First round of Fallout 4 Reviews

I don't have the game, but for those who have played it, are there any side quests that genuinely seem to be well-written and have meaningful branching choices?
My god did this thing take forever to kill:
I'm playing on the hardest difficulty so that's why but still this thing was annoying, managed to snipe him/her from the top of the building with the power armor on it. I hapen to find the power armor useless at the moment but maybe that's just me. :P


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Looks like the "reviewers who actually spent some time with the game" and the "reviewers who had to buy the game because they are no longer on the free copy list after being honest in the past" are starting to check in. :)

I almost feel sorry for... well... no I don't.
You know I'm sincerely surprised here. I thought the game would be praised to no end, but its getting bashed on left and right. What I thought would be one of the highest rated games of the year is now the biggest disappointment. I've seen game play, it looks like any normal Bethesda RPG. So why is everyone hating it? I guess people are finally getting tired of Bethesda's formula, or maybe Beth strayed too far from it. With the removal of skills and what not.
The broken release state + Behtesda just outright LYING about the performance issues even after release was also a factor.
"If" I played it? Dude, you realize I have been doing reports on this game on two threads the past 3 days right?
And there are certainly other things, too, like coming from Fallout: New Vegas, the storytelling of which is still far ahead of Fallout 4's.

Looking at Fallout 4's RPG mechanics, there are essential NPCs from the start, and you're forced to help Preston. That should be a harbinger it falls behind its predecessor in that regard.
I ran into a Bethesda fanboy defending the absence of unique faction and settlement endings as Bethesda "not wanting to give a correct ending" and that it's super smart and shit... These fanboys defend laziness, how many of them defend the bugs, I wonder?
Well darn, sorry for not seeing those. I've been busy with school, and I rarely have the time to get on. Thanks for telling me though, I will be sure to check them out.
Very mixed. As an action game is solid, but as a Fallout gam it has been just completely incompetent. I still don't see what was gained from the removal of skills. If something Leveling up actually feels less rewarding because all you gain abilities in is Combat.
Reading reviews, watching videos, and let's plays and such are making me kind of want to play the game just to see how I can take advantage of their broken system.

(I have no money really so no chance of me buying it anyway)

Like, I wonder if I could get through the game with just taking Intense Training at level up and never taking any other perks.

Or to see how powerful of weapons/armor/whatever I can craft super early in the game because there are no skills to limit the kind of weaponry I can use.

Or to do a no-level playthrough, if that's even possible with how easy it is to get xp in this game.

Y'know, purposefully limit myself in at least one category just to see how easy I can beat it.

Stuff like that.
A Level 1 run is impossible. Not only do the main quest missions give enough Exp to level up each time (I even got vlose to leveling up twice from reporting one of those) But the game is built to encourage and focre grinding because it's just littered with combat zones and they are all Level capped not scaled so you will just keep finding more and more bullet spongey enemies.
Man, Bethesda, don't want to make this game fun for me at all. >_>

How about those other two things? And do you see any way in which someone could find this game challenging in the slightest? :P