General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

generalissimofurioso said:
Well, Garth Ennis wrote the story for the first game so if he's coming back to do it, huzzah.

If not and they get some of the original guys who wrote the comic, then BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP.

Cuz the comic sucks ass.

Garth Ennis wrote the first few issues. They also sucked ass.
thegaresexperience said:
Finished the Final Assassin's tomb in Asscreed2. Now I have Altair's kickass armor, that is not only funtionally awesome, but looks fucking bad ass especially with the gold Carneval mask.

But I still would't pay full price for the next Asscreed games, they still infuriate me at times.

Still not sure how I feel about this game. The ending was definitely WTF. Some awesome moments and some irritating as hell. Like how you can't throw knives during mandatory chases. . Not sure if I should get Brotherhood or not.
Taking a break from Godhand because it is kicking my ass, I picked up Final Fantasy X (as always, used game bins) and holy shit does this game suck. Ignoring the story that wastes a potentially interesting setting, what kills it is that, even tought it has a good combat system with a lot of potential it seems the people in charge of designing the boss battles didn't know what to do with it, all the bosses are boring "hit it until it drops" snooze fests, that use all the means they can to make your possible strategies be reduced to buff a shit load and attack, all of them inmune to debuffs, status effects and you know any fun tactic, only minor bosses are vulnerable to those, Yunalesca specially is an example of a Badly Designed Boring Long Ass Boss Battle, the bosses don't even use strategies, it's like playing Digital Devil Saga 1 again, but with worse story.
Per said:
generalissimofurioso said:
Well, Garth Ennis wrote the story for the first game so if he's coming back to do it, huzzah.

If not and they get some of the original guys who wrote the comic, then BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP.

Cuz the comic sucks ass.

Garth Ennis wrote the first few issues. They also sucked ass.
Yeah, I have no idea why Jackie got so god damn depressed over having unlimited cosmic power because he couldn't bone bitche-


Just wait a fucking moment.

Is that a fucking MLP avatar Per? You better have lost a bet or some such shit.
maximaz said:
thegaresexperience said:
Finished the Final Assassin's tomb in Asscreed2. Now I have Altair's kickass armor, that is not only funtionally awesome, but looks fucking bad ass especially with the gold Carneval mask.

But I still would't pay full price for the next Asscreed games, they still infuriate me at times.

Still not sure how I feel about this game. The ending was definitely WTF. Some awesome moments and some irritating as hell. Like how you can't throw knives during mandatory chases. . Not sure if I should get Brotherhood or not.

i call bullshit on whoever says these games are "fluid" there's nothing fluid about your guy flinging backwards and wasting most of his health because you did things too fast or too slow on your controller (the latter i can understand, but the former? come the fuck on Ubisoft). the combat is alos very tedious and boring at times, especially with large numbers of enemies but this game is not built for stealth like MGS was (but I hear Ass Creed Bro revamps the combat so it's more fighting and less countering).
I am currently playing Aliens Infestation on the NDS.
The game reminds me a lot of Alien 3 on the SNES.

It may be a bog standard 2D action platformer, and suffers from the fact that it is rather short I think it might end up being superior to Aliens Colonial Marines that will be released next year on the PC, PS3, and Xbox 360, especially after I saw a gameplay clip of it.

It suffers many of the flaws of cross platform FPS games that are primarily developed from the console, and some people are calling it COD: Colonial Marines, a title that is not undeserved.

Its rather rail roaded and scripted, and the atmosphere and the nice designs can not undo the limited gameplay and freedom.
I recently just played through Knights of the Old Republic II, while reading a LP of it full of Cut Content and a pretty interesting analysis of stuff. Goddamn that would've been the best game if it actually got to be finished.
Just got Portal 2 (50% off on Steam right now). Enjoying it quite a bit but I really hate Wheatley so far. He sounds very out of place, like a random geeky Brit trying to be funny. I expected something a bit more unique. His voice is grating on the ears as well.
OakTable said:
Is that a fucking MLP avatar Per? You better have lost a bet or some such shit.

Basically just jumping on the great internet bandwagon of MLP avatars I was seeing in... well, every forum I ever visit and then some. I figure most people with MLP avatars don't actually watch the show anyway. (Do they?)

I played a little Midtown Madness the other day but my CRT monitor made a bunch of unpleasant crackling sounds. I wonder if it objects to the 640x480 resolution somehow.
Played through Beyond Good and Evil HD and enjoyed every nano-second of it! :D

Next stop is Dead Rising 2. Although I am not really sure if I have the nerves right now to babywalk all those survivors to the safe house.
I tried Silent Hill 2 but had to stop when I saw pyramid head raping a mannequin. Game over maaaaan, GAME OVER!
Oh man, I am counting days for the Silent Hill HD Collection to be released.

That and the MGS HD Collection.

If there is something awesome about 2011-2012 then it has to be these HD remakes that bring back good ol' memories.
Yes, I'm also really excited for MGS, and Ico and Shadow of Colossus coming out on PS3. Haven't played Shadow before but have heard nothing but great things.
beware HD re-releases that do nothing but up the resolution. You can do that today (on games that actually work) through an emulator. (if you own the game/system legally)
Case in point: The re-releases of Resident Evil Code Veronica X and Resident Evil 4. RE4 on PC is easily moddable and already has a few flavors of HD gfx packs. I even made my own Hi-Res version of the mod that replaces Leon with Claire.
I did read that ICO and Shadow of the Collossus are getting a thorough treatment. As for MGS, I did not know that it was getting a HD re-release. Snake Eater would be fantastic with just a resolution change, so anything beyond that is a plus for this MGS geek. Hoping the version they do is Subsistence, since the camera was better.
IMHO MGS2 and MGS3 are still great looking games, even up to today's standards, So I'm looking forward to what they look like in HD. That And I want to play Peace Walker and my PSP isn't working anymore