General Discussion Thread of DOOM

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Prince Charles, after decades of being the butt of the joke about not getting the crown, finally gets the Corona.

I implore any of you that didn't like the Dragon Ball series with the English dub to watch the subtitled version. I mean this bitch here doing the voice for Lunch? Awful. I never knew her VO was that bad until I watched it the way it was meant to be.

The humor is so much better. You actually understand why the English version is so shitty plot wise too. Gohan is not as annoying since he has that cute little Japanese voice that Goku had. Good stuff. The last time I watched the series was over 20 years ago so I forgot a lot of the stuff. DBZ is still not as good as Dragon Ball of course. The highlight is when Roshi shoots blood all over the place because Bulma flashed her pussy.
My bad Joke came in the mail today.

Kinda funny that a guy who wrote Joker story that rips off dialogue from Pulp Fiction whole clot tries to claim his comic was too edgy and boundary pushing so it couldn't be made in the modern world, despite the fact that the Joker cut off his own face and wore the rotten skin as a mask for years in mainstream continuity.
Browsing fanfiction is like swimming in feces, looking for a diamond lying at the bottom of the sea of shit.

This site is one of the oldest, laziest and most well known shit creators of all time. Between wish fulfilment fantasy garbage like naruto fictions and crossovers, primitive search engine that lacks basic fuctions (including blocking certain franchises) and complete joke of administration I really wish it would go down and be restarted.

Going through it makes me want to strangle some authors or at least hack their accounts and remove everything they wrote from existence. Same with new Fallout, where searching for fanart, gives me vore, screenshoots of shitout with 'sexy' content and other things where brain bleach would be useful.

The only upside is that it makes me want to write something good out of spite to these retards.
I think I just rubbed gasoline in my eye. It's an anointing by the post apocalyptic god of ROCK AND ROLL.
Our YOutube channel project has come back to life so I started making the puppet designs for the videos.
To be honest, I never quite liked those noses you tend to put on your characters. The contrasting colours and the sharp outlines makes them look weird. I guess it's distinct and unique from a design perspective, but not necessarily in a good way.
To be honest, I never quite liked those noses you tend to put on your characters. The contrasting colours and the sharp outlines makes them look weird. I guess it's distinct and unique from a design perspective, but not necessarily in a good way.
The idea is that they are Muppets, which when they have noses separated from their face tend to be of a different color.
It's kinda funny in retrospect that Harry Potter's final love interest was just him going for a girl that he thought would put out easier than the girl he had been pining on who had developed depression because of something that was related to his own angst. She was low maintenance and Harry knew he could pull whatever he wanted with her because she was that desperate for him. Kinda fucked up for a kid's book.
Only because you read that far into that part of an ending of a kid's book. I doubt Rowling was really intending that to be the idea when she slapped them together. Main character gets with his best friend's sister. That's probably as far as it was meant.