Taking a break from Godhand because it is kicking my ass, I picked up Final Fantasy X (as always, used game bins) and holy shit does this game suck. Ignoring the story that wastes a potentially interesting setting, what kills it is that, even tought it has a good combat system with a lot of potential it seems the people in charge of designing the boss battles didn't know what to do with it, all the bosses are boring "hit it until it drops" snooze fests, that use all the means they can to make your possible strategies be reduced to buff a shit load and attack, all of them inmune to debuffs, status effects and you know any fun tactic, only minor bosses are vulnerable to those, Yunalesca specially is an example of a Badly Designed Boring Long Ass Boss Battle, the bosses don't even use strategies, it's like playing Digital Devil Saga 1 again, but with worse story.