the engine...

Navigating the Pipboy is much clunkier now.
It'sstill divided into Tabs with the subsections lsited horizontally like before with the marked difference that the subsections are notall listed simultaneously, you have to Scroll Sideways toget to the different ones, which really has no reason be like that at all, getting from Weaponsto Miscellaneous items now takes multiple clicks for example, Holotapes and Notes are no longer on the "DATA" tab but in the INV tab, which makes the whole Inv section just a cluttered mess to navigate.

You can't move around the Perk chart with WASD for some reason, it requires you to Swipe while rick clicking it which any seasoned PC user would know is a pretty shitty way of controlling anythign ever. The Settlement building interface is another clunky nightmare, the mouse wheel doesn't let you scroll through the different structures, you have to move your mouse hand to the arrow keys to navigate the structures, pulling out of the menu requires multiple key strokes and you can even get into it by accident if you just happen to want to change to Third Person while in a settlemen. Commands also seem very inconsistent with menus and actions sometimes requiring to keep the button pressed sometimes while other times triggering with a light tap.
Why is Settlemen building mode even in First person? Wouldn't an Eagle view make much more sense and make it easier to use?

The Junk Jet is also pretty buggy, I was unable to pull my pipboy multiple times after loading it with junk, I had to Hotkey into another weapon to be able to access the Pipboy again. Lot's of Invisible Weapon bugs too.

Dialogue is GARBAGE, the "Sarcastic" option results in some very cringeworthy dialogue pretty often. Saying no is always Rude, accepting quests is always super polite, so if you want to play a "jerk character" but you don't want to turn down every single quest, you are goign to end up with a completely bipolar douche.

(X) Sarcastic: It just works.

More to come later. I might do a video on the UI.
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Wow, weapons actually dissapear when you holster them. Like, not only minigun but all of them.

When I said they should take something from Morrowind, I didn't exactly mean that.:?
My First Impressions after 6 hours:

Ok so to report. The game is indeed just full of Kill quests, basicaly every quest before arriving to Diamond city is just entering a dungeon and killing a bunch of Raiders/Ghouls/Synths. They don't offer any alternate paths to completion, even tho some have Named NPCs they mostly serve as Bosses. Every Conversation so far has had a "Persuasion" check, usually to get paid more, I have yet to see any charisma check that actually results on alternate Paths. Current Build is 6 Charisma. Only Charisma perk I have picked by level 10 is Lone Wanderer. Leveling up is indeed pretty fast, I already got 2 of the Level up achievements on a single play session.
The BOS qustline so far seems lifted from New Vegas but without alternate non violent routes, my current mission is even to recover the reports from dead Patrols.

Diamond city does have a small orchard in the middle. It's not quite big enough in representation but I guess is a step up from FO3's Single cow settlements.

There seem to be some named Raider Gangs but I have yet to find them, all the Raiders are called Raider so far.

Playing on hard, Stimpaks are scarce early on, but I am dealing lots of damage with my moded Knuckles, the Laser Musket is also pretty OP, the game isn't really that challenging. Definetly not "Unapologetically hardcore" as that laughable Polygon article claimed. You also get the Minigun pretty early on and unlike previous Fallouts, even FO3, getting a highlevel weapon at lower levels has no penalties, you shoot just as accurate, doesn't seem to be much penalties for not specing on a type of weapon. For example I haven't taken a single Sneak or Energy Weapon related perk and the Laser Musket still kills everything in a single shot in VATS.

A video of me Fist fighting the first Deathclaw. A test video before the actual recording starts. Cooling fan is going crazy, I am changing it today actually. Recorded on medium settings as I didn't want to suffer any stutter.

One thing I gotta give it, as you can see in the video, I found a tunnel to another part of the map after accidentally falling into the Hole the Deathclaw came from so the map seems to be nice and interconnected with secret zones to discover... Now if only Concor had anything going for it storywise....

One thing that is seriously annoying me is that blocking, gunbashing and Grenade throwing are all mapped to the same button. That's just fucking stupid.... Project nevada handled it in a more elegant manner and it was running on the New Vegas version of the engine...

Navigating the Pipboy is much clunkier now.
It'sstill divided into Tabs with the subsections lsited horizontally like before with the marked difference that the subsections are notall listed simultaneously, you have to Scroll Sideways toget to the different ones, which really has no reason be like that at all, getting from Weaponsto Miscellaneous items now takes multiple clicks for example, Holotapes and Notes are no longer on the "DATA" tab but in the INV tab, which makes the whole Inv section just a cluttered mess to navigate.

You can't move around the Perk chart with WASD for some reason, it requires you to Swipe while rick clicking it which any seasoned PC user would know is a pretty shitty way of controlling anythign ever. The Settlement building interface is another clunky nightmare, the mouse wheel doesn't let you scroll through the different structures, you have to move your mouse hand to the arrow keys to navigate the structures, pulling out of the menu requires multiple key strokes and you can even get into it by accident if you just happen to want to change to Third Person while in a settlemen. Commands also seem very inconsistent with menus and actions sometimes requiring to keep the button pressed sometimes while other times triggering with a light tap.
Why is Settlemen building mode even in First person? Wouldn't an Eagle view make much more sense and make it easier to use?

The Junk Jet is also pretty buggy, I was unable to pull my pipboy multiple times after loading it with junk, I had to Hotkey into another weapon to be able to access the Pipboy again. Lot's of Invisible Weapon bugs too.

Dialogue is GARBAGE, the "Sarcastic" option results in some very cringeworthy dialogue pretty often. Saying no is always Rude, accepting quests is always super polite, so if you want to play a "jerk character" but you don't want to turn down every single quest, you are goign to end up with a completely bipolar douche.

(X) Sarcastic: It just works.

More to come later. I might do a video on the UI.
I think I heard your voice at the beginning. It's pretty low. Oh yeah what are the requirements for it to run on pc?
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For now I would give it a 7 as a stand alone action game, but a 4 as a Fallout game. Still can't make any absolute judgements on it, Maybe by the end of the week.
My machine shouldn't be able to play this game since my cpu is too old and I only have 6gb of ram. But so far, so good. Been playing for several hours on medium settings without any hiccups except one crash when my pc ran out of memory. That was after the first three hours. Next session lasted longer and didn't end in a crash.

As for the game, I was a tiny bit hyped since it's Fallout after all. But I'm sick of Bethesda's bullshit so I didn't have high hopes at all. Still, I can barely believe I'm already a bit bored. Nothing in the game has hooked me yet. Everything feels so incredibly bland, dull and uninteresting. The base building's been the most fun so far, and I didn't even like that they put it into the game and wasn't going to bother with it. I hope it picks up just a little bit. But in the end, this is yet another typical Bethesda game with nothing new. They haven't learned a thing.
First impressions:
Spent three hours in the game. Got no idea what to do next, and no motivation to find something. Not really into the whole Minecraft-aspect of the game, although I do like the layered armour system.
I'm certainly underwhelmed. The game does look pretty, although I do have a problem with high res textures not loading, so there's the odd patch of low LOD texture here and there. Especially annoying when the character's clothes don't load properly and you have to look at characters from 1999 video games throughout the "conversation".
My First Impressions after 6 hours:

Ok so to report. The game is indeed just full of Kill quests, basicaly every quest before arriving to Diamond city is just entering a dungeon and killing a bunch of Raiders/Ghouls/Synths. They don't offer any alternate paths to completion, even tho some have Named NPCs they mostly serve as Bosses. Every Conversation so far has had a "Persuasion" check, usually to get paid more, I have yet to see any charisma check that actually results on alternate Paths. Current Build is 6 Charisma. Only Charisma perk I have picked by level 10 is Lone Wanderer. Leveling up is indeed pretty fast, I already got 2 of the Level up achievements on a single play session.
The BOS qustline so far seems lifted from New Vegas but without alternate non violent routes, my current mission is even to recover the reports from dead Patrols.

Diamond city does have a small orchard in the middle. It's not quite big enough in representation but I guess is a step up from FO3's Single cow settlements.

There seem to be some named Raider Gangs but I have yet to find them, all the Raiders are called Raider so far.

Playing on hard, Stimpaks are scarce early on, but I am dealing lots of damage with my moded Knuckles, the Laser Musket is also pretty OP, the game isn't really that challenging. Definetly not "Unapologetically hardcore" as that laughable Polygon article claimed. You also get the Minigun pretty early on and unlike previous Fallouts, even FO3, getting a highlevel weapon at lower levels has no penalties, you shoot just as accurate, doesn't seem to be much penalties for not specing on a type of weapon. For example I haven't taken a single Sneak or Energy Weapon related perk and the Laser Musket still kills everything in a single shot in VATS.

A video of me Fist fighting the first Deathclaw. A test video before the actual recording starts. Cooling fan is going crazy, I am changing it today actually. Recorded on medium settings as I didn't want to suffer any stutter.

One thing I gotta give it, as you can see in the video, I found a tunnel to another part of the map after accidentally falling into the Hole the Deathclaw came from so the map seems to be nice and interconnected with secret zones to discover... Now if only Concor had anything going for it storywise....

One thing that is seriously annoying me is that blocking, gunbashing and Grenade throwing are all mapped to the same button. That's just fucking stupid.... Project nevada handled it in a more elegant manner and it was running on the New Vegas version of the engine...

Navigating the Pipboy is much clunkier now.
It'sstill divided into Tabs with the subsections lsited horizontally like before with the marked difference that the subsections are notall listed simultaneously, you have to Scroll Sideways toget to the different ones, which really has no reason be like that at all, getting from Weaponsto Miscellaneous items now takes multiple clicks for example, Holotapes and Notes are no longer on the "DATA" tab but in the INV tab, which makes the whole Inv section just a cluttered mess to navigate.

You can't move around the Perk chart with WASD for some reason, it requires you to Swipe while rick clicking it which any seasoned PC user would know is a pretty shitty way of controlling anythign ever. The Settlement building interface is another clunky nightmare, the mouse wheel doesn't let you scroll through the different structures, you have to move your mouse hand to the arrow keys to navigate the structures, pulling out of the menu requires multiple key strokes and you can even get into it by accident if you just happen to want to change to Third Person while in a settlemen. Commands also seem very inconsistent with menus and actions sometimes requiring to keep the button pressed sometimes while other times triggering with a light tap.
Why is Settlemen building mode even in First person? Wouldn't an Eagle view make much more sense and make it easier to use?

The Junk Jet is also pretty buggy, I was unable to pull my pipboy multiple times after loading it with junk, I had to Hotkey into another weapon to be able to access the Pipboy again. Lot's of Invisible Weapon bugs too.

Dialogue is GARBAGE, the "Sarcastic" option results in some very cringeworthy dialogue pretty often. Saying no is always Rude, accepting quests is always super polite, so if you want to play a "jerk character" but you don't want to turn down every single quest, you are goign to end up with a completely bipolar douche.

(X) Sarcastic: It just works.

More to come later. I might do a video on the UI.

Surprise,Surprise,you didn't like anything so far really.Lol.
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This game is so frustrating. You get thrown into the story. Fine I can live with that even tho' it's underwhelming. Then you get to the first plot point. Welp, a couple of raiders. Easy enough, what's that a Deathclaw??!

Thank god I can hide in this building and wait for the NPC to snipe it down. Hue hue.

So you guys live in my town now? That's cool. "Any idea what I should do?" Oh help those settlers? Okay let's do it. Just a couple of flies and molerats on the way. No problem.

"Hey need any help? What raiders attacking you? I'll deal with them."....TONS of Feral Ghouls and a fucking raider FORTRESS.

I mean seriously? This is the 2nd quest in the game. How about some pacing? The main quest right now is beyond that place. Who knows what kind of enemies are roaming there.

This is so stupid. This is basically a Find Adhesive Simulator. Utter garbage.

Wow! Who complains about having a lot of action at the beginning of the game!?