General Discussion Thread of DOOM

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*Shrugs* maybe school was such a horror for your brain?

Hmm, I got the size of the cavemen wrong. I remember this one US prehistorian claiming that at least certain cavemen had "the pecs of mr Olympia without having to train for it" but yea, didn't mention the height of the cavemen. I guess they could have been short buff dudes.
Considering what you need to get this physike, it is very very doubtfull that any caveman ever achieved even something remorely like top atheletes today. I have no doubt, that the average caveman was eventually more athletic compared to your average joe, but that's beacuse the prehistoric human was constantly on the move and looking for food, they might have moved more then 40km per day on average. Could you imagine your typical Wall-Mart warrior to walk 40km every day just to get his food? Heh. But the atheletes, the professional ones I mean are really pushing the human body to the absolute limit and they have access to all kinds of advantages, that no caveman ever had. And I am not even talking about steroids, just high quality food and well the time to do the training.

Eh, if you're gonna get technical about it, then start at "cavemen", there is no such thing. Humans have never truly lived in caves. We have used them as temporary shelters and as storage facilities, sometimes funeral sites. Otherwise we prefer huts, log houses, and so on.
Indeed, the prehistoric humans, have been for the most part nomads, where they followed their prey, up till the point when we started to actually domesticate animals and growing food. Which is pretty much the time when civilisation kicked in.
Trying races in GTA Online makes me think of behavior statistics in groups of humans.
Every single race starts with a clusterfuck of babies mass-crashing in a huge pile right at the start with an average of 4-5 racers out of 15 steering around the pile and inevitably winning the race. Being a non-crybaby-crasher I will typically be part of this group, racing among the 1/3 best in most races, despite being a newb.
In one race, I was rammed back to last (15th) place, and still came in 5th despite this. On my way past 10 competitors, nearly all of them tried to crash me as I went past them, and many of them whirled themselves off the road in the attempt.

In one race I came in 1st, and unsurprisingly - but still noteworthily - the 4-5 best racers DID let me past them, because they were indeed more focused on driving well - than ramming me. Especially since ramming usually tumbles both cars off the road.

Among my favorite races are the "slipstream" motorcycle races, but ONLY if I am teamed with people who understand the rules. The rules are VERY clear, and during the ENTIRE race the rules are repeated to you on screen.
An average of 1/10 read/understand these rules. I tried around 10 times, and only once were I teamed with one who understood it.
Initially my team had 4 members, but we kept losing, because the 2 others kept zooming off trying to win "=D" not understanding that victory *required* team effort.
Once those two had rage-quit, me and the one who was left won over the other team with pure ease. Almost boring ease.

What keeps striking me is the overwhelming majority of stupidity. I keep telling myself that they probably are little toddlers for all I know, who haven't even learned to read yet, but I'm not so sure.
They aren't just trolls, because they seem to be genuinely trying to win - but their attempts are just so remarkably counter productive and stupid
You just don't know how to ram right bro. You need elite police driving skills to do a proper takedown Burnout style. ;)
You just don't know how to ram right bro. You need elite police driving skills to do a proper takedown Burnout style. ;)

Oh, I know there's good ways to do pits, but... it's kind of douchey :D That's part of my point too - at 200 mph, a curve coming at you at lightning speed, do you focus on mastering that curve - or being douchy to whoever is trying to pass you?

I did manage to flip one or two people off the road, but in complete honesty, they were inevitable. They had managed to spin and stop, and were in my way :V
My rational with that is GTA isn't a racing game. It is more fun to be destructive. Of course I'm more of a Mario Kart kinda guy. 8-)
My rational with that is GTA isn't a racing game. It is more fun to be destructive. Of course I'm more of a Mario Kart kinda guy. 8-)

Mario Kart is awesome
Being a kind of lousy game-enthusiast, I rarely hope or wait for specific games, but Gran Turismo is an exception.
I'm not some motor-head either, but there's something calm and cool about just wrooming around like that, I always liked racing games
but there's something calm and cool about just wrooming around like that, I always liked racing games

Hm... you must be doing something wrong, back when i was a racing simulator semi-enthusiast, i would be on the edge of my seat trying to break my record on an intense uphill track in GTR2, or GT Legends, i would even break a sweat trying to keep something like a Ford GT40 on those narrow uphill roads from drifting into a tree. Having a steering wheel with feedback made it even more intense.

Pushing a car to it's limits, where every little move counts, in a game that has realistic driving mechanics, is much more fun than just casually strolling around.
Hm... you must be doing something wrong, back when i was a racing simulator semi-enthusiast, i would be on the edge of my seat trying to break my record on an intense uphill track in GTR2, or GT Legends, i would even break a sweat trying to keep something like a Ford GT40 on those narrow uphill roads from drifting into a tree. Having a steering wheel with feedback made it even more intense.

Pushing a car to it's limits, where every little move counts, in a game that has realistic driving mechanics, is much more fun than just casually strolling around.

Calm and cool compared to cursing and sighing to people who have no fucking clue what to do :D
I know the intensity of constantly being alert for every new corner coming up, but still, I like the sensation, it's oddly calming :D

On my initial comment, just a few minutes ago I was in a motorcycle race with only a few people left, after several quits. I imagine all the impatient ones weeded themselves out. I'm fighting for 3rd place with another rider, and we're both about to shoot across a very narrow bridge. I don't try to push him off, he doesn't try to push me off
Hope in humanity!
I have always felt some weird snake like movements inside my body, they are entirely psychosomatic and I have always been fully aware that they aren't real sensations. But last night I had a pretty lucid dream where a metallic worm came out of a wound in my chest (the worm was the size of a snake and seemed to mostly just be moving around behind the skin, not actually inside my body) and I had to pull it out while feeling like it was piercing my esophagus. Now I woke up just attributing that to my signature Night Terrors but now I have been experiencing the Snake movement sensation the whole day in a much more constant basis. Am I just going crazy? is this even some catalogued disorder? I mean it doesn't really affect my abilities in any way other than being a bit distracting sometimes.
You should be fine but if a worm does emerge from beneath your skin let me know and we'll figure it out from there.
I have always felt some weird snake like movements inside my body, they are entirely psychosomatic and I have always been fully aware that they aren't real sensations. But last night I had a pretty lucid dream where a metallic worm came out of a wound in my chest (the worm was the size of a snake and seemed to mostly just be moving around behind the skin, not actually inside my body) and I had to pull it out while feeling like it was piercing my esophagus. Now I woke up just attributing that to my signature Night Terrors but now I have been experiencing the Snake movement sensation the whole day in a much more constant basis. Am I just going crazy? is this even some catalogued disorder? I mean it doesn't really affect my abilities in any way other than being a bit distracting sometimes. :V
Nah I already dis-parasitized myself this year, and this has no physical effect on my health. Just a psychosomatic thing that is too specific for some reason.
Weird. I used to have the same feelings when I was really young then an alien parasite actually did emerge from my chest. We coexist peacefully now.