General Discussion Thread of DOOM

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We shouldn't be so hard to the milienials, in 70-100 years they will take most of the blame for all the shit that will happen to their grandchildren because we fucked up the earth.
We shouldn't be so hard to the milienials, in 70-100 years they will take most of the blame for all the shit that will happen to their grandchildren because we fucked up the earth.

I'm pretty sure that most of the "We" in here are millennials.
Also, have we started fucking up the earth yet? Isn't that still our parent/grandparent generation, for a little while more?
How many of us are old and powerful enough to contribute to the greater evils on earth?
How many of us are old and powerful enough to contribute to the greater evils on earth?


I drove a car (now i only use a bicycle), my pc is a bit more powerful than i necessarily need (around 250W tdp with monitor), i eat fish, used to often eat pork and beef (which contributes to the global co2 levels). I sometimes am too lazy to clean the plastic containers from milk products (drinking milk also contributes to the global co2 levels), so that i could sort it properly when throwing out trash.

In the scheme of all things, i'm pretty sure i am a negative in this world - have not been as efficient as could and did not contribute anything of value to our society.

I drove a car (now i only use a bicycle), my pc is a bit more powerful than i necessarily need (around 250W tdp with monitor), i eat fish, used to often eat pork and beef (which contributes to the global co2 levels). I sometimes am too lazy to clean the plastic containers from milk products (drinking milk also contributes to the global co2 levels), so that i could sort it properly when throwing out trash.

In the scheme of all things, i'm pretty sure i am a negative in this world - have not been as efficient as could and did not contribute anything of value to our society.

But everyone is a negative in this world. All organisms consume. At least none of us are waging wars, exploiting people in the rainforest, or hunting whales?

Anyone here hunt whales? >:I
Today Colombia repelled a peace treaty that would've ended a half a century long conflict that the government started and escalated themselves. I would say I am disappointed but at this point it would've been a bigget surprise if something food had actually happened in Colombia's history, we truly are a failed state.
It was signed last monday, then it was put under a voting process where people could choose to repeal it per democratic process. And guess what happened. yeah....

Why? I don't know? Colombians like living in a third world country? Beats me, I am gonna look into emmigration programs now.
Ohhh, huh, that kind of makes sense though, seeing how fucking stupid people are, and how this stupidity comes through in voting
I can allready imagine the left/right-ism at work here, each side of the conflict (except the actual participants) seeing the peace treaty as a retreat from the opposing side...

I've never heard of a peace treaty being a matter of democratic process though, how weird...
people ARE dumb, they are also very comfortable. A warrior in the fucking jungle might be yearning for a peace treaty, but some dumb beer-gut sofa-pig finds it very easy to go "nono, keep fighting!"
Lots of the "No" side people are really adamant about "prefering to fight than give them impunity" then you ask them if that means they'll enlist tomorrow morning and they all recoil and say that there are other ways to fight and they are just interested in Justice. The sectors of the country where the conflict has hit the hardest all voted in favor, but the asswipes here on the safe side are the ones who get to choose what Justice is. Then again, Colombia, wohoo....

There really isn't much "left vs right" stuff here in Colombia, is mostly the Right in power and there being lots of in fighting between the ruling oligarchy taking turns on the President Chair all conveniently covered by constant focus on keeping the 50 year conflict alive and escalated.
It is very odd though, despite being sad, I mean - the gvt and FARC are both prepared to *stop fighting* but popular vote now compels them to fight?
I mean, eventually neither the FARC or the gvt will bother fighting, it's been what, half a century?
What happens when both parts naturally just stop fighting out of complete attrition? Voters are gonna force their fingers around the triggers, and demand further hostilities?

Such a weird thing to down-vote a peace treaty :I
There was a fear mongering campaign by the previous president (Who among other things was very adamant about his agressive policy regarding the war), even yesterday I saw some of the "No" ads on fucking youtube man. This is all hilarious and sad, but not surprising.
What are they fighting anyway? FARC? That some kind of rebell group or the opposition to the government? Men, I realize that I know literaly nothing about Colombia, except that most of your nation is made of cocaine, I mean right? Or was that some other nation ... I am pretty sure Jamaica is about weed and Venezuela about Arnold hunting Predators or something.
The FARC started as a revolutionary group way back when, they were Left-wing leaning with them wanting to adopt communist values (You know Latin America), most of them formed by people from the country side who had been abused by the government and initially weren't outright violent or militant. The Response the government had back then was "Kill them!" and thus a conflict started. Over the years FARC received support from different insurgent groups like the Ireland one and they got into the Drug trade to support their side of the conflict while the government kept escalating it in response. Meanwhile, due to the instability of the region and the government diverting funds and focus to the war several minor para militar organizations rose to power, some of them as supposed "Anti FARC groups" others as just their own little version of the insurgent group, some of the former have been funded and supported by members of the government (like out previous President) and all of them just make life for the people in their region a living hell, the amount of people that have to abandon their land and move to the cities to live off begging is huge. It's a clusterfuck.

Edit: Look mah, we are in the International news!
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I still cannot fathom how a peace treaty - between two warring parties, has been given to the stupid public. Yes, stupid, at least in matters they are not concerned, what the hell

Just the fact that a peace treaty was in place means the *actually involved* people were ready for peace! Terms had been agreed upon! That in itself is a long fucking struggle, that is what war is for: To find an accord!

What do these voters expect, for one faction to completely obliterate the other!?
I still cannot fathom how a peace treaty - between two warring parties, has been given to the stupid public. Yes, stupid, at least in matters they are not concerned, what the hell

Just the fact that a peace treaty was in place means the *actually involved* people were ready for peace! Terms had been agreed upon! That in itself is a long fucking struggle, that is what war is for: To find an accord!

What do these voters expect, for one faction to completely obliterate the other!?
Apparently they learnt politics in a Bethesda game.
But everyone is a negative in this world. All organisms consume. At least none of us are waging wars, exploiting people in the rainforest, or hunting whales?

Anyone here hunt whales? >:I

I was half kidding. But in reality everyone always points fingers and never starts with himself. If we take this and this:

* For a very rough estimate we average the Pounds of CO2 per kWh of different fuels at ~1.8, turn that into kg 0.8165.
* In 2014, the average annual electricity consumption for a U.S. residential utility customer was 10,932 kilowatthours
* 10932 * 0.8165 = 8925.978 kg of CO2 per USA household in a year

Now i'm not sure what a "residential utility customer" means, but i would assume that's a household? There are 124.6 million households in USA, we can multiply those 9 tons by those 124.6 million households and we get a fuckton of CO2 from one country alone (from households only). People could still live comfortably by cutting that consumption in half, and that alone would be a pretty good boost, assuming that household create about 20% CO2 emissions of a country (at least in the EU they do).

Now 10932 kwh is 911 kwh per month. I'm actually doing pretty well at 130~ kwh per month, so it's not unfeasible that those 911 kwh could be cut to more than half if everyone not only pointed fingers, but were actually trying to do something themselves.
I am floating on a pretty low consumption of energy myself, not that it is something I do very conciously, if anything it's to avoid too fat an electricity bill