General Discussion Thread of DOOM

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Ah, finally I found it again! The "Hell march" from 2009, there's many versions of this video, various edits, and several with a metal track over it (sho badassh), but this one is my favorite, also because it includes chinese proud-commie babbling on top of it, which just makes it better

*hopes for big US-China showdown*
*that results in Fallout 1*
That type of marching is a form of torture. I sucked at marching, it's not easy, especially that type of stuff with uncomfortable long boots and raising the foot high. With such large units everyone has to be in synch.

The Chinese are tough though. In a war they would absolutely do human wave attacks, kamikaze-style stuff, etc. Plus they pretty much have the highest tech stuff and are obsessed with that stuff like the Japanese. I have respect for them, although they are allied with Russia and Russia might attack my country in the near future.

Even their women soldiers have that fanatic feel about them, even when dressed in pink.
And their language is awesome, no matter what they say, it always feels like they're insulting you, same with Japanese, where as compared to french, cursing is like whiping your ass with silk.
What a desperate business model the random-forum-spam is
It *does* work - it *does* generate income, or they wouldn't be doing it
But they know full well that the vast majority of their spammy shit will be deleted and/or ignored, so the whole model is based on 1-in-tens-of-millions

With forum users around the world totalling to hundreds of millions, they get a good handful of potential customers - and not just any customer - but the dumbest, daftest most devoid kind of customer "wut? :U", and that is their jackpot, they only need a few customers at the time, so that they can kindly ask them for ALL of their money. All of it.
They got rid of HMs and Gyms were replaced with Trials which also involve combat but on different contexts. Also from what I have spoiled myself the game is really funny and silly.