General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

Crni Vuk said:
because the female voice tells you that her name is Dr. Janice Polito and not Shodan ? Seriously how did you figured out the person trying to help you was the evil computer ? Just curious. I mean the beginning of the game when a female tells you to escape from the pod because it will brake soon. Once you hit the second level of the ship it is quite easy to find out that the person leading you is not the one she claims to be. But still. No way to figure that out in the first dunno hours of the game.

Well I knew the game was about an evil AI named SHODAN and in the intro I heard her voice with the whole "L-L-Look at you hacker" speech, then the game starts and you hear a very similar voice just without the stuttering telling you what to do, and there's another AI named Xerxes who I sure as hell already knew wasn't the game's main villain so I just kind of assumed the lady telling you what to do was SHODAN. She does have kind of a cold robotic voice, which normally I'd just attribute to it being an old game and the audio's not as good but then listening to the audio diaries no one else has voices like that, which confirmed my suspicions.

Edit: It might just be my inherent distrust of early game helper characters that I've had ever since playing Bioshock, I never trust anyone who's "helping" you early on in the game by ordering you around.

[spoiler:5aeb0fbbab]I predicted that Wheatley would turn on me in Portal 2, spoiler tags cause it's still pretty new.[/spoiler:5aeb0fbbab]

I was actually more surprised by the fact that Sinclair didn't turn on me in Bioshock 2.
yeah well then it might have been easier with the English version because in German both had pretty different voices. But again. You just had the suspicion. Now I thought you would have found some clue which tells you who she really was like in the first minutes of the game.

well when talking about Bioschock 2. While it was not a "bad" game the game really screams in your face "I am not finished". I mean it is quite obvious on many places in the game that it was suposed to be much bigger or at least an open world and that some characters would have been more important. No clue if Sinclair would have been different at that point. But it really feels like they have been either runing out of time or facing other problems while making Bioschock 2.
Well it started as suspicion but when I heard Xerxes say "She once tried to destroy your species" I kind of got the hint. I'd imagine that it would be a lot harder to guess in the German version though since the voices are different, in the English version she sounded pretty damn robotic though.

Yeah I liked Bioshock 2, I didn't love Bioshock 2. A lot of the gameplay mechanics were improved over the original but it still felt like it was missing something. For some reason it just didn't have the same charm that Bioshock did, although I've got to admit the ending was miles ahead of the original Bioshock's ending.
FEAR 3 and inFamous 2.
Both disappointing on different scales.
FEAR 3 isn't even remotely kind of scary anymore and bored me to death within an hour. May give it a better, more fair shake this weekend. After I change the oil in my car and shampoo the carpets in my place.
inFamous cause it's the first game over again.
Find shards, reclaim areas, get new powers that aren't that impressive. Blah blah blah. Also Cole's new voice actor SUUUUUUUUUUUUCKS. Why the change? It's the same as the first anyway. Oh wait...I can slide up new vertical rails that weren't in the first game!?!?! Oh. It's still nothing significant to remember.
You can also attack while floating, equip yoru powers so yo ucan switch to a different style, various tweaks to make some of the more repetitive sidequests (like healing people) faster, more sidequests. Still more change than most sequels that keep coming this year.
Thats the same reason why they were going to redesing him so drasticaly, but tweakign the redesing so it looks more like the original is a lot cheaper and easier than hiring a new actor to re record the lines.
Cole's voice in the first game just didn't fit cole's character design and personality for me. It's sort of like when you see a voice actor actually using a voice from a character they've played. It just doesn't fit.
After playing more of Madness Returns, it's gone from being a cool return to wonderland to an endless (and I really do mean endless) boring puzzle grind. If you can find a copy of the first game, you won't be disappointed. Skip the second.

Gave a spin to the first few levels of Alice 1. Not bad overall, still love the concept and the atmosphere, but for an adventure game it could sure use a bit more story... Thus far all I'm getting is clues to more clues, but it all seems kind of impersonal. The voice acting is nice though. The graphics haven't aged all that well, though it's something I'm more or less willing to overlook as the game is at least customizable enough to be run at higher resolution. No widescreen, sadly.

The gameplay is really dragging it down. It's OK, but kind of awkward, and while all the different weapons are nice, thus far they don't really matter since most enemies die pretty quickly. I'm yet to die from attacks, though platforming killed me quite a few times already. It's unbelievable how inaccurate they managed to make jumping compared to how it was in Quake 3 originally.

Will probably play through this slowly when I get tired of other stuff... The game's not quite as exciting as I had hoped, though.
Diablo. The original one. 'Cause, together with AoE 2, it is the only decent game that works on my nineties laptop.
Ausdoerrt said:
Weird, dude, never had that bug before. Have you tried re-installing?

I did. It did not work. Uninstalled modem drivers, changed settings on internet too but nothing. But I found out what was the problem...about 10 minutes ago.
I can't right click with mouse for map transitions, it has to be with left click to make transition to building or map.....WHY THE #@$*#@$&* is that so I don't know since you can move the party with both right and left click on the mouse. They should post somewhere in some FAQ that oldies don't do right-click so we don't get in these "situations". Like a washing machine, if I click the wrong button the power won't start.
Wintermind said:
SOTS sadly doesn't really have a story and it can be really unfriendly to play, especially for a newbie. Keep an on it on Steam, I know that the "Complete collection" (vanilla + 3 expansions that are totally awesome) was on sale and it's normally like $30USD or so anyway. When/If you get let me know, I'll set up a compstomp and show you some pointers and stuff.

Awesome, i'll let you know when i give it a try (from what i saw i might like its artstyle, especially those funny spacefaring ravens)
LinkPain said:
I did. It did not work. Uninstalled modem drivers, changed settings on internet too but nothing. But I found out what was the problem...about 10 minutes ago.
I can't right click with mouse for map transitions, it has to be with left click to make transition to building or map.....WHY THE #@$*#@$&* is that so I don't know since you can move the party with both right and left click on the mouse. They should post somewhere in some FAQ that oldies don't do right-click so we don't get in these "situations". Like a washing machine, if I click the wrong button the power won't start.

Huh? All IE titles have always been left-click only. Most RPGs I know are. Right-click is usually for RTS.

Also, you don't move your party with right-click in IWD. IIRC, right-click is for rotating the formation (try holding it down and moving the mouse).
Finished BG2. Throne of Bhaal was a mixed bag; very satisfying fights, but it had only that, very few side-quests, only huge fights (and being dragged to the pocket plane by that annoying Solar after every single major battle got old fast). Still, the conclusion was very apropos, and my final (Good God) was satisfying enough, loved Minsc's epilogue.

Overall I can say that while BG2 is a very good game I do not find it to be an absolutely awesome classic (maybe because of no nostalgia factor? dunno). I still think Dragon Age Origins is Bioware's best game, but BG2 is definitely up there, worth a second playthrough for sure. Think I will try a Wild Mage, they sound fun.

Also, got the FEAR bundle, not really that impressed. It's a decent enough shooter series, but even the first game (the only one that's even trying to be scary) is quite formulaic when it comes to horror and scares. Oooh, it's dark and there's no enemies, yeah, so spooky, just get that apparition over with so that I can shoot more guys. Ain't got nothing on Amnesia.

Also, is it just me, or is the very idea of removing the children from an insanely powerful psychotic girl to turn into cloned super-soldiers commanded by those very same and very much deranged children an hilariously bad one? Well, I guess the very idea of super-soldiers is stupid in the first place, and the plot in these games is there just for show, but still...
I really don't want to blame anyone or sound rude.

But I read sometimes "Fear 1 is not scary at all". I loved the game and I thought it was pretty scary. - Sure hands down anything AFTER FEAR 1 was garbage in that part but still.

Now question is. What the fuck has a game to do that you find it "scary" ? If people say "I cant feel the character/get in the game" then this has not always to be the games fault! (for example I never find Saw or scream or any of those "horror movies" scary but that has not always to be the fault of the movie might be that it simply is not my medium). Maybe I am easily scared or I can to easily empathize with the game (no clue maybe I am easy to entertain regarding such things). But I am just curious. What would you do to get a scary game ? Or making a horror-shooter that is scary for you ?
Well Saw is just shock schlock shit, those movies suck after the first one, so it really isn't you, its the movie that just sucks. Still "horror" is something that almost nobody can do right, I don't think I could do it myself, but most "horror" titles just care about giving cheap jump scares or use gore to make them seem scarier than they are.
it was just an example. I could have as well used ALIEN which I think is a very scary movie. At least when I saw it for the first time. And I simply get more the feeling that if people say "its shit it is not even scary!" it simply is rather not their "taste" then not scary. Like shooter fanatics calling cRPGs with an long in depth story "shit". I mean yeah. Hands down certain things are not THAT great. But quite many things are rather a subjective impression then fact.
Because a game can't be scary when you are a time-slowing, gun-toting badass and when the scares only harm you when the plot requires it (such as being blown by Alma at the beginning). I gave an example, Amnesia is scary not only because of the athmoshphere but because you literally cannot defend yourself, you have to rely on your wits, if you could just kill things with swords or magic Amnesia would be far less scary. Dead space tries to be scary, and it only midly succeeds, again because you can slow enemies to a crawl and then rip them apart with a saw.

That, and repetition; in the aforementioned Dead Space, every single time I saw a vent, I knew a Morph would pop out screaming at me for 10 seconds, and was right 75% of the time. When I entered a large, empty room littered with corpses, I knew there was going to be a sudden assault of Morphs, and again was mostly right. In FEAR, every time it go quiet and dark, I knew Alma would make an appearance (the 2 is even worse, your flashlight starts to flicker, yeah add a dead giveaway your ''horror'' is coming Monolith, real scary there). It's this kind of predictability than destroys any sentiment of dread or horror, because you know what's going to happen.

And, my biggest gripe, the damn scare chords. They.Do.Not.Work. Not after every single horror game or movie uses them before the actual ''horror'' happens. It's just another giveaway, like somebody enters the scene and goes ''here, you have be scared NOW!''. It completely destroys the ambiance.

I mean, Bioshock was scarier than FEAR. There was this sequence where you enter a room in Medical, then gass fills the room and quickly fades. Nothing happens. You go loot the room as usual. Then the gas reappears. Then you turn around and HOLY SHIT there's a damn Splicer, completely silent, looking at you right in the eyes wearing that creepy, bloodied doctor outfit. That scared the piss out of me because it was unexpected, and there was nary a sound effect to spoil the surprise of it all.[/i]
And there was that part in Arcadia when you encounter your first Houdini splicer, and he's screaming "Won't somebody please help me" so you go to where he is and he teleports a little further into the room, you keep following and eventually you notice a lockbox with a mask sitting over it. When you go to open the lockbox the guys shadow shows up on the wall in front of you wearing the mask, and you really don't want to turn around.
Ausdoerrt said:
LinkPain said:
I did. It did not work. Uninstalled modem drivers, changed settings on internet too but nothing. But I found out what was the problem...about 10 minutes ago.
I can't right click with mouse for map transitions, it has to be with left click to make transition to building or map.....WHY THE #@$*#@$&* is that so I don't know since you can move the party with both right and left click on the mouse. They should post somewhere in some FAQ that oldies don't do right-click so we don't get in these "situations". Like a washing machine, if I click the wrong button the power won't start.

Huh? All IE titles have always been left-click only. Most RPGs I know are. Right-click is usually for RTS.

Also, you don't move your party with right-click in IWD. IIRC, right-click is for rotating the formation (try holding it down and moving the mouse).

I know but it was so goddamn stupid, I only had to left click...
Right click works for moving although not for transitioning. Awesome, almost reinstalled the whole Windows.