Game Informer Fallout 3 article scans

I just realized how retarded people can be, I mean most of us are making great points about what we done like what we have seen thus far but yet people come in and complain about the people who are complaining and saying how we don't have open minds I think there is a word for this... Irony thats it.
Hello Neal,

I would rather call it a willingness to accept anything.

I have no doubt that these people are really fans of Fallout and that they like so many not on the board really want a new Fallout game so they can explore the wastes again and have adventures.

But we don't have to accept everything, we should be allowed to be critical and say when we don't like something.

Does that mean we hate Bethesda and its people? I have nothing personal against Tod Howard and his people, I simply think he doesn't understand Fallout despite that he says so, and I don't like the route of development they have taken.

I can't say developers always have to listen to their fans or follow all of their wishes, but just by taking notice of what they would like to see and try to keep that in mind when you develop something is a good first step.
You might not always get it correct but you do try.

The FO3 group is primarely interested in creating their own vision of the concept and attract the gamers who were never interested in the first two games because it has a gameplay they didn't like.
Hmm,perhaps you can join the Brotherhood,the Raiders and the Supermutant guild all at the same time.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Hello Neal,

I would rather call it a willingness to accept anything.

I have no doubt that these people are really fans of Fallout and that they like so many not on the board really want a new Fallout game so they can explore the wastes again and have adventures.

But we don't have to accept everything, we should be allowed to be critical and say when we don't like something.

Does that mean we hate Bethesda and its people? I have nothing personal against Tod Howard and his people, I simply think he doesn't understand Fallout despite that he says so, and I don't like the route of development they have taken.

I can't say developers always have to listen to their fans or follow all of their wishes, but just by taking notice of what they would like to see and try to keep that in mind when you develop something is a good first step.
You might not always get it correct but you do try.

The FO3 group is primarely interested in creating their own vision of the concept and attract the gamers who were never interested in the first two games because it has a gameplay they didn't like.

Very well put, and I agree especially with the 5th paragraph. I was waiting for cnc3 for quite a while and it was nice that fan feedback was taken and considered and when there wasn't something that they would take they told the community why. Its amazing that EA did such a thing but overall they got a better understanding from the community because of this instead of what we are going through of being left in the dark.
Vault 13 said:
but on second thoughts the whole game is shit so why give a fuck about that .
How do you know? Did you play it?

Come on people, your whole judgement is based on one teaser and one article... That's not too much isn't it?
I can handle 3d Graphics, I can even handle being real time, but this is nothing more than the Doom Marine with a Palm pilot PDA.

Why not make it an iso style view point like VB? It's a 3d Engine why at least give it another optional camera angle to be able to play it like that.
Wooz said:
Neal said:
What spelling is wrong?


Ok one punctuation error why even bring it up?

Wooz said:
It's "Spellcheck" and "Punctuation" for you, newb.

That like me pointing out that "spellcheck" has a space and should be "spell check."

Also it has nothing to do with the topic being discussed, and being a moderator you shouldn't flame because of a spelling error.
Wild_qwerty said:
I can handle 3d Graphics, I can even handle being real time, but this is nothing more than the Doom Marine with a Palm pilot PDA.

Why not make it an iso style view point like VB? It's a 3d Engine why at least give it another optional camera angle to be able to play it like that.
Why are you so reluctant towards first person view?

Did you forget Deus Ex and System Shock?

It's just a perspective, the way we see the world. It doesn't have to define a game as a shooter...
Neal said:
That like me pointing out that "spellcheck" has a space and should be "spell check."

"Spellcheck" is the name of the button at the bottom of the post window, moron.

Also it has nothing to do with the topic being discussed, and being a moderator you shouldn't flame because of a spelling error.

Being a moderator, I advise you to obey the fucking posting rules and stop trying to tell the staff how to run the forum.
Don't Collaborate.

I'm not asking you to speak out if there's something about Fallout 3 you don't like, I'm not asking you to boycott the game. Just don't collaborate with Bethesda, don't look for the silver lining, don't highlight the bits you do like, don't suggest changes that'll make it more palatable! In other words if you haven't got anything bad to say don't say anything at all.

Under no circumstances give them the opportunity to say this is the game Fallout fans have been waiting for, or this is the game Fallout fans have asked us for.

A boycott won't work, gaming has changed since FOBOS came out. There's too few of us to affect sales figures in today's market. Casual gaming has come a long way, the next gen consoles and the Wii have changed things for ever. Gaming is more acceptable and there are far more people buying games that don't read the gaming media or browse fan sites. There is very little hope, except for Bethesda to create a game so bad that magazines like Maxim or FHM give it a bad review. It's a sad state of affairs when our only hope of salvation is the lads mags and other non gaming media but they are the only journalists that can influence the spending of the masses. And it is the casual gamer that will decide the future of the franchise. Sales figures are the only feedback Bethesda will really listen to.

Innuendo said:
Why are you so reluctant towards first person view?

Did you forget Deus Ex and System Shock?

It's just a perspective, the way we see the world. It doesn't have to define a game as a shooter...
Have you read anything on this site? The viewpoint is important to the PnP tabletop feeling of the original game, which is part of the original design. Something some of us appreciate.
Wild_qwerty said:
Why not make it an iso style view point like VB? It's a 3d Engine why at least give it another optional camera angle to be able to play it like that.

Valid point.
Once you have a full 3D engine, it's not that hard to put a viewpoint in an angle that looks like classical ISO view and bind controls to zoom in/out, rotate, pan and tilt the camera.
I don't say it can be done out of the box, but it's just minimal work compared to go from false 2D/iso view with sprites to full 3D and 1st person view.

The only problem to resolve is the visibility one : "hiding" obstacles along the way to the player or group while not revealing what he's not supposed to see at this point.
But games that shipped more than 10 years ago already successfully addressed this problem ...
Innuendo said:
Why are you so reluctant towards first person view?
Because a first-person view conflicts with the P&P design and, more importantly, the turn-based combat.
Hello everyone,

I'm a long time lurker so without further ado....

Its a sad day when my first post is a Eulogy for the Departed that was the Fallout Universe.

*Flashback to 1997*

Dad gave his first born daughter one of the best CRPG ever. This game was one in a million because it didnt assume I was a moron from the beginning (unlike 90% of the console games today-too much flash and not enough substance).

Even better, at the wee age of 14, this game steered me away from the television and its many Power Rangers Rip Offs.

It made me into a PC-addict and made me scoff at the so called "RPG elements" of Final Fantasy.

Thoughts on F3 for the Moment:

For me and for my father, now that I've shown him these scans, its like the Easter Bunny was critcally hit with with a Super Sledge Hammer to the groin, thereby opening a Dogmeat sized wound in our hearts.

What happened to quality RPG games?

Where are the Fallouts and X-coms of the modern age?

Why are developers predominatly making FP-whatevers?!
Ignoring the fact that, you know, Deus Ex and System Shock were shooters. Try playing a turn-based game in First-Person, for example. It sure as hell does define the game.

Yes, I liked DX and SS. Do I want a Fallout that plays like that? Not really.

Would I be willing to accept another Post-Apocalyptic game that plays like that? Yes, depending on how well it's executed.

Even call it Fallout Evil if you have to, considering Resident Evil seems to be the biggest influence. Just don't call it Fallout 3.

Neal, ignoring Wooz's posts, something that really annoys me is whenever you refer to B-E-T-H-E-S-D-A as Bethdusa. Seriously.

Unless you're attempting to ironically imply that everything BethSoft looks at turns to stone, which I doubt, stop it.

And Jesus Christ, how on earth is this thread still going? Nevermind. I forgot about self-sustaining fanbase reactions.
Wyrmwolf said:
What happened to quality RPG games?

The leading policy in software development in the recent ten years seems to be: "Forget creativity. The dumbest buy the mostest, that's the name of the game".
Innuendo said:
How do you know? Did you play it? (snip)

Your forgetting their track record, the track record for new FO games, and simple fact that the screens don't resemble the established FO universe (which most of us know and love). It's like ID-Software showcasing Quake5 as a turn based side scroller with 'my little pony' graphics. You wouldn't need to play the finished article to know that it would no longer look or play like Quake. Same applies here, may turn out to be an ok game - but a true FO3 it ain't.

If it was labelled something else, we would be interested - but buying into it, as it is, would be tantamount to us giving a big thumbs up to the wanton destruction of niche games and genres. It would make as much sense as a pacifist donating money to a leading defence contractor.
Sander said:
Innuendo said:
Why are you so reluctant towards first person view?
Because a first-person view conflicts with the P&P design and, more importantly, the turn-based combat.

Pretty sure that Fallout 3 isn't going to be turn based...