General Discussion Thread of DOOM

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"You will be home before the leaves have fallen from the trees".
—Kaiser Wilhelm II, watching German troops marching off to war in 1914.
My latest book is now in stores. I'm pleased by that.

2016 sucked all round....except for Castro dying.

Which feels mean spirited but....yeah, Castro.

So I'm cool with that.
Weren't you calling for more radical leftism and revolution in a couple of threads a few weeks back?

Soviet Leftism is pretty much the apotheosis of what I despise in government. Totalitarianism is what I despise most in government.

Anarchism, not communism on my end.
Not everyone who's left is also a fan of Castro.
Don't expect people to see any difference between "Left" and "Stalinism". If you get anything for free it's evil and must be purged.

There's been an amazing new creation in science with the Warka Water Tower.

The implications of this invention are staggering. Moisture farming is a reality. Uncle Owen may do more good for the world than Obi-Wan or Luke in the end.

Interesting, though not exactly new if I remember correctly.
But was that video narrated by a text-to-speech device? Holy shit, I could barely listen to it, all these weird emphases, stresses, and random speed changes really bother me.
So what are Raul's politics like then?

I mean, CT Phipps already pointed out that he's not as much of a homophobe as his brother, but what's he like apart from that?

How does he treat people with dissenting opinions for example?
He once said he would drop 3 atomic bombs on New York if he could. He's pretty much just Fidel2.
I just read up on that, and apparently he said it to life magazine in 1960.

While that was certainly a horrible thing to say, to be entirely fair, that was in the height of the cold war, and there was likely a lot of aggression between the two countries, so I guess you can kinda understand why he'd say that. Still reflects badly on him though.

I just hope that his views towards the US have changed as time went by.
Castro was little more than a living mummy idol, he hasn't lead Cuba in years so his death I doubt will actually bring anything new.