HM, my previous post seems to have moved about 8 pages back... This thread is gong fast for sure (DirtyDreamDesigner, you went through this whole thing? I'm glad I got 70% off it!).
Let me re-phrase some of that post, as some don't seem to get it.
For Alec & Darklegacy: What was the bar in the bottom of F1 and F2? Wasn't that part of the Pipboy?
It uses the same rusty look with red buttons and bolts. This leads me to conclude that the "chardex" and "skilldex" parts are also incorporated in Pipboy.
I believe that the Chardex part is software made by Vault-Tec, uploaded on Robco's Pipboy hardware. Hence why we see a Vault-Tec visual on Robco hardware. I can also upload Windows visuals on my (some other brand) PDA...
About the nuke launcher:
Technical possibility:
I stated that if implemented, it has to be well-balanced. Fire at only mid to long range, radiate the environment (and player, if too close), turn nearby NPC's hostile.
Canon possibility:
As Fallacy stated, a gatling Laser could be considered "silly" as well. Still, in the 50's, if a nuclear portable launcher was existing, they could imagine making those devices even more portable.
As the mentioned link states however, the real word device was made with the smallest payload nuclear charge possible... WHich leads me to believe that this is or a "dirty bomb" (which can fit in a briefcase), or a sci-fi element. Dits in the 50's sci-fi setting afaik.
Thanks Madmonkeyzoom for the link, good research!
About the Super Sledge:
I agree that the one in the pics looks like a Warhammer +3. I used quite some real life sledges, those things cannot be lifted up by a small framed person. At least not the super versions.
A mutant may be huge, but the sledge should be at least the length of it's arm - if a mutie is about 2m30 tall, the sledge is at least 1m or 1m50. Half the mutie's height.
That thing looks somewhat scavenged, but who would want to make the thing heavier with a METAL Pipe? And it should crumble walls and hammer poles in the ground, so it should have a square & flat contact surface. MAybe with a kinetic chamber, but not with some junk on the end of the bar.
Mikael Grizzly said:
TheSarge said:
A level cap of 20? That's stupid!
Fallout 1 had a level cap of 21, grasshopper.
Yeah, and F1 was time-limited. Using SPECIAL in a non-time limited Fallout would have to have a higher cap. IMHO. I like to wander around some in the late game of F2, until I can easily take out Enclave squads and have found all random encounters (Alien Blaster, Solar Scorcher!).
I hope F3 won't have a fixed time for the final quest.
Don't get me wrong, I love F1 & 2, and I will always hope for a real canon follow-up with the original mood and setting. Again, as stated, this needs Fallout's original devs.
Beth doesn't have those devs, so they will make their own version.
You can polish yourself for another 10 year to become an even more glittering gem of hatred, but what will that give you?
I think, realistically speaking, that it's more useful to concentrate now on what Bethesda can really improve in their F3 incorporation. It may not be what you wanted at all, but you can help polishing it.
It may also clear the path for a new market niche of post-apoc games. Ok, that could yield some more crappy spin-offs. It may also tickle an indie or other dev studio to take up the good old cRPG spirit and make a isometric gem of pure old Fallout delight.
Sometimes I think that the only thing you want is or wait 20 years more for a real Fallout (then you can play it when you face retirement), or nothing at all. Be glad that there is once more interest in the Fallout universe - even bad commercial is commercial, and some people do learn from (others') mistakes. Let Bethesda create and fail, it will have some influence.