Game Informer Unlimited FAQ and video

Wiggum said:
Ouch! This pain! We get a fucking oblivion "dialogue"! Great job Bethesda! I really hope you got some blisters to your dick when you anal raped Fallout without lube!

Yeah I am sure going to miss the free form dialog from Fallout 1 and 2 where you didn't have a dodgy dialog tree forcing your choices..... I even heard bethseda stole fallouts dialog system when they made oblivion.
blah couldn't agree more, the franchise is dead for sure...
but anyways it was already dead when Black Isle was gone
so i'm not so shocked.

Fallout ended after Fallout 2, that's it.

P.s: The only keys that will be used in F3 will likely be:
W, A, S, D and left mouse button :twisted:
Sheesh, try to maintain an intelligent level of discourse FTR, okay? Don't keep this type of behavior up.

Fine, fine. It's not like these people are worth it, but...

So, tell me, Vehementi, for what reason should I believe anything is gonna change? Just because there is still time till the release? So far, everything that was released about the game looks like shit. And not once during the development process so far, did the show any intention to do anything else but what they want.
So why should I believe they're gonna change that now?
As it looks now, Fallout is dead. I have absolutely no reason to not think that.

Pretty sure nothing I type here or do from this point on until the end of time could possibly be more dumb than you calling me a "Beth plant".

You sure act like one, by registering only to post some random and baseless stuff in Fallout 3's defense.
All NMA'ers, we gotta stay strong through this. Our beloved franchise was ( once again ) screwed beyond repair and we've been waiting during eight long years for that to happen. The disapointment is now tangible and the enemy has now revealed its strategy of mass brainwashing and its numerous allies : the l33t-evolushen-bethboys. The loss will be enormous, we will loose lots of brothers in this but we shall never bow in front of that perfidious, lying, ASSHOLE, treacherous enemy. We shall go through this as a band of brothers. Let us pray now.
FeelTheRads said:
So, tell me, Vehementi, for what reason should I believe anything is gonna change?
Dunno, I didn't say you should, or that it would.
FeelTheRads said:
Just because there is still time till the release? So far, everything that was released about the game looks like shit.
That's pretty harsh.
FeelTheRads said:
And not once during the development process so far, did the show any intention to do anything else but what they want.
You know this to be false. Are you trying to trick me?
FeelTheRads said:
So why should I believe they're gonna change that now?
As it looks now, Fallout is dead. I have absolutely no reason to not think that.
Out of morbid curiosity when I should really be sleeping, why are you posting, if you believe it's fucked and you believe they're not going to change?

FeelTheRads said:
Pretty sure nothing I type here or do from this point on until the end of time could possibly be more dumb than you calling me a "Beth plant".

You sure act like one, by registering only to post some random and baseless stuff in Fallout 3's defense.

No, I registered for reasons I outlined on page 4 of this thread. Namely, to make fun of that stupid guy. I haven't said a single thing in Fallout 3's defense, and it is frankly very alarming that you feel I have. You should re-evaluate whatever reasoning process led you to that conclusion.
Lol Bethesda must be the biggest pricks in PR history :) the conclusion to be drawn from the way they are handling this is ... some rapists do love their victims in a way :)
Man I spent sometime reading comments the past few days. I also bothered registering after this whole fallout 3 debacle in GI magazine.
I know what I say will just be disregarded since I didn't bother registering years ago and just lurking.

So here it goes. This place has become akin to places like 4chan and YTMD. All I read here are double think posts where someone takes something shitty about fallout three from the GI scans. then talks about what is stupid disregards the other half of the sentence and makes up the other half to sound more outraged.

Example: in the article it talks about nukie powered cars and blowing one up causes an explosion which kills a nearby giant ant and irradiates the player. Now cars in fallout use a fusion powercell which I am guessing is radioactive.

However someone posted about how the car explodes in a giant mushroom cloud YET the player is NOT irridiated and goes on to exclaim how if they are making radiation count then how come the player isnt affected?

I have seen the above scenario for almost every aspect shown or written in the GI article. I dont know get them over what they have done but don't mix up or make up stuff it just looks delusional and if they read this stuff they are apt to not take anything the fans say seriously.

Now then that is taken care of the biggest issue I see are people talking about BethPlants and starting rumors about them paying people to do that. This is crazy talk plain and simple. I mean seriously people we don't like this 1rst person console direction its going in.

Are we towing the fan boy party line so incredibly hard as to denounce anyone who registered recently or who remarks about what they perceive as a positive aspect of F3 as communists or traitors?

I am extremely sad to see VB die with Black Isle that hit me hard. I thought Fallout was dusted just like X-com and Jagged Alliance. When they came out with that awful console garbage then turned around and canceled their secret Fallout 3 VB project. I just didnt know what to think.

I am hoping we at least get a fun game even if it isn't Fallout as I know it, but every time I got to the PC section. I am tired of seeing barginware and buggy abandoned titles like Gothic 3 and Dungeonlords.

I don't know what they are doing. all I know is if you are going to complain about seeing the vault boy on a pip boy screen remember he is there to illustrate the skills and other information presented there. He is NOT replacing the pip boy image, I just wish he was a monopoly card and not green pixels.

Some things however are forced to change.
Draconis13 said:
So here it goes. This place has become akin to places like 4chan and YTMD. All I read here are double think posts where someone takes something shitty about fallout three from the GI scans. then talks about what is stupid disregards the other half of the sentence and makes up the other half to sound more outraged.

You are doing the same thing now to us.

Example: in the article it talks about nukie powered cars and blowing one up causes an explosion which kills a nearby giant ant and irradiates the player. Now cars in fallout use a fusion powercell which I am guessing is radioactive.

Errr, no. They use a fusion engine powered by micro fusion cells. That's a big difference.

Plus, the car blowing up is illogical. It's been wrecked for 200 years, how exactly can it blow up nicely as if it was new, ASSUMING reactors can explode from a gunshot?
However someone posted about how the car explodes in a giant mushroom cloud YET the player is NOT irridiated and goes on to exclaim how if they are making radiation count then how come the player isnt affected?

It's called "differing personal opinion and comprehension ability"

Now then that is taken care of the biggest issue I see are people talking about BethPlants and starting rumors about them paying people to do that. This is crazy talk plain and simple. I mean seriously people we don't like this 1rst person console direction its going in.

Are we towing the fan boy party line so incredibly hard as to denounce anyone who registered recently or who remarks about what they perceive as a positive aspect of F3 as communists or traitors?

No. You would have to be extremely stupid to believe that.

If somebody can logically argument his position an convince it's a good thing, we have no problem with that. Sycophantic apologets are the problem.

I don't know what they are doing. all I know is if you are going to complain about seeing the vault boy on a pip boy screen remember he is there to illustrate the skills and other information presented there. He is NOT replacing the pip boy image, I just wish he was a monopoly card and not green pixels.

Some things however are forced to change.

Nothing is forced to change.

Also, don't flam other users or the Vats are for you.
I just want to phuck a prostitute, and then use the 4 Key to steal my $200 back. Will Bethesda deliver?! Btw, I've run out of mentats again.
I tried talking to the Doc in Broken Hills, but he was like dude.....where's my car? Nostalgia!
Draconis13 said:
Wiggum said:
Ouch! This pain! We get a fucking oblivion "dialogue"! Great job Bethesda! I really hope you got some blisters to your dick when you anal raped Fallout without lube!

Yeah I am sure going to miss the free form dialog from Fallout 1 and 2 where you didn't have a dodgy dialog tree forcing your choices..... I even heard bethseda stole fallouts dialog system when they made oblivion.

Hey moron, in case you don't get the difference..

Fallout dialogue (example):

"I want you to kill my archnemesis. You up for the job?"

- Well.. okay.. how about "no"?
- That depends.. how much is it worth to you?
- Sure, I'll do it.
- How about I just kill you instead!
- Why do you want him dead so badly?

Oblivion dialogue (example):

"I want you to kill my archnemesis. You up for the job?"

- Imperial City
- Rumors
- Archnemesis
wth? Why is Todd Howard so sad? I thought he always had a smile on his face... it's like he hates this...

And does anyone know the guy who is answering the questions? Could someone ask him what he means with oblivion like dialogue trees? For that really needs to be set in stone. If they makes it a true copy of oblivion's... then I don't know what to say? ...then... then they're just retarded... or incredible arrogant, not sure which...

I think their arrogance is well established.
They "modernised" TES and made it "awesome"!
Now they'll "modernise" Fallout and make it "awesome" too!

I wonder what's next on their list.
bloch said:
wth? Why is Todd Howard so sad? I thought he always had a smile on his face... it's like he hates this...

And does anyone know the guy who is answering the questions? Could someone ask him what he means with oblivion like dialogue trees? For that really needs to be set in stone. If they makes it a true copy of oblivion's... then I don't know what to say? ...then... then they're just retarded... or incredible arrogant, not sure which...


They do, what they do best...they do FP/RT best, they do Wiki style dialogue best...don't expect them to adapt, it's not what they do best...
Imagine this. Dialogue between two NPC's.

NPC 1 : 'I saw some dialogue trees today'

NPC 2 : 'Yes, me too, nasty creatures those dialogue trees'

Anyway. Great job in 'getting it' Beth.
Brother None said:
Fallout 3 plays in both real time and a paused tactical combat mode. It’s not really turn based, however...
I came back from work, had a hot shower, and now I'm getting sweaty and dizzy again. R.I.P action-point turn-based combat.

Brother None said:
Q: Will porting the game to consoles hurt the PC version?
A: Hmm... Well, the game’s not really being ported anywhere. It’s being built from the ground up for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC. [...]
Translation: We will make gazillion dollars by porting to consoles and let those kids play!

Brother None said:
Q: Is the game first or third person? Isometric?
A: It’s both first and third–a point I mention in the article. It does not use the isometric view of the original games. It is possible to pan the third person camera pretty far back, but it definitely isn’t meant to be played in a view that is anything like the original.
R.I.P, isometric view. We miss you.

Brother None said:
Todd Howard:
- Videogames 10 years ago and videogames today are different canvases that we paint on.
Idiocy never died...

Brother None said:
Todd Howard- He wants to keep this: the shades of gray, the different choices a player will make, texture of the world, making tough decisions, going out and doing things that affects the world.
Like how he ruined the TES franchise?

Brother None said:
Todd Howard- He wants you to be emotionally involved in the game, especially now that we have the technological advances in videogames.
Thanks a lot for making us sad and angry (those are emotion too!)

Brother None said:
Todd Howard- He wants you to see the game in first person and in third person because he wants the players to feel the world but he doesn't want to reward player with twitch play because stats really matters.
Go back to your Foublivion, dumbass. Stop ruining other's hardwork,

Well, least we might still have hope..a slim hope...
Draconis13 said:
Example: in the article it talks about nukie powered cars and blowing one up causes an explosion which kills a nearby giant ant and irradiates the player. Now cars in fallout use a fusion powercell which I am guessing is radioactive.
Radioactive doesn't equal explosive. Arguments like this are why your opinion is disregarded.

Some things however are forced to change.
War changes fall '08.

I still get flashbacks from the days a few years ago:

"It's too early to tell! You can't be sure it will be first-person/real-time, you uber-pessimists!".

"Saying that they will make it "Oblivion with guns" undermines their intelligence, you blind fanatics!"

"It will be Fallout to me as long as it possesses the same humor and deep dialogue trees as the originals!".
