General Discussion Thread of DOOM

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Valcik is a low-effort troll who has a hard on for me for some reason, so he tries to goad me into playing his little game from time to time. Admittedly, I did humor him a couple of times, but his trolling attempts have grown stale and are all variations of a same joke that is not making much sense either, so I just tend to ignore him for the most part.
What a pile of retarded bullshit excuses, fuck off with it right now. I do remember it was you who started this "low effort" trolling by calling names and tossing retarded insults around. After I accepted your stupid game and made you taste your own medicine, you begged to stop because I'm too old and have to behave "mature". Obviously retarded kids as you got used to insult anybody on interwebz expecting the other person won't return the courtesy for being too old for that shit, right? Well, surprise surprise, motherfucker. You are the same limp wristed babyfaced kid as you always were and full of shit with your stupid excuses on top of it, no matter how hard your OT buddies try to nurse and flatter your ego, kiddo.

Now when we are clear how shit rolls, back to the most important part - do your hands make dickstroking moves imprinted in your muscle memory by 24/7 masterbation when you see a penis or not?
What a pile of retarded bullshit excuses, fuck off with it right now. I do remember it was you who started this "low effort" trolling by calling names and tossing retarded insults around. After I accepted your stupid game and made you taste your own medicine, you begged to stop because I'm too old and have to behave "mature". Obviously retarded kids as you got used to insult anybody on interwebz expecting the other person won't return the courtesy for being too old for that shit, right? Well, surprise surprise, motherfucker. You are the same limp wristed babyfaced kid as you always were and full of shit with your stupid excuses on top of it, no matter how hard your OT buddies try to nurse and flatter your ego, kiddo.

Now when we are clear how shit rolls, back to the most important part - do your hands make dickstroking moves imprinted in your muscle memory by 24/7 masterbation when you see a penis or not?

It all started when I called you out on your threaten-to-doxx bullshit. After that, you quit forum for a while, then came back full retard.
Whatever you wanna believe, don't really care. It is telling that after 2+ years you still have a hard on for me, though. For me, a random guy on the internet, on a backwater gaming forum. So yeah, I genuinely think you have issues, but like I've said, don't really give a shit.
It all started when I called you out on your threaten-to-doxx bullshit.
It actually started when Vuk tried to accuse me of criminal activity, i.e. suporting extremists groups. After that he's got exactly the same treatment from me, idiot. That's where you stepped in and started whiteknighting by tossing insults and now you have it all back. Pilling up your bullshit excuses can't change the simple fact I shove your own medicine down your throats. Enjoy, kiddos!

Atom, Breivk here just wants a JOI video from you it seems.
Another buttblasted idiot who started whiteknighting his retarded buddies and now is salty as fuck after got his own dose back. The most funniest thing is you all are pissed off because what I wrote back to you is a simple truth, you cannot withstand I recognize your junk shitty art for what it really stands, retard.
It actually started when Vuk tried to accuse me of criminal activity, i.e. suporting extremists groups. After that he's got exactly the same treatment from me, idiot. That's where you stepped in and started whiteknighting by tossing insults and now you have it all back. Pilling up your bullshit excuses can't change the simple fact I shove your own medicine down your throats. Enjoy, kiddos!

Accusing an anonymous person of criminal activity online (hate crime or whatever) is not the same as threatening to actually doxx someone. If you equate the two, you either don't get how internet works or you are truly retarded.

The fact that your pride got hurt because somebody threw shit in your direction and you couldn't handle it enough that you had to threaten somebody like that AND then quit forum for quite a while AND then come back and regularly try to troll me, the white knight, in this thread just shows what a weak fuck-up of a person you are.

And for the record, every single time we've had altercation since that initial one, it was you who started it by calling me out and mentioning me in various threads, mostly this one. And this has been going on for years.
Either way, since you're a grown-ass man who somehow manages to be more annoying than a chronic diarrhea, next time you do that, I'm hitting that Report button. I really don't give a shit about humoring your inane, sad need for...whatever it is you wanna achieve with this. Not anymore.

Atom, Breivk here just wants a JOI video from you it seems.

Yeah, I ain't gonna teach him how to do stuff he should have figured out by know. Like masturbating. Or not being a retard online.
Accusing an anonymous person of criminal activity online (hate crime or whatever) is not the same as threatening to actually doxx someone.
No shit, Sherlock. While attracting machine scans and bots directly to your posts with your real IP address attached to it by pairing nice words as extremism support and whatnot may actually harm you great deal, threatening to attract the official authority attention to you without actually doing it doesn't make any harm at all. Except it scares lame poseurs shitless as it did with Vuk. Read what doxxing means, retard.

If you equate the two, you either don't get how internet works or you are truly retarded.
As above, retard.

The fact that your pride got hurt because somebody threw shit in your direction and you couldn't handle it enough that you had to threaten somebody like that AND then quit forum for quite a while AND then come back and regularly try to troll me, the white knight, in this thread just shows what a weak fuck-up of a person you are.
Pride? LOL
I don't troll you, I write truth. Look at your fucking pictures, you are limp-wristed babyfaced kid and you wrote in countless posts how you started "highspeed" masterbating after your GF ditched you out. Also I quit message boards or any online activity on that account from get go, do you really live under impression you stupid kids can actually make somebody leave anything by.. writing retarded made up shit? Holy fuck you proved right here how massive idiot you are, much bigger than I anticipated.

And for the record, every single time we've had altercation since that initial one, it was you who started it by calling me out and mentioning me in various threads, mostly this one. And this has been going on for years.
Years, huh?
Also this is another pile of idiotic bullshit proving how fucked up your self-centered mind is. You started it by tossing first personal insult at me, I returned in the same manner which triggered you and made you putting another insults including fake stories in order not to lose your fake personality credit in front of your fake interwebz friends so after that it's my turn again.

Either way, since you're a grown-ass man who somehow manages to be more annoying than a chronic diarrhea, next time you do that, I'm hitting that Report button.
So you do care after all despite claiming how frosty you are, don't you? Since you did put another stupid insult here as you do every single time and you can't stand the heat you started, feel free to snitching and ratting out as a lame spoiled brat you really are. Fucking retarded kids these days..

Yeah, I ain't gonna teach him how to do stuff he should have figured out by know. Like masturbating. Or not being a retard online.
Be my guest and keep your secret and refined masterbatory techniques for yourself. Keep rubbing it, kiddo!
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So, has anyone watched Ad Astra yet? Is it good? Thinking about going to in next saturday, Brad Pitt movies are always hit or miss in my experience.
I'm kinda convinced you're unhinged valcik. Even if Atom did start all this shit over a year ago, you literally just came back and tagged him for no reason. Ever heard of that stereotypical phrase that the bigger person walks away? It does hold some meaning, especially on a forum. It seems you've done quite the opposite and instead continuously instigate this shit. So even if Atom was being immature or whatever awhile ago, you keep coming back to it as if it matters months or years later. Most people here seem to just drop the bullshit (for the most part, unless you can get a good joke out of it) and move on.

The real bit to take away from this is that you should just let it go and only acknowledge things that you have something to actually say about. Harassing users on a forum is not really what they are for. You can dislike Atom all you want but tagging him in shit and trying to provoke him into squabbles is plain idiotic. I'm sure there are some people who don't like each other on here but they don't do whatever it is you're doing here.
No shit, Sherlock. While attracting machine scans and bots directly to your posts with your real IP address attached to it by pairing nice words as extremism support and whatnot may actually harm you great deal, threatening to attract the official authority attention to you without actually doing it doesn't make any harm at all. Except it scares lame poseurs shitless as it did with Vuk. Read what doxxing means, retard.

As above, retard.

Pride? LOL
I don't troll you, I write truth. Look at your fucking pictures, you are limp-wristed babyfaced kid and you wrote in countless posts how you started "highspeed" masterbating after your GF ditched you out. Also I quit message boards or any online activity on that account from get go, do you really live under impression you stupid kids can actually make somebody leave anything by.. writing retarded made up shit? Holy fuck you proved right here how massive idiot you are, much bigger than I anticipated.

Years, huh?
Also this is another pile of idiotic bullshit proving how fucked up your self-centered mind is. You started it by tossing first personal insult at me, I returned in the same manner which triggered you and made you putting another insults including fake stories in order not to lose your fake personality credit in front of your fake interwebz friends so after that it's my turn again.

So you do care after all despite claiming how frosty you are, don't you? Since you did put another stupid insult here as you do every single time and you can't stand the heat you started, feel free to snitching and ratting out as a lame spoiled brat you really are. Fucking retarded kids these days..

Be my guest and keep your secret and refined masterbatory techniques for yourself. Keep rubbing it, kiddo!

Wow, man. Just wow. Honestly, to the heart, I am impressed.

Impressed by the thorough knowledge of some random shit I have posted ages ago somewhere in tO, stuff even I have forgotten. And impressed by how absorbed you are with all of this. Thorough psychoanalysis of me and my online behavior, looking through by photos, remembering details of my posts...

Just wow. You really do care about all of this shit.

@Squadcar makes a fine point here, you know. Even if you all you said here is true (which I still call utter bullshit, but have no time or interest in proving you wrong), you have failed at being the bigger man and walking away. You have kept coming here for I don't know how many times now and trying to call me out. I have no idea what personal satisfaction trolling a random guy online must bring, and honestly, I don't want to know. I just think that you really have issues. A lot of them.
The fact you can't let any of this go really speaks volumes.

Whatever, I'm hitting that Report button because I have no intention of ever humoring this shit-flinging fest again.

Especially @valcik. You've been extremely abrasive for no real reason for a while now, constantly throwing shit at Crni and Atomkilla, which, while sometimes warranted, was mostly uncalled for.
We have a rule against sniping against specific people constant, so stop that shit. Strike for thee.
He probably has a wall dedicated to everything you ever posted, connected with red string to news paper clippings of where you live, all arranged in a collage of your avatar.
(which I still call utter bullshit, but have no time or interest in proving you wrong)
Try me, prove it.

You have kept coming here for I don't know how many times now and trying to call me out.
Two or three times actually, worked every time.

The fact you can't let any of this go really speaks volumes.
Oh I can and I did a lot of times on all places including here on NMA. Cherry-picking handful of the most annoying idiots occasionally and stomping their balls is something I reserve for those who are 100% sure their pile of bullshit would go unnoticed because "I can make up retarded shit and that old dude can't insult me back lel he would look stoopid otherwise bwahah".

Whatever, I'm hitting that Report button because I have no intention of ever humoring this shit-flinging fest again.
Ratting snitch!
There is this guy in my japanese classes who constantly smells like potato chips. The class is first hour in the morning on a saturday and he already smells like potato chips, either he only eats those for every meal or he doesn't change his shirt, guy is like 7 years older than me too. I guess that's what you are bound to find on a Japanese class.