Vault Senior Citizen

Dogmeat swimming in midair is the most adorable glitch ever I think.
Remember when the story in Fallout New Vegas could be analysed as an actual story? You know, how it's essentially a parody of modern events in the Middle East? Interesting characters and great dialogue "Thumbs down you son of a bitch". Themes? Those were cool. For me, New Vegas was always about "letting go" (Elijah wanting to begin the world anew, Ulysses struggling to accept the loss of the Divide society, the NCR trying to rebuild the old flawed civilisation and Caesar trying to bring about a Hegelian synthesis to create a new and better (in his opinion) world. But there were other themes. War, love, LGBT relationships, forgiveness, the power of the individual, corruption, redemption and ultimately, a positive message for humanity at the end, that while war never changes, people do. And all of this, all of it, encapsulated in a neat video game about a post-apocalyptic society rebuilding itself in the ruins of Las Vegas, controlled by a computer and run by robots with police faces on them.
Yeah...that was neat.
That's giving that mess of a story in NV way too much credit. The story and the writing were the worst parts about New Vegas. The different factions were very appreciated, but the execution left a lot to be desired.
The only Fallout with a truly interesting main story was the original Fallout, in my opinion.
In Fallout, I originally wanted to help my Vault, but then felt more attached to everyone outside my Vault. By comparison, NV was a jumbled mess that left me not caring what happened to anyone in its world.
Dogmeat swimming in midair is the most adorable glitch ever I think.
Dogmeat swimming in midair is the most adorable glitch ever I think.
Then you've not seen Super Saiyan Dogmeat!!
Here's a question for y'all: as a Fallout game, is this better or worse than 3?
Surprising it has better scores on Console even tho it's been confirmed it suffers from a lot of performance issues on Consoles.....
Console players have lower expectations than PC owners, I guess?
It might actually be worse.
Agreed. There's that possibility this will be worse then Fallout 3.
Surprising it has better scores on Console even tho it's been confirmed it suffers from a lot of performance issues on Consoles.....
Console players have lower expectations than PC owners, I guess?
Here we go with PC elitism bullshit......
Sometimes I just get the impression that folks around here will find any negative facets and accentuate them to a disporportionate degree.
It might be interesting to know that some of these reviewers found the power armor system to be something of a chore in its implemention, and not as strongly executed as it could be. And the romance system is very silly indeed, but there almost seems to be a "so bad its good" kind of vibe from being able to just romance everyone without consequence.
You should re-read your previous post. You said Console players have lower expectations than PC players. What you stated in this post has nothing to do with @FalloutFam85 was replying to, so I really see no need to keep up this oblivious act. Whether or not it is PC elitism to think that Console gamers have lower expectations than PC gamers is a different discussion.Surprising it has better scores on Console even tho it's been confirmed it suffers from a lot of performance issues on Consoles.....
Console players have lower expectations than PC owners, I guess?
Here we go with PC elitism bullshit......
Um performance/FPS would historically be the major difference between the two types of machine when playing the same game.
Console game developers seem to shoot for 30fps, and on a PC title made in 2015 that would be laughably low.
I don't think elitism has anything to do with that.