General Discussion Thread of DOOM

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One of my little guilty pleasures is checking the comments on the most innoquous tweets, and look for the angriest replies. One of my favorites was an angry reply at a post-WW2 partition-proposal for not matching current reality.
Political maps may be the best for this, because they are usually so verifiable and also - usually - purely informative, wether a country shown is Norway or Italy is really not a matter of debate, nor a matter of emotional leanings - wether or not the borders are current or former, are likewisely not going to be a matter of personal taste or offense.
Concerning maps, some favorites are getting angry at for example a historical map being "Euro-centric" if it's a map of Europe, and also - if it's a map of Europe, there's bound to be some empassioned outbursts regarding the exact definition of Europe.

More precise wording may unruffle some of these feathers, for example instead of saying simply "Topographic map of Europe" say "Topographic map of Europe, but also including Russia and Turkey, with some portions of the southern Caucasus (oh and not ALL of Russia is included, since large parts of Russia count as Asia!!!) also parts of Syria, Lebanon, Israel, also the northern tip of Morocco is kind of included, Algeria and Tunisia may be visible, as well as the westernmost edge of Kazakhstan, jesus christ - did we miss something!? Please, dear GOD did we miss something!?!?!? Also - are oceans to be countes as Europe? Like, the Mediterranean!? CAN WATER BE PART OF A CONTINENT!? If they are not - then the HUMBLEST of apologies may be in order!!!"
Europe: “severe temps in excess of 40 degrees Celsius (104 Fahrenheit)!”

Me, a Massachusetts resident: *laughs in temperate climate*
We have our company summer fest on thursday, and we're gonna do a team-biathlon. 36°C. I expect collapsing.
It's been mostly cloudy here, but cloudy with a hot temperature. I keep my front door open, to let some fresh air in

Last summer, though, was boiling, uncomfortable
Random Encounter!

Rad Scorpion appeared!

Rad Scorpion asks: "Hey guys, sorry for barging in, but don't you know anything about Scott Campbell's additional artwork for 3DO Doom? Was looking at credits – and here he is. Can easily be a guy with the same name, but on Moby Games it's the same person. So I'm itching to know: what did he do for Art Data? At least where can I ask Scott about this?"
Notice that though these objects are tracked in advance, they rarely show up in the news until after they have passed by.
Notice that though these objects are tracked in advance, they rarely show up in the news until after they have passed by.

Well, I'm not sure if they are able to track them or withholding the info to keep panic low or what. Actually I remember reading in a newspaper this story which I still remember. Some astrologists were interviewed and asked if a big meteorite or asteroid etc. could hit earth. Their answer at the time was "no we are tracking all of them and their tracks are all far from earth". Even then I was I like, "hmm this is bs". About a week after that I red a news story in the same newspaper of a big-ass meteorite which hadn't been tracked which passed by earth real close.

So, yea.
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Pretty close but it would have only killed hundreds of thousands not billions.
I don't know what is the insistence of casting digital actors to replace dead people. I can accept a recast because the person fucking died but them animating a puppet to creepily pretend to be them and make money off of someone's likeness after death always feels disturbing and wrong, not to mention it's never convincing.

Recent murder in Frankfurt, where former psychiatric patient in his forties with immigrant background killed eight years old child, raises a couple of interesting questions. Total amount of crime is on steady decline for couple of years in Germany, whilst this type of criminality is brand new and on rise. Statistically that means it's only a matter of time, i.e. "when" not "if", the same model crime thing happens again. Since math is always dependable and numbers don't lie, statistics says NMA's own @Crni Vuk will strike soon. Heck, he wrote recently some heads have to be chopped off, didn't he? Also the profile match, let's see how investigative journalist have portrayed the murderer and couple of recent shooters/murderers in Germany:

friendly person with immigrant background - check
past treatment in mental hospital - check
in his forties - check

The million dollar question is: WHEN?

What? Are you creaming your pants because an immigrant commited a crime so much that you can't even form coherent sentences?
Gentleman from Cocaine Mexico betting his creamed pants! Thank you, feel free to place your bet at any date from now.
Your attempt to rig the game is futile, place your bets and wait for the result! Thank you.
That's what your mom told me yesterday.
Your bet has been accepted, thank for your participation!