General Discussion Thread of DOOM

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I've put on a lot of weight since I started working on an office. I get home way too tired but I guess I'll have to kick myself in gear and start excercizing again.
Well you gain weight not from sitting, but from eating. Exercising is always great, but your body is much better at being efficient with it's energy than you are at not eating those doughnuts, so it's a losing battle until one starts eating less.
I don't eat snacks on the office and I always try to have healthy food, I gain weight easily and I am being very sedentary so Excercise is what I need right now.
Eating less can be a bit of a trap though, since one's body often begins to exaggeratedly store fats
This happens to people who "starve" themselves, while sneakily eating fatty things every once in a while. Their body stores this rare fat, for eternity, and they slowly but surely gain weight.
Sure, eating the fat in the first place is the culprit, but they still are people who have a habit of eating very little in general

Burning the energy is in the end the best way of getting rid of it
It can be a trap if you eat more after eating less, there is nothing magical about losing weight, just ask the residents of nazi concentration camps. I used to do a ton of pullups and other heavy exercises, but it did not help with my weight at all. Now that i'm not really exercising that much, or rather that hard (can't because of health reasons), but eating less, i'm also much lighter.

Now gaining muscle mass will increase the calories your body consumes on idle and all that good stuff, but the main thing with losing weight is always - eating habits.
Well you gain weight not from sitting, but from eating. Exercising is always great, but your body is much better at being efficient with it's energy than you are at not eating those doughnuts, so it's a losing battle until one starts eating less.
Yeah, as Jeff from Athlean-X says, you can't outrun a bad diet.
I just realized why Arya is so fucking annoying in season 5
It's because her personality went through gradual changes during the entire series, up until the writing becomes sole responsability of the hollywooddies, and not the original author of the books.
The author envisioned a change for her, from Arya-as-we-know-her to Arya-as-we-don't-know-her, through a series of personal traumas, as well as an increasing experience with murder and death.

When the hollywooddies took over all of the writing, their main concern was - most likely - to "stay true" to RR Martin's universe, as best as they could - so they did what cheap writers do best: Freeze everything in place, this one has red hair, that one has this haircut, that one has green clothes - and Arya is "strong willed and wild-spirited", because that is how we know her. That is why her personality goes from - growing and gradually changing through season 1 to 4, and suddenly becoming annoying, loud and childish in season 5, "I DON'T WANNA PLAY THIS STUPID GAME ANYMORE! WHERE IS JAQEN? MAKE ME A FACELESS MAN! WAAH WAAH WAAH!!!" <---that is NOT the girl who sailed from Westeros at the end of Season 4
I just realized why Arya is so fucking annoying in season 5
It's because her personality went through gradual changes during the entire series, up until the writing becomes sole responsability of the hollywooddies, and not the original author of the books.
The author envisioned a change for her, from Arya-as-we-know-her to Arya-as-we-don't-know-her, through a series of personal traumas, as well as an increasing experience with murder and death.

When the hollywooddies took over all of the writing, their main concern was - most likely - to "stay true" to RR Martin's universe, as best as they could - so they did what cheap writers do best: Freeze everything in place, this one has red hair, that one has this haircut, that one has green clothes - and Arya is "strong willed and wild-spirited", because that is how we know her. That is why her personality goes from - growing and gradually changing through season 1 to 4, and suddenly becoming annoying, loud and childish in season 5, "I DON'T WANNA PLAY THIS STUPID GAME ANYMORE! WHERE IS JAQEN? MAKE ME A FACELESS MAN! WAAH WAAH WAAH!!!" <---that is NOT the girl who sailed from Westeros at the end of Season 4
Her development stopped just a bit after The Hound's "death", right? Well, at least she rolled down Tarragona's Cathedral stair steps, that was cool
Her development stopped just a bit after The Hound's "death", right? Well, at least she rolled down Tarragona's Cathedral stair steps, that was cool

Yes, after the Hound's defeat by Brienne. This is Arya at her "deepest". My thoughts on the scene is that she actually forgives the Hound. I've had discussions where people insist she left him there as a punishment - to die alone. I don't see it that way, I see that she has finally understood the grim finality of death (a recurring theme of GoT) and that she no longer considers the Hound to deserve death. He is strong enough to possibly survive, so she leaves him there to have a possibility of continued life.
Even when he tries to taunt her, he "gives away" how un-evil he actually is: "I should have raped your sister" = "I didn't rape her"

His goodness finally showed through to her, and she granted him mercy in what the Hound (and many viewers) probably saw as the opposite - a harsh punishment.
I just realized why Arya is so fucking annoying in season 5
It's because her personality went through gradual changes during the entire series, up until the writing becomes sole responsability of the hollywooddies, and not the original author of the books.
The author envisioned a change for her, from Arya-as-we-know-her to Arya-as-we-don't-know-her, through a series of personal traumas, as well as an increasing experience with murder and death.

When the hollywooddies took over all of the writing, their main concern was - most likely - to "stay true" to RR Martin's universe, as best as they could - so they did what cheap writers do best: Freeze everything in place, this one has red hair, that one has this haircut, that one has green clothes - and Arya is "strong willed and wild-spirited", because that is how we know her. That is why her personality goes from - growing and gradually changing through season 1 to 4, and suddenly becoming annoying, loud and childish in season 5, "I DON'T WANNA PLAY THIS STUPID GAME ANYMORE! WHERE IS JAQEN? MAKE ME A FACELESS MAN! WAAH WAAH WAAH!!!" <---that is NOT the girl who sailed from Westeros at the end of Season 4
For some reason, the writers of the show totally fucked up the Bravos plot with Arya. If not for the last 2 or 3 episodes with the battle and Kingslanding, this would have been pretty much well, the end for the show in my opinion. I always thought the part with the face less men was very interesting, at least in the begining. But as they moved along it became confusing, boring and ultimately with the last episodes with Arya in Bravos, absolutely pointless. Like totally. Now I am not sure why they did it like that. I mean the show writers sure do have SOME skill. Have they done it to make it different form the books? I have no clue. But I really really hope that this was the last time they did something like that.
For some reason, the writers of the show totally fucked up the Bravos plot with Arya. If not for the last 2 or 3 episodes with the battle and Kingslanding, this would have been pretty much well, the end for the show in my opinion. I always thought the part with the face less men was very interesting, at least in the begining. But as they moved along it became confusing, boring and ultimately with the last episodes with Arya in Bravos, absolutely pointless. Like totally. Now I am not sure why they did it like that. I mean the show writers sure do have SOME skill. Have they done it to make it different form the books? I have no clue. But I really really hope that this was the last time they did something like that.

Their problem - and you can see this with most of their... blunders - is that risk is dangerous to "hollywood" (established TV)
What the show was originally known for - was doing things you don't want happening (okay, spoiler time again :V )
Nobody on this earth wanted Robb motherfucking Stark to die - especially after Ned goddamn dies! But they DIE! It makes an impact on us, because we truly admired them, and truly hoped for their well-being, but they DIE! That is what makes the show so unique!
Who else do we NOT want to die? Brienne and Pod. Who dies, according to the author? Brienne and Pod. They die HORRIBLY.
How did "hollywood" deal with that, now that they're free of the author? "Oh my god, no, we cannot possibly kill off such beloved characters! The ratings would drop!"
Like the ratings dropped when Ned and then Robb died? The ratings fucking exploded! Awards RAINED down on the show because Ned and Robb died!
But no - gotta stay safe, gotta go to the tried-and-tested formulae to keep the ratings... sigh... :/

Tbh, season 6 picked itself up a little, but there is still this air of predictability over the show, that GoT originally had none of - none!
Hmm, well I am very curious to see where it will end, though yeah the show has become more and more predictable, but that isn't the problem I have with some espisodes. I mean it is still a great show. What really really disturbs me, is when they do something, for one and only one reason. Schock value. You know, like the stuff with the hound?
the village where he spend some time in peace, and everyone dies, for what reason? Oh yeah! VENGANCE! SCHOCK! THEY ARE SOOOO EVIL AND BAD GUYS LUUUZL LOOK HOW THE HOUND KILLS THEM FUCKERS! YEEHA! I hate such stuff. And they did this a few times in the show, killing some characters even, for nothing but schock value. Like that Dorne part, which is also completely different - and better - in the books. And Danerys, I really liked her character, but she's geting more and more boring with her violence. She starts to become like a totally dumb character, fighting for peace and equality against slavery, but oh! Hey let me cross the sea with 100 000 Dothtraky! Whoops they are raping and pillaging in their free time, heh what could possibly go wrong with bringing them to Westeros ... oh boy ... sometimes you ask your self why they even follow her lead ...
Hmm, well I am very curious to see where it will end, though yeah the show has become more and more predictable, but that isn't the problem I have with some espisodes. I mean it is still a great show. What really really disturbs me, is when they do something, for one and only one reason. Schock value. You know, like the stuff with the hound?
the village where he spend some time in peace, and everyone dies, for what reason? Oh yeah! VENGANCE! SCHOCK! THEY ARE SOOOO EVIL AND BAD GUYS LUUUZL LOOK HOW THE HOUND KILLS THEM FUCKERS! YEEHA! I hate such stuff. And they did this a few times in the show, killing some characters even, for nothing but schock value. Like that Dorne part, which is also completely different - and better - in the books. And Danerys, I really liked her character, but she's geting more and more boring with her violence. She starts to become like a totally dumb character, fighting for peace and equality against slavery, but oh! Hey let me cross the sea with 100 000 Dothtraky! Whoops they are raping and pillaging in their free time, heh what could possibly go wrong with bringing them to Westeros ... oh boy ... sometimes you ask your self why they even follow her lead ...

With Dorne in particular they totally amateurishly overdid the "sexploitation" part of GoT. "Oh, remember, we need boobs in the show! Okay, aim camera. BOOOOBS! Did we do it right?"

When it comes to Dany, I think they are actually on the right path, since she is - and has always planned to cross the sea with a Dothraki horde, to conquer, pillage and destroy. Her advisors, from the start, have been trying to remind her of the complexities of such an endevour, and this is when RR Martin hintfully hints that "a villain is a hero to the other side" - to Westeros, "Targaryen" kind of equals "insane rulers", and she is a Targaryen, coming with slave-armies, dothrakis and dragons - it makes sense that she will be "the evil one" before it's over

What I did NOT buy was the enormous rebellions in her occupied cities, everyone donning a golden mask etc. In a show where details matter, I can't believe the logistics required to actually smith gold masks to every single rebel. Why gold masks? Why not just do rebellion without any masks? They seem to have an infinite number of combatants anyway, so why the need to protect their identity? Their attack on the sport stadium made no sense, and to me just shows the new writers lack of understanding when it comes to sensible rebellion "Idunno... I guess rebels just kill everyone that moves? And they have 10 million troops, even if that's more people than in half the continent"
Doesn't have to be gold, could be bronze or coper. Or what ever they used in the show, as I am pretty sure they didn't use actuall gold :p. And even if it was gold, it might have been a wooden mask with gold coating, which would make it much cheaper then pure gold. Anyway, you're spot on with Dorne, however as far as Dany goes, she is as far as I know very differemt in the show when you compare her character to the books, where she had a very interesting arch in the begining of the show, but becomes more and more one dimensional as the show goes on, she lacks a lot of debth in my opinion.
MrBtongue talks in great length about it here, which is a very great analysis in my opinion:
Hoping to eventually build my own mechanical keyboard, either with a kit or getting all the parts separately.

Also gets annoying when my kitten jumps up on my desk while I'm playing a game and blocks the damn monitor, dual monitor setup rules though. Same kitty likes to partially lay on my keyboard when I play and the like which results in stuff like ;lmkhasfddddddsa.
Ain't this kinda shit illegal?
