General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

This may be a wrong place to ask, since there are a bunch of places on the net with Torment walkthroughs and such, but I know there are many people here that can have a good knowledge about the game.

[spoiler:ba72362d12]The problem, is basically, this. This Hamrys dude gives sends you to get tomb plans from warehouse, and bring them to him in order to get some experience (2,000 XP).

What I've done is that I have visited the mentioned tomb before, without the plans, and got out, so plans are pretty much useless, and therefore, I never returned to Hamrys with them.

However, later I've realized that Hamrys is necessary in the quest of making the dream machine (first you need skin & blood, then a bird cage and finally a coffin pillow - Hamrys is a coffin maker). What happens is that glitch from the video - when I try talking to Hamrys, the same option popes out (the only one) - to give him the plans, and get experience. Problem is, you see, that (again, as shown in video - which isn't mine, by the way), is that keeps repeating in the endless loop, which is an exploit, but makes it impossible to complete the dream machine quest, which is one of the essential quests in the game. At least I think it is.[/spoiler:ba72362d12]

Does anyone know a fix for this? Perhaps a patch (my game is unpatched) though I doubt it would help know.
Thanks in advance.

Fixed it with some patches. I was lucky to have kept some older save game, or I would had to start the game all over.
Ilosar said:
I mean, Bioshock was scarier than FEAR.
See. This is what I am talking about. For YOU Bioschock was scarier then FEAR. For me ? I did never feelt really "scared" by Bioschock in any way. It was not a bad game at all. But wacking those walking mutants with a wrech just feelt way to much like lulz in my eyes to create any fear - same reason why I was not scared in Metro33 those monsters just looked way to ridiculous in my eyes. Dont get me wrong the ambience was awesome in Bioschock. But it did not created the same feeling I had with Syste Schock or FEAR 1,

- You say: Bioshock was scarier than FEAR but FOR ME Bioshock was scarier than FEAR would be more correct. Small word. Bigg difference. The one is seen like a "fact" the other an "opinion".

As I said. I get more the feeling that FEAR simply was not the kind of horror you (and a few others) personally enjoy which does not mean FEAR 1 isn't good in scaring people but that it simply is not the kind of horror which hits your demand. Houdini splicers? I found them personally more annoying then in any way "scary". But this is "my" perception. Because I do not respond to this kind of horror/scariness does not mean it suddenly can't be scary because for me Bioshock felt way to much out of this world from an artistic side and the design (which was still good though) to give me a feeling of horror while with FEAR I could much easier get in to the game world because of somewhat realistic looking locations and objects. Not that FEAR is anything more realistic then Bioshock from the game play. That is not what I mean. But design wise it felt simply much closer to my definition of "yeah this could be me". Like the look of the weapons, levels and such. It is about preference. Not which game is more or less scary. It would be like arguing chcolate has inherently a better taste then vanilla icecream.

Ilosar said:
...There was this sequence where you enter a room in Medical, then gass fills the room and quickly fades. Nothing happens. You go loot the room as usual. Then the gas reappears. Then you turn around and HOLY SHIT there's a damn Splicer, completely silent, looking at you right in the eyes wearing that creepy, bloodied doctor outfit. That scared the piss out of me because it was unexpected, and there was nary a sound effect to spoil the surprise of it all.[/i]
Though how was that so unexpected ? The moment I entered that room I knew "get ready for a fight".

I am not saying it isn't scary. It just isn't what hits my nerve. Everyone is different I guess. So why should we expect a "scary" game to scare everyone ? A large number of players enjoyed that part in FEAR. So as said. I get more the feeling it is a problem with the people not being their taste (for this particular game) then a problem with the game at all. It feels like when people complain about some of my art because I draw a Dragon and while they talk I find out that they simply hate Fantasy/Dragons - So is that now that my art sucks or that I could draw the best Dragon in the world and they would still find stuff to complain ? Other times I get a Sci Fi picture and they suddenly love it. People should actually remember that taste matters a lot when it comes to rating something for its "quality".

Thing is. You can dislike something and STILL acknowledge the quality in it. I am personally not a fan impressionism and I never get what people find so entertaining in Van Gog as I personally prefer realism in art - like Rubens or most work of the renaissance . But I still acknowledge the quality of his work and I would not call it less art because it is not my preference.
Fixed it with some patches. I was lucky to have kept some older save game, or I would had to start the game all over.

Yeah lol. Experience should've taught you by now: ALWAYS patch Black Isle games :wink:
To revise my previous statement, it was patched, but not with a fan patch. I wasn't actually aware that the game was 1.1 already.

So, from now on, always fan patch 8-)
I uninstalled Sims 3 on my XP. It was so slow, that it actualky made my computer run slow. I installed it on my windows7 laptop. Now it runs really smooth. I just discovered testing cheats in the console, so I'm having a lot of fun with that. It's fun to mess around in create a sim when you don't have to control them later.
Started playing Team Fortress 2 again after the "uberpatch" was released. I had forgotten how much fun it is. It's nice to see a MP shooter game requiring a tactical approach that consists of more than "camp somewhere and shower your grenades all over the map".
I've been playing the F2P Team Fortress 2. So far I'm best at Pyro, Medic, and Spy. Well and Engineer too but it's kind of hard to suck at Engineer, all you have to do is build a turret and a dispenser and nothing short of an ubercharge or a very quick spy can stop you.
^I foudn that I am better as Soldier, Medic and Heavy, I suck at beign a Pyro, I got some good kills as a spy but I don't think I am good at being one.
Fire good, enemy team bad. Pyro set fire to enemy team so pyro is good, when pyro is good pyro get fed and all is well.
Now that I have Dead Ringer I'm an awesome spy, practically invincible. One round I got twenty backstabs before someone caught me and killed me.

Now when I find Your Eternal Reward.... :D
So how bad is f2p for this game? Most f2p competitive games I've played before were unbalanced as f*ck in favor of people who bought the "exclusive" stuff.
It kind of is, I mean a Scout once killed me with a handgun, and I was a Heavy, and I don't think there are "sneak criticals" in this game. But thsi free to play is mostly just liek the normal game as far as I understand, the objects on the store still cost real life money, but I don't get why would osmeone spend 1 dollar on some fake boots.
Ausdoerrt said:
So how bad is f2p for this game? Most f2p competitive games I've played before were unbalanced as f*ck in favor of people who bought the "exclusive" stuff.

Almost everything that's purchasable can be found just by playing the game, and even then nothing really gives you an advantage. For instance you might get a new grenade launcher that does more damage, but has a smaller clip size and reloads slower.

Walpknut said:
It kind of is, I mean a Scout once killed me with a handgun, and I was a Heavy, and I don't think there are "sneak criticals" in this game. But thsi free to play is mostly just liek the normal game as far as I understand, the objects on the store still cost real life money, but I don't get why would osmeone spend 1 dollar on some fake boots.

If the scout hits you enough times with the handgun before you can react then it's possible, I once killed a heavy as a medic with a bonesaw by sneaking up behind him and hitting him about 5-6 times before he could turn around. Spies can one hit kill people from behind, but they're weak in direct conflict.
But that Scout killed me in one shot, I went from full health to dead in a shot, unless it was like three or more shots at once and the game only showed me who did the last one?
Anyhow, I guess no harm in trying, I'm DLing now to see how it is. I've played TF mods before, but not the game itself, so we'll see how this goes.

Anyone wants to play, feel free to add me (same name as here).
A crit with said handgun kills almost any class in one shot. A second, point-blank shot is guaranteed to take down even an Heavy; know that, in TF2, bullets do less damage as they go, so a point blank shot does far more damage than a shot from across the map (except for some weapons like sniper rifles). Criticals do 3x damage no matter how long the shot is in the air (that's what makes critical rockets so deadly), so it's very possible he got a crit at medium range and managed to finish you off with a second or even third shot, that gun fires very fast.

Also, I am best at Pyro and Medic, decent at Soldier, Scout and Heavy, and absolutely hopeless as Sniper and demoman. Pyros are just so much fun, even if you have to face the whine of people who say it's easymode.
Walpknut said:
But that Scout killed me in one shot, I went from full health to dead in a shot, unless it was like three or more shots at once and the game only showed me who did the last one?

Are you sure it wasn't a spy disguised as a scout, or are you sure he wasn't using some kind of shotgun?
He could not have been a spy because the Scout was of the opposing team, and the screen showed me that he killed me with a handgun in the little thing on the corner. maybe he got lucky with the critical and shooted fast, like Ilosar said.
I just discovered I am not half bad as a pyro actualy, but I suck as a sniper, I only kill other SNiper because they are standing still, but all that chaos makes it dificult for me to aim at anything that is moving even only a few steps.
Just played a bunch, and the F2P scheme sucks as usual, though not as much yet since they just recently switched to it. I was just playing a game against a team with 3 guys fully loaded out in "premium" equips, and they basically controlled the map. Thankfully, that was just one game, so hopefully it'll take a little time till every game is like that.

Also, what I was surprised at is the game doesn't seem to give you the option to pick the game type you want to play.