Game Informer Fallout 3 article scans

bluurg said:
Why is the super mutant wielding a FANTASY WAR HAMMER?

Dont be harsh, it's not his fault he signed on for the wrong game - being an Orc he couldn't read the signs, they can't all be as intelligent as 'Gar'. Someone at Beth really should have recognised he didn't look anything like a mutant and politely shown him the door, but I guess they were too busy working out how best to screw up the combat system to notice.

Who knows, maybe some other stuff will make get mixed up as well.. perhaps we will see Daedric Rippers, Dwemer (oh wait they just call em dwarven now) Miniguns, or perhaps even some really durable glass combat armour (with enchantments) in the near future.
Kan-Kerai said:
PS: I pretty much nailed the combat system in the last thread. Whatever, go me. It still isn't washing away the dirty feeling coming from seeing the prediction come true. I'd almost managed to fool myself into believing it could be really good.

They managed to make it sound worse than I could've imagined.

Where did you describe the system? I roughly recall your espousing a RT with power-up mode, which it doesn't seem to be.


Giant ants and mushroom clouds? Hmm

I am very annoyed that there isn’t a proper dialogue option screen. Diplomacy is vague.
Seeing that they are using voice acting and designing for consoles, it looks like speech will be severely cut down.

Degrading weapons and the survival elements sound like good ideas that will be implemented horribly. What about resting to heal?

G.O.A.T. sounds like a chore. Fallout 3: Gimped by Gimmicks

The spin on role-playing, such as multiple paths, quests and consequences sounds good, but I’ll believe it when I see it. The morality in the narrative seems pretty black and white. Perks every other level is Ok. There are traits.

We should still have the option to manipulate the camera, but it looks like it will be fixed so the poor artists don’t feel unappreciated. This leads to the small world and likely lack of proper desert wastes.

What’s with the GTA-style radio? Does that mean we won’t have any ambient music?

No level scaling is good, but Radiant A.I.’s mutated progeny will likely fail.

“It’s not an action game, it’s a role-playing game.” Then why have frequent slow motion, gratuitous violence? Infantile cinematic bullshite.

So the teaser was the intro. Heh
Nim82 said:
What's all this talk of 'sprawling underground metros and sewer systems'? That sounds like dungeon crawling to me, (...)

The talk of AI with 'knowledge of the terrain, and situational awareness' can be interpreted as - they will get stuck behind trees/lamposts, walk into your line of fire and will constantly remind you that the chapel in anvil has been attacked, If the accuracy is anywhere close to Todd's comments on Radiant at this stage.

As before I see people complaining about FO3, using completely missed arguments. Weren't there many sewers/underground/mines quests in Fallout? Weren't your companions extremely stupid, standing in door in the middle of a fight, getting all the shots from enemies, blocking your aim at the same time, and not moving from this position until the fight ends?

bluurg said:
Why is the super mutant wielding a FANTASY WAR HAMMER?

So you think all warhammers in Fallout should have the same, vanilla hammer designs as in Fallout 1 and 2? Where do these hammers come from? A warhammer factory? Or just some do it yourself scrap parts?
If I'd want to be evil, I'd say that's a shitty fantasy hammer.

If I'm being nice, I'd say it looks like a parking meter or a tesla sledge. If.

Honestly, for the high intelligence that people claim to have around here, I'm surprised you expected any better. It's a console gig, 2 consoles and the humble pc. No matter how bad/good it will be, it will be a console game. A console game. Like MK. It was great, was a console game.

Reality check.
Oh man, this sucks.
I've been optimistic, thinking they could not possibly mess it up after talking about Fallout like they did. These screens look so horrible!
From what they say, it may be a good RPG but it looks like a much improved Fallout BOS, not F3. I'm not talking about the damn orc or ogre or whatever the hell that green thing is either. There are so many bad ideas in that article that there is no way I will consider this F3. There are good ideas too but...
And those Oblivion faces... especially the black guy in the cowboy hat, straight out of oblivion...
Jesus Christ, seems to me like Beth listened us and all the fans and did the exact opposite...I tried my best to have some faith in Beth but with what I just saw, All hope is lost. luckily we pc people can depend on talented modders whom I hope will shape back the game the way the fans wants it & all you console freak can just choke on it because you are in part responsible for the downfall of fallout....curse you all.
ssuukk said:
So you think all warhammers in Fallout should have the same, vanilla hammer designs as in Fallout 1 and 2? Where do these hammers come from? A warhammer factory? Or just some do it yourself scrap parts?

I think the point is that these pictures are to demonstrate the game for the first time.

I wouldn't particularly throw a bitch fit if that mutant appeared in my game at some point, but the fact that orc-with-warhammer is in the screenshots showing the game off bothers me.

He should have a lead pipe with some kind of pipe attachment screwed on at the end, and he (I cannot stress this enough), should look like a SUPER MUTANT, not an ogre, orc, or other fantasy creature.

Aside from the ammo indicator that could literally be a screenshot from a fantasy game, maybe even TES:5, there's nothing on that "super mutant" to let you know that he's a super mutant other than that it says "super mutant"

All that said I very, very, very much doubt it will be bas bad as fallout:POS. Saying so is downright silly, I'm sure it will be entertaining with compelling character creation and a very pretty world to explore, in the grand scheme of things a worthy addition to my game library.

It just won't be Fallout 3.
Sorry your efforts were redundant Yellow, but thank you anyway. And thank you Kan-Kerai for finishing out the article. I have posted the transcript as an article here at NMA, suitable for quoting or translating.

A hello to everyone from outside the community who is peaking at this thread. Before you condemn us, you may want to familiarize yourselves with some of our articles; mainly The History of Fallout and Glittering Gems of Hatred. It depends on if you have any curiosity about our positions, which are not as irrational as you may think.
ssuukk said:
Nim82 said:
What's all this talk of 'sprawling underground metros and sewer systems'? That sounds like dungeon crawling to me, (...)

The talk of AI with 'knowledge of the terrain, and situational awareness' can be interpreted as - they will get stuck behind trees/lamposts, walk into your line of fire and will constantly remind you that the chapel in anvil has been attacked, If the accuracy is anywhere close to Todd's comments on Radiant at this stage.

As before I see people complaining about FO3, using completely missed arguments. Weren't there many sewers/underground/mines quests in Fallout? Weren't your companions extremely stupid, standing in door in the middle of a fight, getting all the shots from enemies, blocking your aim at the same time, and not moving from this position until the fight ends?

There were a few underground portions, yes. But they were hardly a major feature, and if you wished they could be avoided totally for the most part. Vaults, Bunkers and the odd Mine are very different things to sprawling sewer and metro networks.

Incase you haven't played any of the recent Beth games, or have forgotten - let me educate you ~70% of the core gameplay is set underground in generic copy/paste dungeons (because designing interior cells is a hell of a lot easier than external environments). In MW it was in Dwemer Tunnels & 6th house caverns, in Oblivion it was Ayelid ruins, Caves, and Oblivion - It sucked *horribly* in both. In case you've missed it, this is being labelled as an 'Action RPG', implying a lot of combat - you don't need to be Myron to get where that combo is going.

Regarding the AI, I was actually referring to the enemy - but yes the NPC AI in FO was dodgy, it's a 10 year old game that never made any pretence to have great AI - what do you expect? Beth on the other hand claimed to have made the best AI ever for Oblivion.. and it was a joke. If you think the companion AI is bad in FO, by god you should try Oblivion with 2 companions in tow.. you deserve a medal if you can walk from one end of a town to the other without one (or both) of them getting stuck behind some object, spasing out - then after 5mins giving in and beaming to your location. The Enemy AI in FO was fine for its time, they rarely did anything as obscenely stupid as some do in Obliv ('lawl, im a mage but rather than use my magicka I think I will just slap the big bad Barbarian with the sharp axe!')
quietfanatic said:
Where did you describe the system? I roughly recall your espousing a RT with power-up mode, which it doesn't seem to be.
Kan-Kerai said:
The rather interesting idea of normal attacks+Action Points.

You can attack normally at any time, but Action points allow you to pause and initiate larger, more dramatic actions (targeted shots, critical hits?). This at least adds SOME strategy to the combat, though not much. It's better than Oblivion, at least. And probably KotOR as well.

The key thing is that enemies can do this to you as well. However, I doubt regular enemies will. It'll be the type of thing you see mostly against "major/epic" NPCs, like the Lieutenant, the Master, Horrigan, Mother Deathclaw, etc.

If the "Action Points!" idea were executed well, it could actually have a very "comic-bookish" vibe to it. Sort of like in Freedom Force. Or Max Payne, to echo what someone else said.
Unfortunately, I was wrong about them going for a comic book-esque "THIS IS MY POWER" vibe with it. Wasn't really espousing it, I'd much rather have pure turn-based. Just outlining what it seemed like to me.

But in any case, they could've easily explained it by referencing the comic books in Fallout 1's loading screens, and, well, superhero comics were huge back in the 40s'/50s'.
It just would've seemed fitting considering Todd's love of comic books. Sure, people would've backlashed against it. But it would've had style.

Unfortunately it just seems to be a flat extension, unless one considers "slow-mo headshots" whiz-bang. And from the sound of it, not even very well executed whiz-bang at that.

I dunno. Like I've said a few times, it's really all going to be in the execution. And that can always be improved.

And quietfanatic, the rest of your post strongly reminded me of 4too for some reason :wink: Spot-on.

Tannhauser said:
Glad to help.

Sorry about that Yellow. It's late at night and I have nothing else to do, so I hammered it out quick. You were credited in the article anyway, by the way. 's all good.
Well, not much left to say I guess...

I see people saying Oblivion with guns, but that's wrong; Bethesda has moved away from that. What we're seeing here is not Oblivion with guns, this, ladies and gentlemen, is FOBOS with orks.

It will be bad, it will be shallow, shiny, and gimmicky. It will try to emulate Fallout but it will fail miserably.

I have been following the drama with a fallout sequel since FOT. Having waited and agonized over the release of the first 2 Fallout games and enjoyed them immensely. I have also been reading NMA since it was created. After seeing this preview I am saddened with the potential for another console dumb down. However I am equally saddened by the meme status of "fallout sequel is going to suck" attitude people are taking.

Now hear me out on this, im not suggesting we got a fair deal from Bethsoft, Far from it. I am also seeing a lot of weird stuff from the other fans on this hype tripe. A lot of it is valid critque and griping. Some of it is a little far fetched. Case in point is the talk about the super mutant shown in the pictures comments included: "he has a fantasy warhammer", "why is he wearing a TIRE on his shoulder" along with "ORC ORC ORC"

First off hes holding a fire hydrant on the connecting water pipe as a mace (one of you suggested he wield a similar weapon), Second the rag tag mutie armor IS fitting and thirdly remember fallout 1&2 had these big green humanoids who spoke guttural English and had pig noses? Fact is folks fallout super mutants look like orcs and the Bethsoft one dost look orcish enough. Check out the old talking heads on this one and tell me they dont look like orcs, hell there were almost talking badgers and other fantasy stuff in fallout 1.

I wasnt terribly impressed with the fatman its like a ww2 PIAT nuke bassicaly it just replaces the rocket launcher but it irradiates the area. It does however have some valid points to it very 40's view of radiation as well as excess power and archaic launch method (ensuring the nuke goes off near you). It is also not like fallout had some bad weapons like the Bozar that had .223 chain gun firepower with sniper rifle accuracy!

The settings are iffy are we going to be forced underground tunnel crawling for prewar treasure chests? I am hoping for more topside action. The fact they are trying to make it less mindless twitch shooter should really be considered an attempt to put a more fallout AP system in a modern engine.

I see people griping about the intuitive tutorial portion due to its lack of traits (confirmed?) and age slider. Hell why cant I play a ghoul or start off outside the vault or play as a supermutant while we are at it.

Blaming BethSoft for ruining Fallout instead of interplay for Firing and canceling F3 while churning out chucks brotherhood of steel console bargain bin wonder. We should at least be thankful that EA games or someone else didnt buy it to churn out worse.

the pros as I see them are: A decent attempt to keep the setting intact *NOT PERFECT* but we can nitpick vault boys proper use till we go senile. Shifting to a FPS survival game but still keeping in touch with the special AP and hit system. More focus on survival which the previous games never really touched on food and drink are needed to survive in fallout now, fresh water and get rads or scavenge Nuka cola and get addicted?

Cons are as follows: Console syndrome (Downs by proxy), Shifting to a FPS survival game while trying to keep the top down elements possibly ruining both, More Brotherhood of Steel (the faction not the game) foolishness and of course possibly making the game too small by being too ambitious ala stalker

In summery I decided to actually discuss this because after reading pages of comments. I saw far too many people treating the fallout series like some holy fan boy grail. Everyone treats the first two like the pinnacle of gaming and don't get me wrong they are. No one seems to recall how Fallout 1 & 2 were just like X-com 1 & 2. We got a rehashed engine and some new stuff to play with and almost the same story just further down the time line. Not to mention the change of dark humor to ingame developer jokes and toilet humor.

A lot of you treat Fallout like its a joke, a sort of cultural meme where no one can never ever make a good one besides the people who ruined it (interplay). You may not get the Fallout you want but be thankful you don't get the fallout you DESERVE
Well, I probably won't be getting it....Hell, I probably won't even bother playing. But I do admit that it's sounds a lot better than expected. At the same time however, "better" doesn't necessarily mean "good." So....Yeah.

They still have a story and notoriously bad writing ability to tackle.

And why is it that when I read up on the aiming queue implemented through APs that I all of a sudden think of Red Dead Revolver?

Such a system seems drastically out of place. It would be better just to go full RT or full TB rather than try to have the cake and eat it too.
Re: Concerns

Draconis13 said:
I see people griping about the intuitive tutorial portion due to its lack of traits (confirmed?)

At 16 you'll take your G.O.A.T. (Generalized Occupational Aptitude Test), where your answers to various questions will help determine an initial layout of skills and traits...Traits give you pluses and minuses that may change your style of play.
Draconis13 said:
Now hear me out on this, im not suggesting we got a fair deal from Bethsoft, Far from it. I am also seeing a lot of weird stuff from the other fans on this hype tripe. A lot of it is valid critque and griping. Some of it is a little far fetched. Case in point is the talk about the super mutant shown in the pictures comments included: "he has a fantasy warhammer", "why is he wearing a TIRE on his shoulder" along with "ORC ORC ORC"

In an earlier thread, you wouldn't beleive how this whole fucking site was positive about orcs and orks.

I tried to warn, but they never listen, don't they?

Smoke_Jaguar said:
The uneducated masses in 40k will react to what they know when seeing, let's say, orks, to translate to "orcs". They would call it another "orc movie" in space.

The topic is different, but...what the hell? You lucky bastards will get your "orks". In Fallout. :twisted:
I wonder if even after this, people will say Bethesda has the talent (ahahahahaha!) to create a good Fallout 3.

There you go, the amazing Bethesda.

They don't even have the artistic talent needed. It all looks like shit.

And I really am disappointed some are willing to accept this.
It's either Fallout or it's not. I thought we didn't do compromises?