First round of Fallout 4 Reviews

Few things:
1. Many of the reviews are still not up for metacritic. Destructoid gave it a 7.5 for instance and hasn't appeared on metacritic.

2. Time for some new numbers:

FO4 Metacritic - 87(PS4) - 88(XB1) - 87(PC)
User reviews - 5.5(PS4) - 5.4(XB1) - 4.7(PC)

Negative reviews - 307(PS4) - 177(XB1) - 652(PC) = 1136

Puts it at more negative reviews than FO3 and NV combined which is 805.


Negative Steam reviews = 1482. It basically has a 80 on steam assuming a binary system since out of every 5 reviews 1 is negative.

Hehe... New Vegas has a 96% on Steam while Fallout 4 is at an 80% for the moment. If this is not justice or karma then I don't know what is.
So, whenever I get the game (a long time from now, perhaps a year or two), I'm going to challenge myself to get all SPECIAL stats to 10 and all Perks taken prior to completing the game.

I'm sure that won't take long based on how fast people seem to level up in all these videos I'm watching.
Apparently there is something like 450,000 people playing on steam right now compared to the ~11,000 reviews on steam/metacritic. So yeah, could just be the vocal minority about negative views.
Anyone else getting sick and tried of "professional" reviewers saying that a voiced protagonist is a step in the right direction for the Fallout series? I really wish a meteorite from space would crash down on their heads. Then again they probably only played Fallout 3 and not 1 or 2 and if that is the case then they shouldn't call themselves "Fallout experts".:whatever:
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Why am I watching this idiot fanboy? :|

And why did I start reading the comments under the sycophantic drivel he posted?

Youtuber Queen Elsa says:

Fallout 1 didn't have much of a storyline, that game was more dependent on it's post apocalyptic context and atmosphere. While Fallout 2 upped the game story wise, it really isn't comparable to the quality of the story in fallout 4. Just because something is slightly cliche, doesn't mean it's bad. The story execution is very strong in this fallout game and the storyline is well written with great voice acting to accompany the progression of the story.

Then again, it wouldn't surprise me if this bimbo is referring to Fallout 3 when she says "Fallout 1."
Because you can only have positive opinions if you are playing it on release?

Nobody said that. But it is a possibility that people aren't viewing the game as a 4/10 unplayable mess.

Listen, I haven't played it personally. I think that the dialogue changes are terrible and I voiced tons of negative opinions about the early viewed stuff. I've shit on FO3 a ton. I think Bethesda can't write a compelling character to save their life and their main storylines are almost always bunk. The fact they took out weapon degredation is dumb. The hardcore mode apparently isn't even as hard as base NV version and I had to mod NV version to be REMOTELY difficult. The graphics I think are ugly but certainly better than FO3/NV though I do like the fact there is finally some color in the wasteland. VATS I always thought was dumb. The gunplay is apparently better but I've heard a lot of people say that it's still garbage overall with little to no reactions from enemies unless you do a ton of damage at once. I felt that voiced dialogue for every character almost ALWAYS comes back to bite you in the ass if you want to do a halfway decent open world RPG with any sort of immersion or real sort of dialogue between characters. FO3's karma system was broke. The way stealing worked was broke. The companion system was garbage. NV was a step up but the companion mechanics and AI were STILL garbage. Bethesda games are shallow as hell "loot em up" power fantasies.

That doesn't mean that everyone is actually of the opinion it's an awful game and chances are MOST people are relatively happy with the product. I'm not most people.

Honestly, at this point I think it's best to accept that Fallout as we know it is dead, entirely. The best way to approach the series is as it is intended to be, a shallow semi RPG about guns like borderlands. Only problem is that bethesda STILL can't do halfway decent gunplay from what I've seen. I haven't played it so I wont comment on the feel but everything I've seen still looks garbage.

The only thing I appreciated about Bethesda was that they are one of the few companies that still supported mod tools, and even THAT is getting reduced with things like for-sale mods on steam for Skyrim, removing options for modding allowed things like script extenders.

I'm waiting till the game goes on sale and gets big patches before I buy it.

That make you happy?
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Fallout 1 didn't have much of a storyline, that game was more dependent on it's post apocalyptic context and atmosphere. While Fallout 2 upped the game story wise...
Fallout 2 was a massive disappointment, in terms of the storyline. I cannot comprehend how anyone would think Fallout 1 "did not have much of a storyline" when it was written on a much higher intellectual level. Compare Pesident Richardson to the Master.
I cannot comprehend how anyone would think Fallout 1 "did not have much of a storyline" when it was written on a much higher intellectual level. Compare Pesident Richardson to the Master.

I seriously doubt this idiot even played the first fifteen minutes of Fallout, much less made it all the way to confront the Master.

Probably skimmed a couple falloutwikia articles at best.
I admit I take a little pride in that the prediction I made before the embargo was lifted of a below 90 average press score actually came true.

Moving on, I hope Bethesda totally forsakes their dialogue wheel and voiced protagonist. Even r/Fallout, which is slightly more in favor of New Vegas than of 3, overall seems to agree that the dialogue system is a mistake.
Anyone else getting sick and tried of "professional" reviewers saying that a voiced protagonist is a step in the right direction for the Fallout series? I really wish a meteorite from space would crash down on their heads. Then again they probably only played Fallout 3 and not 1 or 2 and if that is the case then they shouldn't call themselves "Fallout experts".:whatever:

yeah, I hate voice acting in all video games.
I can tolerate in some games like gta or postal 2 but most games have long drawn out tiring voice nonsense

Really fucking hate videos in video games.. cutscenes and bullshit nonsense anytime a video game stops me from controlling it
it's a video "game" not an interactive movie... and well panasonic 3do tried that years ago and failed.

I also want to Bitch Slap everyone who uses the words Immersion and openworld
The dialogue system deprives the player character of any personality despite having a voice. THey copied the system from Mass Effect and dumbed it down even further.... They Half Assed the Half Assing! It's not even half of a gluteus.
The dialogue system deprives the player character of any personality despite having a voice. THey copied the system from Mass Effect and dumbed it down even further.... They Half Assed the Half Assing! It's not even half of a gluteus.

It's a quarter-ass?
I admit I take a little pride in that the prediction I made before the embargo was lifted of a below 90 average press score actually came true.

Moving on, I hope Bethesda totally forsakes their dialogue wheel and voiced protagonist. Even r/Fallout, which is slightly more in favor of New Vegas than of 3, overall seems to agree that the dialogue system is a mistake.

But... but, a voiced protagonist is a step in the right direction for the Fallout series. At lest according to every idiot "critic" that gave this broken and cringe inducing POS a glowing review.
Also, I am still unable to use the Console commands, the console interface just won't open. Game is so broken that I can't even use the debugging tools to fix the bugs I find.
Also, I am still unable to use the Console commands, the console interface just won't open. Game is so broken that I can't even use the debugging tools to fix the bugs I find.

But according to our favorite troll Battlecross the game isn't broken. Our logic with that word is flawed. The denial from Beth fanboys is really starting to get entertaining.
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The only thing I appreciated about Bethesda was that they are one of the few companies that still supported mod tools, and even THAT is getting reduced with things like for-sale mods on steam for Skyrim, removing options for modding allowed things like script extenders.

I saw something about that earlier, but I couldn't confirm it with some Googling. And the script extender group already has a WIP thread up for F4SE. It looks like they're still taking things apart to see how they tick.
The fact they took out weapon degredation is dumb.
I am glad it is good; one of few smart things that Bethesda has done. Weapon degradation was a pointless mechanic that serve no purpose, other than making more the Repair Skill slightly more useful than it was in Fallout 1 and 2..
This game has given me 2 Blue screens already, this PC is built for 3D Rendering and heavy video editing and I am playing it on medium.....
Anyone else getting sick and tried of "professional" reviewers saying that a voiced protagonist is a step in the right direction for the Fallout series? I really wish a meteorite from space would crash down on their heads. Then again they probably only played Fallout 3 and not 1 or 2 and if that is the case then they shouldn't call themselves "Fallout experts".:whatever:

Also how those reviewers will say something like ,"Fallout 4 is just what we've come to expect from a Fallout game", and then you know they've never played anything before 3. It's sad that most people expect something like Fallout 3. Way to aim low there.
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